Chapter 18

“Interesting.” Helen Downing, midwife extraordinaire, well versed in other reproduction, tapped her lower lip with the bell end of her stethoscope. Benie was four months into her pregnancy now, and the midwife had insisted she get an ultrasound. Especially since her frequent bouts of fever when Trace and Ian weren’t near kept reoccurring. But getting an ultrasound meant Benie had to leave the safe house and go to the midwife’s office. It was the first time she’d been out in the world in two months. She’d jumped at the chance.

Helen the midwife had a round face with gray hair and gray eyes, which made her pale, nearly white skin almost pasty-looking. Needless to say, she gave Benie the jitters. It was hard to trust someone who didn’t register on the color scale. But Helen had been attentive and kind, and Benie felt a little bad for judging her based on appearance alone.

Ty Wasape and Eustan waited out in the hall at Gray’s insistence that they take extra security. As Benie’s pregnancy developed, he worried Garrick would grow desperate in his plan to get rid of her.

Benie suffered through the cold gel and the even colder roller ball Helen pressed into her stomach without even the hint of a sigh.

The midwife’s eyes narrowed at she looked at the screen just out of Benie’s view.

“Interesting,” Helen said.

Trace and Ian stood beside her, looking at the ultrasound picture as if it were some ancient text no one could decipher.

“Interesting?” Benie rubbed her slightly bulging tummy. The cold gel for the ultrasound was still tacky to the touch. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

The midwife blinked rapidly and worried her lower lip. “Not sure.”

“Is there something wrong with the baby?” As if cued, a fluttering movement tickled her abdomen.

Benie’s lovers said nothing, and there was more blinking from the midwife.

“Is there some kind of weird abnormality?” Benie groaned and closed her eyes. “Please don’t tell me it has two heads.” She was only partially joking. The way they were all looking worried her.


“Holy shit! I have a two-headed baby?”

“Not exactly.” The midwife pulled the ultrasound monitor into Benie’s line of sight. “You have a triple uterus.”

“A what?”

“Triple uterus. It’s like you have three uteruses in one. Sort of looks like a fleur de lis. But that’s not the unusual part…”

Irritated, Benie yanked her gown down and sat up. “Of course, having three wombs isn’t unusual enough. There has to be more.”

“I don’t know how to tell you this, but you have two fetuses.”

“Twins?” The room started spinning. “I feel sick.”

“Not twins. I’d say the fetus in the middle is about four months, while the one on the right is approximately two months.”

Covering her eyes, Benie lay back on the exam table. “This is not happening.”

“I recommend we terminate the younger fetus.”

“Well, I recommend you stop calling it a fetus.” Benie sat up again. Her balled fists clenched and unclenched. She narrowed her eyes at Helen. “It sounds like you’re talking about a pickled pig ready for dissection. Get the fuck out of here before I figure out the most efficient way to terminate your stupid ass.”

The midwife took several steps back, but didn’t leave the room. “But your majesty, terminating the second fet…baby may be the only way to make certain the heir conceived of the Triune will survive.”

Up until this point, Ian and Trace had been smart enough to keep their mouths shut, but now they were gaping. “Two kids?” Trace asked.

Ian leaned forward, examining the ultrasound picture again. “If the second isn’t part of the Triune, does that mean it has only one father?”

Trace and Benie both turned to stare at him.

“Either way, I think we should consider Helen’s recommendation.”

“Oh, shut up, Ian!” There was no way she’d do that. It might have been irrational, but Benie loved Ian and Trace, and she couldn’t imagine any circumstance where she’d willingly kill a little person they’d created together.

Waving his hand, Trace said, “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if you’re the father, or I am, I’m with Benie.”

A bad rendition of “Papa Don’t Preach” ran through Benie’s head as she channeled all her anger and determination into four little words. “I’m keeping my babies.” Then added, to make her point, “Both of them.”

The colorless midwife shuffled her feet. “As you wish, but I’m afraid your turns of fever will get worse.”

Benie put her hands on her hips. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with having two pregnancies?” Holy-fuck. Two babies!

Helen tapped her notes. Irritatingly, it reminded Benie of her Uncle Myron. “The Triune is not only nourished by the mother, but the father’s as well, and with two pregnancies, it’s going to be double duty. I’ve only seen this happen once before, and neither the mother nor the infants survived to full term.”

“You’ve got to be kidd…oh.” The baby…one of the babies, kicked. She assumed it was the older.

“I’m afraid the second child has put your system out of balance.”

“Oish. Okay, so Ian and Trace are fucking handcuffed to me. Is that what you’re saying?” That had been happening before everything went out of whack. “But I don’t understand why I’m getting so sick, especially when Trace and Ian are away from me for only short periods of time.”

“This is only speculation, but think of this imbalance as a pressure cooker. As the double pregnancy hormones are secreted in your system, it builds up and spills over into the rest of your body like steam in a sealed pot. Now, if that steam has nowhere to go, then the pot explodes.”

“Are you calling Trace and Ian release valves?”

The midwife blinked a whole bunch more. “I wouldn’t call them that, but apparently your children seem to think they are. It appears that the Triune, in an effort to protect herself from the hormone’s toxicity, is doing her level best to keep her fathers nearby as protection.”

Trace patted Benie’s stomach. “Smart girl.”

Benie swatted him away. “Stop that.”

He smiled. “Well, she is.”

Ian’s expression was more thoughtful, but he nodded his head in agreement.

Helen sighed heavily. “There’s another problem.”

“Of course there is.” Benie had just about had enough. “A father trying to kill me, three uteruses, two babies, overactive and apparently toxic pregnancy hormones…what’s one more problem?”

“It’s another reason for termination of the second…child. While proximity will relieve some of the toxicity, the stress will put a strain on the second pregnancy, which could cause a miscarriage, and in turn cause the Triune fet—” The midwife caught herself. “Infant to go into distress, and you could lose both. That’s what I was trying to tell you before.”

“Sort of sounds lose-lose.” Benie rubbed her eyes, suddenly tired, weary, and sad. Could she really terminate a pregnancy? On the other hand, how could she not? She wanted a second to breathe. “I need a minute alone.”

Helen placed a tentative pat on Benie’s shoulder. “Yes, of course. I’ll be out in the hall.”

Ian wrapped his arms around Benie first. Trace joined their tiny circle. “Whatever you decide…”

The air became thick and Benie felt claustrophobic. “Can you guys wait out in the hall too? I need a minute to gather myself. Then we’ll talk. Okay? We’ll make this decision together.”

They each kissed her, murmured comforting words, but in the end, Benie sat on the exam table in an unflattering hospital gown feeling utterly alone. Her breath quickened, and it felt harder to get air in. Stupid anxiety attack. She’d had them before.

She crossed the floor to one of the three windows covered by blue curtains and opened it. As she gulped in the fresh air, trying to catch her breath, she didn’t notice the shadow slipping into the room.

“Hello, daughter.”

Benie’s eyes widened as she pivoted around. Standing less than six inches from her was Garrick. He was wearing a sweater vest over a man’s blue dress shirt, buttoned tight from the collar to the cuffs, looking all Mr. Rogers meets Nightmare on Elm Street. The short, neatly cut gray hair and fashionable wire-framed glasses finished out the effect.

Before Benie could scream, his hand went over her mouth. She smelled the pungent aroma of a sweet honey. Her legs felt suddenly wobbly, and her mind fogged. A couple seconds more and she passed out cold.