An SAS Chronology
The SAS, then designated ‘L Detachment, SAS’, raised in North Africa by Lieutenant David Stirling.
SAS patrols raid Axis airfields and installations in the Western Desert, destroying over 250 aircraft on the ground. Stirling, now Lieut. Col., captured January 1943. A second SAS regiment is created by the founder’s brother, Bill, and a large waterborne element developed, known as the Special Boat Section.
1 SAS renamed Special Raiding Squadron (SRS) and placed under the command of Lieut. Col. Paddy Mayne. The Special Boat Section becomes the Special Boat Service. SRS raids in Sicily and Italy, 2 SAS fights in Italy.
SAS units, less SBS, formed into SAS Brigade under command of Brigadier R. W. McLeod.
SAS parachute into France before D-Day. SAS order of battle for D-Day:
HQ SAS Brigade
1st SAS Regt 2nd SAS Regt
3rd (French) SAS Regt 4th (French) SAS Regt
5th (Belgian) SAS Regt
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 SAS serve in France, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Germany.
SAS regiments disbanded. 3 and 4 SAS go to French Army, 5 SAS to Belgian Army.
21 SAS (Artists’ Rifles), a TA unit, raised in London.
Major J. M. Calvert raises Malayan Scouts (SAS) to fight the communists in Malaya.
Malayan Scouts redesignated 22 SAS.
Battle of the Jebel Akhdar, Oman.
Borneo Confrontation.
SAS deployed in Aden.
SAS personnel deployed in Northern Ireland.
Battle of Mirbat, Oman.
Balcombe Street siege, London.
SAS deployed in strength in Northern Ireland.
22 SAS lift Iranian Embassy siege, London.
The Falklands War.
Peterhead prison siege.
Operation Flavius results in the shooting dead of three suspected IRA terrorists, Gibraltar.
Death of David Stirling.
Gulf War.
Operation Tango, Bosnia.
SAS deployed to Serbia and Kosovo.
Operation Barras, Sierra Leone.
Iraq, including participation in ‘Task Force Black’ to remove insurgents from streets.