ARTHUR GRIFFIN fell in love with mythology as a six-year-old when his mother, not able to find a sitter, took him to her art history class. They were studying Renaissance paintings of Greek and Roman legends, and he learned two things that day.

One, that there was a whole new world of thrilling stories and myths for him to explore and be enchanted by.

And two, a lot of people were naked back then!

Since then, he’s always enjoyed the steamier side of stories of the ancient world and is thrilled to be exploring them in his writing.

Arthur lives in Los Angeles with his boyfriend and two imaginary dogs. When he’s not writing fantastical tales of two (or more) dudes doing the bone dance, he enjoys hiking, karaoke, superhero comics, getting drinks in West Hollywood, going to the beach, going to the gym, going to the movies, and writing non-smutty screenplays. (But for the record, smut is WAY more fun.)

Contact him:

Twitter: @MrArthurGriffin
