Free Time? What’s That? Taking Care of You

Whether you are a parent or a professional or both, it is essential that you recharge your own batteries. Throughout this book, I have stressed being “on” with your kids and not allowing their negative behaviors to go unnoticed. I also realize that you require downtime and grown-up time.

Making time for yourself while raising kids and/or working with kids can be a huge challenge. In fact, it may feel like likes an impossibility given your job, long commute, household chores, kids’ activities, busing the kids to and from, laundry, meal prep, shopping, cleaning—tired yet?

So where do you fit it eating right, exercising, socializing, alone time, reflection, fun, or just plain doing nothing?

Today, I want you to do some research; that means keep track of what you do and when you do it.

Notice the following things:


•  How many times you check your e-mail, your phone, social networking sites, and so on

•  Are distracted from what you are doing and not complete tasks, only to have to come back to it later and restart

•  How often you wing it without planning and create extra work for yourself

•  Your bedtime routines and your mealtime routines

Use the following worksheet to identify the daily activities that are time wasters.

After you do this fill in the activities you want to make time for.

All of this will save you precious time and create space for you to do nothing, or read a book, or put your feet up.


Activities that are time wasters:

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. _________________________________________

5. _________________________________________

Activities that I want to fit in:

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. _________________________________________

5. _________________________________________