Chapter 3



THESEUS AND Pirithous made quite a spectacle when they arrived at the gates of Athens the next afternoon. Many of the citizens came to gape at the odd parade of the two youths on horseback followed by a herd of white cattle.

They wound their way through the city before coming to the steps of the palace itself, wherein Theseus knew his father must have been told of their coming. He felt his palms grow sweaty.

“Are you all right?” Pirithous asked.

“Yes.” A half-truth. A host of guards lined up on the steps. The largest, clearly the captain, stepped forward.

“What is your business here?” he asked.

The captain was dressed as all the guards were: a bronze breastplate and skirt of leather strips, with bare arms and legs but for greaves and armguards of matching bronze. His face was obscured by a bronze helmet with a plume of black horsehair spouting from the top.

Theseus dismounted. “I am Theseus of Troezen, and this is Pirithous, son of Ixion. Together we recaptured the king’s cattle from the bandits who stole them, and we are here to return the king’s property to him.”

Theseus heard Pirithous chuckle almost silently at the mention of bandits.

The guard stepped closer. “And I suppose you want a reward as well, eh?”

Theseus tried not to wince at the horrid stench of the man’s breath. “I seek only an audience with the king. I desire no gold or other reward.”

The guard scowled under his helmet, then said, “Wait here.” He turned and spoke with two other guards, who disappeared through the doors of the palace. After a few minutes, they returned, nodding.

The captain of the guards motioned for two servants to take the cattle, then turned back to the youths. “The king will see you. Follow me.”

The young men did as they were told. Theseus marveled as he entered the palace and took in the high ceilings and large urns, the endless flowers and painted walls. In the world of his farm home, everything had been brown and green, but here the colors were endless: bright reds, dazzling blues, intoxicating violets. He could barely believe his eyes.

The guard brought them to a great set of doors and stopped. He turned to Theseus. “Give me your sword.”

Of course, Theseus realized, no one would be permitted in the king’s presence with a weapon. He thought of protesting, as he needed to show his father the sword, but he couldn’t very well make a scene now when he was so close. He removed his scabbard and handed it to the guard.

The guard pushed open the doors, and they all entered the great hall. The room was large and imposing, with a line of carpet that led to a row of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a platform on which sat a golden throne, and it was there that Theseus first laid eyes on his father.

Aegeus was a very plump man with a full white beard. His golden armor looked comical on him, as clearly it had been tailored to suit his oversized frame, and it caused him to sit uncomfortably straight on his throne. But there was nothing comical about the scowl on his face.

“You are the ones who returned my cattle,” he said. It was not a question.

The boys nodded.

“I was told one of you requested this audience,” the king went on.

“I did, my lord,” Theseus said.

“What is your name, boy?”

“Theseus, my lord.”

“Tell me, Theseus,” the king sneered. “How am I to know you didn’t merely steal the cattle yourself, so you could return them and collect a reward?”

“My lord, I desire no reward.”

“Hah!” Aegeus scoffed. “Of course you do. Everyone seeks my gold. Day and night, peasants and nobles alike are banging on my door, asking for handouts. Why should you be any different?”

“On my honor, my lord,” Theseus said. “I want no gold.”

Theseus was heartbroken. In his mind, he had pictured Aegeus as a strong and regal king, a mighty leader whose valiance in battle was matched only by his generosity. But the man who sat before him seemed little more than a fat old miser with a crown.

“I think you wanted a reward and now you’ve lost your nerve!” Aegeus spat. “Which means you’ve done nothing more than waste my time. Guards! Take these ingrates out to the square and have them flogged. That will teach them to steal.”

“Tell him, Theseus,” Pirithous said urgently.

“Tell me what?” Aegeus asked.

“I-I just….” Theseus stammered. “I just wished to meet you.”

“Congratulations, you’ve succeeded.” The king laughed spitefully. “And you’ll be flogged for your efforts.”

A host of guards had emerged and were stalking toward the two young men.

“Theseus! Tell him!” Pirithous cried again.

“You are not what I’d thought you’d be,” Theseus said quietly.

“Get them out of here!” Aegeus shouted.

A guard grabbed Pirithous and started dragging him to the door. Another clamped his arm down on Theseus’s wrist. Theseus didn’t fight back, but he stood his ground. The guard tugged and tugged, but could not move him once he had planted his feet. No man could, save perhaps the great Heracles.

“Almost nineteen years ago, in the city of Troezen, you took a maiden named Aethra as your lover!” he shouted.

Another guard seized Theseus, but still they could not budge him.

The king just stared at him. Theseus’s mother’s name had caught the man’s attention.

“You left her with child, and told her that when the baby came of age, he could come to you and be welcomed, provided—”

“He show proof,” Aegeus finished the sentence for him in barely a whisper. He then turned toward the guards, who were still pathetically struggling to move Theseus. “Stop,” he commanded.

They fell still.

“Can you not see it?” Theseus said. “Do you not recognize these?” He pointed to his sandals.

Aegeus walked toward Theseus, stopping a few yards away. He inspected the sandals from afar as if afraid to get too close, then slowly lifted his head to meet Theseus’s gaze. “The sword….”

Theseus turned toward the captain of the guard. To the man’s credit, he immediately spoke up. “I took this sword from him, my lord.” He handed the sword to Aegeus. The old king withdrew the sword from the scabbard and held it in his hand, his eyes closed as if reunited with a long-lost lover.

“All of you, leave this room, save Theseus,” the king said at last.

“Please let Pirithous stay,” Theseus said.

“As you wish.”

When the last guard had left, Aegeus crossed quickly to Theseus and took him in his arms in a crushing embrace. It was clear where Theseus’s strength had come from.

“My son,” Aegeus said. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“I’ve longed to see you my entire life,” Theseus said. “Father.”

Aegeus held his son at arm’s length, inspecting him. “I’m sorry for the less than welcoming reception. These are dark days in Athens for many reasons.”

“Tell me.”

“It can wait. You must be tired from your journey. I’ll send servants to prepare rooms with baths for you both.”

“One room and one bath is all that’s needed,” Theseus said, feeling a flush creep over his cheeks. He hoped his father would not notice.

Aegeus turned and looked from his son to Pirithous and back again. “Ah, I see,” he said, understanding in his eyes. “Very well, then. After you both bathe and rest, we’ll feast.”



SEVERAL HOURS later, Theseus sat at a grand table on Aegeus’s right side. On the other side sat Pirithous, and the two young men regaled the king with the story of how they met, omitting Pirithous’s role in the abduction of the cattle and tastefully skipping past their abundant play with each other’s body.

The king was fascinated by the tale of the centaurs’ attack and their nymph savior, and of course the young men, for propriety’s sake, left out the part about Daphnis’s sexual magic.

“Centaurs, so close to my kingdom,” the king said, shaking his head. “As though the world weren’t dangerous enough. Thank the gods that nymph was nearby, at least.”

“I’ll say,” Pirithous said, winking at Theseus.

“Father,” Theseus said, “you mentioned these are dark days for Athens. News of the big cities doesn’t often travel to places as remote as Troezen. What manner of perils does Athens face?”

Theseus saw Pirithous look away and suddenly remembered his friend had spoken ill of Aegeus when they first met. They had not mentioned the king since then, being distracted as they were by each other’s carnal delights. He wished he had asked Pirithous to elaborate before they reached Athens.

“Oh, Son, a kingdom as great as Athens will never know a shortage of enemies. But these are not tales to burden one so young as you. I grow weary from the excitement of the day, and so I shall retire. I’ll send a pleasure slave to tend to you both in your room. Do you prefer a girl slave or boy?”

“A boy,” Theseus and Pirithous said at the same time.

“A boy it will be, then,” the king said. “Until tomorrow, Son.” He kissed Theseus on both cheeks and left the room.

Theseus found he was tired as he and Pirithous made their way to their chamber, and though he wanted to take the opportunity to ask Pirithous about the troubles in Athens, he figured it could wait until morning. As soon as they entered their room, the young men immediately brought their mouths together, kissing delightedly.

“It will feel so nice to sleep with you in a real bed and not on the ground,” Pirithous said, drawing his tongue over Theseus’s neck, causing him to shiver with expectation.

Theseus traced his hand over the outline of Pirithous’s cock, which had formed quite a tent in his tunic. He slipped his hand under and began stroking, and Pirithous returned the favor.

There was then a knock on the door. “Ah, yes, the pleasure slave,” Pirithous said. “This should be fun.”

Theseus opened the door to find a large guard standing next to an achingly beautiful boy dressed in nothing but a white loincloth so long that it nearly hit the floor, but left the sides of his legs and buttocks exposed. Around the boy’s wrists and ankles were iron cuffs—the mark of a slave. His hair was cut very short, an inch long at most. It was another sign of his servile status, as short hair was much easier to keep clean and required no elaborate bathing. He was quite slender and pale, showing that he had been kept off the fields of labor, mostly inhabiting the indoors. Truly he was a pleasure slave, meant to be used as a source of carnal release for visiting dignitaries.

Theseus had heard of this practice in the village, and it had seemed titillating at the time. Now that he saw it up close, now that he could look into the eyes of just such a slave, it made him deeply uncomfortable.

The guard looked down at the bulges that had not yet subsided in his and Pirithous’s tunics, and he smiled a lascivious smile that made Theseus’s stomach turn. The guard roughly shoved the pleasure slave into the room.

“For you, Prince Theseus,” he said. “Our most popular.”

Then he took hold of the handle and closed the door.

Theseus turned to the pleasure slave, who kept his face unreadable and his eyes on the floor. The slave gave a slight bow and then removed his loincloth, letting it drop to the floor. “My lords,” he said, not looking up. “How do you want me?”

Theseus could see why he was popular among guests. He truly was lovely to behold, with long limbs and a pretty face. His emerald-green eyes were shaded by very long lashes, and his lips were full and pink. His slim torso led down to an enticing cock, and Theseus marveled at the fact that his pubic hair was shorn very close to his skin. He was beautiful in a boyish way, slender and nonmuscular. Uneasily, Theseus knew this last part was important because the slave did not look capable of fighting back if a visiting nobleman decided he wanted to play rough.

“What’s your name?” Theseus asked.

The slave looked confused. “My name, my lord?”

“Yes. Everyone has one.”

The slave hesitated. “Iphitrion, my lord. But you may call me what you wish.”

Pirithous approached him. “Iphitrion is a proud name,” he said. Theseus could tell his friend shared in his discomfort.

“How many years have you, Iphitrion?” Theseus asked.

“Eighteen, my lord.”

“The same as me. We would be equals, but for a simple twist of fate that neither of us could control.”

“I… I do not know how you wish me to respond, my lord.” Iphitrion looked at Theseus with wide eyes, as if worried he had misspoken.

“You mustn’t fear me,” Theseus said. “I do not mean to trap you.”

“Are you hungry?” Pirithous asked.

Iphitrion flicked his eyes over to a tray of fruit and cheeses that other servants had laid out for the boys earlier. It was a tiny gesture, over before it started, but one that betrayed clear want. That he went to such lengths to hide it worried Theseus greatly. What ramifications did the slave expect?

“I… was fed, my lord.”

“Ah, but nothing like this, eh?” Pirithous smiled. He grabbed a bunch of grapes and handed them to Iphitrion, who took them but did not eat.

“It’s all right,” Theseus said, nodding.

Iphitrion slowly put one of the grapes in his mouth. He struggled to keep his face neutral, though he clearly savored the taste.

“Iphitrion… sit with us,” Theseus said, and all three youths sat by the tray of food. “We don’t have to do anything on that bed.”

“My looks displease you, my lord?” Iphitrion asked, looking worried.

“No, just the opposite,” Theseus said.

“Your looks are extremely pleasing,” Pirithous added.

“But,” Theseus said, “I believe it’s wrong to force anyone to do something they don’t wish to do, particularly in regards to their own body.”

Iphitrion looked at them as if they had grown two extra heads each. “You would leave it up to me to choose if we fornicate?”

“We have each other to take pleasure in,” Pirithous said, “so it wouldn’t be too great of an inconvenience for us.” He winked at Theseus, who smiled.

“I… If I may, my lords.” Iphitrion stammered, then blushed.

“What?” Theseus said.

“I am always used by old, fat men—kings and dignitaries. It would be nice to… touch young bodies. Especially….” He blushed even more.

“Especially what?”

“Especially bodies as beautiful as yours.”

Pirithous and Theseus exchanged glances and smiled.

But then a thought occurred to Theseus.

“Have you not played with other slaves? Other young bodies, like you?” he asked.

“It is not permitted,” Iphitrion said. “Those of us caught taking any pleasure of our own are punished.”

Theseus shook his head angrily. “This is not right. When I am king, changes will be made.”

Iphitrion looked at him in wonder and smiled. Theseus reached for his hand; Iphitrion took it and stood. Theseus delicately leaned in and brushed his lips against Iphitrion’s, then gently parted his lips and allowed his tongue to enter. Iphitrion was an experienced kisser, clearly well practiced in the arts of pleasure.

Pirithous approached them and kissed Iphitrion, and Theseus marveled at the sight of two beautiful young men kissing. When they broke apart, Pirithous turned and kissed Theseus, and Theseus again reached for his companion’s cock. When he found it, Pirithous melted into his mouth even more.

Eventually all three glided toward the bed, and silently, Theseus and Pirithous communicated an agreement: tonight would be about maximizing Iphitrion’s pleasure. Pirithous unbelted Theseus’s tunic and removed it from him, freeing his aching erection, and then removed his own clothing, so that at last all three were naked.

Theseus cupped Iphitrion’s face and kissed him again. “Have you bathed since you last defecated?” he asked.

Iphitrion looked scandalized. “Of course, my lord. The master of slaves would never send me to you without being thoroughly cleaned, inside and out, and perfumed.”

“Excellent,” Theseus said. “I must confess I’m brand new to the world of carnal pleasure, though I’ve learned quite a bit since yesterday. And I’ve discovered one act so lovely, my life will never be the same. I’m eager to share this wisdom. Lie down on your stomach.”

Theseus noticed Iphitrion was hesitant as he lay down. No doubt he worried he would be quickly and roughly penetrated, as he must have been before.

“No need to be nervous,” Theseus said gently. “You’ll love this. And that’s a promise.”

He grazed his finger down the smooth line of Iphitrion’s back, then lowered his head and licked the space just above the split of Iphitrion’s buttocks. He then brought his tongue lower and was pleased as Iphitrion squirmed underneath him. Grasping the boy’s buttocks, he delicately moved the cheeks apart and slid his tongue between them, licking a circle around the pink hole. At this, Iphitrion began to moan and buck his hips.

Theseus pulled back for a moment. “Do you like that?”

“Yes!” Iphitrion gasped into the pillow.

Theseus exchanged a look with Pirithous, who stroked his cock as he watched. “I don’t think he wants you to stop.”

“More?” Theseus asked.

“Please, my lord!” Iphitrion rasped.

“If you insist.”

He plunged his tongue back into the cleft of Iphitrion’s buttocks and flicked it all over the boy’s hole.

Iphitrion moaned even louder and arched his back, pushing himself farther onto Theseus’s face.

“By the gods!” he cried in ecstasy.

Pirithous placed his hands on Iphitrion’s hips and guided him into a kneeling position as Theseus continued his attention to his hole. Pirithous then lay down and took Iphitrion’s cock into his mouth, so that the slave was being pleasured on both sides simultaneously. The sounds Iphitrion made were almost animalistic in their exuberance.

Pirithous detached his mouth from Iphitrion’s cock while still stroking it. “Do you prefer fucking or being fucked?” he asked with a wide smile on his lips.

“I’ve only ever been… fucked, my lord,” Iphitrion said between gasps of delight. “It’s not permitted for any man to penetrate a superior.”

“Right, of course. I’ve always hated that stupid rule. Well, then! This will be a night of new experiences for you.”

While Theseus continued his licking, Pirithous got up and retrieved his bottle of oil. After slicking his hole, he crawled on his hands and knees in front of Iphitrion with his ass facing the slave. Theseus picked up the bottle and poured some of its contents on Iphitrion’s cock, slathering it around.

Iphitrion shuddered under his grasp. “I’ve always wondered what this would feel like,” he said.

“So did I until yesterday,” Theseus replied. “It’s wonderful.”

Pirithous reached behind himself and took hold of Iphitrion’s cock, much as he had done with Theseus the day before. Theseus watched appreciatively as the boy’s cock slid slowly into Pirithous’s lovely ass. Pirithous exhaled slowly, drinking in the sensation.

“Theseus,” he said, “bring your cock over here.”

Theseus did as he was told, kneeling in front of Pirithous’s face. As Iphitrion moaned and pumped away, Pirithous grasped onto his friend’s cock and sucked it hungrily. Theseus ran his fingers through the soft strands of Pirithous’s hair.

Iphitrion did not last very long, so overwhelmed was he with the new sensations. When Theseus saw Iphitrion’s face begin to contort with orgasm, it pushed him to the brink and beyond as well. “I’m coming!” he cried.

Pirithous grasped onto Theseus’s buttocks with both hands, pushing him as far down his throat as possible, and he gulped down all of Theseus’s seed. Then Pirithous detached himself from both cocks and collapsed onto his back.

On seeing Pirithous’s hard cock pointing at the ceiling, Iphitrion happily leaped toward it, sucking mightily and pumping it with his fist until Pirithous released in his mouth.

The three young men fell into an exhausted pile on the large bed. They all kissed one another softly, their lust placated.

Iphitrion lay between Theseus and Pirithous, and for a moment he looked captured in bliss, flanked by such handsome boys who ran their hands all over his slim, nude body. He shuddered with the aftershocks of ecstasy, pressing himself against both of them. Then, suddenly, a look of great sorrow crossed his face like a shadow.

“Whatever is wrong?” Theseus asked, concerned.

“I… I apologize for my melancholy, my lord,” Iphitrion said. “I am unused to such gentleness when giving pleasure.”

“Have none of my father’s guests treated you kindly?”

“Only one, my lord. The thought of him is what saddens me.”

“Who was he?” Pirithous asked.

“An emissary from Egypt. Amares was his name.” Iphitrion’s eyes went unfocused as he spoke, clearly reliving a memory. “He was the kindest man I’ve ever met. And most tender. And the most generous, and most beautiful.”

Iphitrion’s eyes snapped back into focus with a look of fear. “That is to say, not more beautiful than you, my lords!”

Pirithous and Theseus laughed.

“No need to worry about offending us,” Pirithous said. “Tell us more about this paragon.”

“Amares stayed at the palace for seven days and seven nights. I was given to him on his first night, and he asked for me every night after. Most guests dismiss me after they’ve had their release, but he would keep me in his bed through the night and tell me of his homeland. He told me of the construction of a great pyramid that he oversaw to honor his king, whom they call Pharaoh. He would feed me the finest foods from his plate and give me the wine from his cup. On the seventh night, he told me he loved me, and that he would take me away from here.”

Iphitrion looked as though he might weep. Theseus caressed his face. “What happened then, Iphitrion?”

“Aegeus would not allow it. He said no payment was acceptable for the loss of his… his most popular pleasure slave. Amares begged and pleaded, but Aegeus would not be moved. As severance, the king allowed him one more hour with me. When we were alone, Amares tore his garments and wept. He told me he would spirit me out in secret, but I would not let him.”

“Why in the world not?” Pirithous asked.

“Aegeus would surely seek vengeance for such a brazen insult, and I would not allow my beloved Amares to put himself in harm’s way for me. And so I told him I would be brave, and he must as well. And now, whenever I am used roughly by the king’s guests, I think of Amares and his gentle touches, and I am all right.”

He looked down sadly. “Apologies, my lords. I speak far too much.”

“Your story breaks my heart, Iphitrion,” Theseus said.

“It’s not like it’s out of character for Aegeus,” Pirithous said. His voice was bitter.

Theseus looked at him and Pirithous flushed. “I’m sorry, Theseus, that just slipped out.”

“No, I want to know what kind of man my father really is,” Theseus said. “Tell me. It’s time.”

Iphitrion looked away, and Theseus knew he could not convince the slave to speak ill of his king. Iphitrion was too afraid of Aegeus.

But Pirithous, born free, was less timid.

“He overtaxes his people while he sits on a mountain of gold.” Pirithous waved his arm around as if the room itself in all its decadence would voice its agreement. “He has stifled education, and he uses bully tactics to silence his critics. And then, of course, there are the… tributes.”

When he spoke the word, it was as though a chill blew through both him and Iphitrion, so strongly did both boys shiver.

“What tributes?” Theseus asked.

Pirithous looked at him, mouth agape. “Surely even in Troezen you’ve heard of the tributes sent to King Minos of Crete.”

Theseus just shook his head. Iphitrion and Pirithous looked at each other.

Pirithous cleared his throat. “Ten years ago, Athens and the kingdom of Crete were at war, but Crete was too mighty an enemy for our city. The Cretan forces smashed through our walls and took us by force. Aegeus and King Minos finally settled on a treaty: that Crete would withdraw, provided Aegeus sends a tribute of seven youths and seven maidens to Crete every year.”

“What happens to the tributes?” Theseus asked, terrified of the answer.

“They’re… they’re food… for the horrible Beast of Crete, the Minotaur. Half man and half bull, they say he is, and eight or nine feet tall. The story goes that Zeus turned himself into a bull and seduced Minos’s wife, the queen. He left her with child, and the Beast of Crete is what came out of her. Minos was so furious that he put her to death and locked the Minotaur within a great labyrinth. They say that for fourteen nights, one by one, the tributes are sent into the Labyrinth to wander its many twists and turns, but each journey ends the same way.”

Theseus did not need him to elaborate. “How are these tributes chosen?”

“Most often they’re children of enemies of the king, or just people who have lost his favor. He bandies about the threat of choosing his tributes as freely as we say ‘good morning.’”

Theseus had heard enough. He jumped out of bed and furiously threw on his tunic.

As he belted it with a golden rope, Pirithous got up. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to have words with the man who calls himself my father,” Theseus spat. He threw the door open and stormed down the hall toward the king’s chambers.