Adult sleep
brain waves in, ♣
naps, ♣
stages of, ♣
waking body changes and, ♣
Albuterol, ♣
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), ♣
Alprazolam (Xanax®), ♣
Amphetamines, ♣
Apnea monitor, ♣
Apnea of prematurity (AOP), ♣
Apparent life-threatening event (ALTE), ♣, ♦
Autonomic nervous system, ♣
Baby’s room. See also Bassinets; Bed sharing; Cribs; Places to sleep
items to include in, ♣
night-lights in, ♣
preventing nasal congestion in, ♣
rocking chairs/gliders in, ♣, ♦
scent soothers in, ♣
soothers for, ♣
sound machines and CDs in, ♣
tips for setting up, ♣
Banging head and crib, ♣
co-sleepers, ♣
informal survey on sleep locations and, ♣, ♦, ♥
pros and cons, ♣
safety issues and comments, ♣
Beds. See Bassinets; Bed sharing;
Cribs; Places to sleep
Bed sharing
bed-crib safety controversy, ♣
biology of mother-baby closeness and, ♣
co-sleepers/sleeping and, ♣, ♦
extended, ♣
history of, ♣
how and when to stop, ♣
independence and, ♣
informal survey on sleep locations and, ♣
intimacy, sex life and, ♣
negatives and safety concerns, ♣, ♦
not working, ♣
parenting issues and, ♣
pediatricians and, ♣
positives, ♣
reasons to stop, ♣
reluctantly, sleep training and, ♣
safety checklist, ♣
sleep positioners and, ♣
transitioning out of, ♣. See also Sleep training
when not to do, ♣
Bed types. See Bassinets; Bed sharing; Cribs; Places to sleep
Bonding with baby, ♣, ♦, ♥. See also Closeness
Bottle-fed babies. See Formula and bottle feeding
of baby, compared to adult, ♣
sleep problems and development, ♣
of three-month-olds, ♣
in utero development, ♣
Brain (continued)
waves, stages of sleep and, ♣. See also Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
bedside sleepers and, ♣
bottle-fed baby sleep compared to, ♣
caffeine and, ♣
cribs and, ♣
on demand, instead of schedule, ♣
extinction method and, ♣
formula combined with, ♣
herbal teas and, ♣
milk components, ♣
at night. See Nighttime feedings
night feeding for four to six month old babies, ♣
nursing baby to sleep, ♣
pacifiers and, ♣
schedule/frequency, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ
in side-lying position, ♣
sleep differences compared to formula, ♣
sleeping through night and, ♣, ♦, ♥
smoking and, ♣
stimulants/sedatives and, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
storing breastmilk, ♣
vitamin D, sunlight exposure and, ♦
Brompheniramine (Dimetane®, Dimetapp®), ♣
Castor oil, ♣
CDs and sound machines, ♣
Charting day/night patterns, ♣
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®), ♣
Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton®), ♣
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine®), ♣
Circadian rhythms, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
Citalopram (Celexa®), ♣
Clemastone (Tavist®), ♣
Cluster feeding and fussing, ♣, ♦, ♥
Codeine, ♣
allergies to cow’s milk and, ♣
benign long-term effects of, ♣
cause unknown, ♣
comforting strategies, ♣
defined, ♣
eliminating dietary causes of, ♣
finding cause of, ♣
gastroesophageal connection, ♣
getting support, ♣
gut flora and, ♣
important points to remember, ♣
overview of, ♣
parenting style and, ♣
physiological effects of, ♣
questions and answers, ♣
screaming-baby emergency plan, ♣
sleep cycles and, ♣
soy-milk-based products and, ♣
taking breather from, ♣
untreatability of, ♣
what we know about, ♣
Comforting strategies, ♣. See also Handling baby
Congestion, preventing, ♣
Co-sleeping, ♣
Cow’s milk, allergies to, ♣
Cradles, ♣
banging, ♣
bed-crib safety controversy, ♣
breastfeeding and, ♣
climbing out of, ♣
informal survey on sleep locations and, ♣
mattress support, ♣
moving to bed from, ♣
organic mattresses and bedding, ♣
picking, ♣
playtime, sleep time and, ♣
pros and cons of, ♣
resources, ♣
safety issues and comments, ♦
safety shopping checklist, ♣
safety tips, ♣
sheets and mattress pads, ♣
shopping checklist, ♣
taking time to buy, ♣
used, safety tips, ♣
Crying. See also Colic
action plan for older babies, ♣
cluster feeding and fussing, ♣, ♦, ♥
comforting strategies, ♣
constant and shrill, ♣
finding cause of, ♣
handling strategies by personality type, ♣
illness symptoms and, ♣
inconsolable, ♣
naps and. See Naps (baby)
screaming-baby emergency plan, ♣
six-week peak of, ♣
types to report to doctor, ♣
uncovering reasons for sleeplessness and, ♣
weak and whiny, ♣
Crying it out. See Extinction method (crying it out)
Deep sleep
adults in, ♣
babies waking abruptly from, ♣
brain waves in, ♣
defined, ♣
infants in, ♣
lights affecting, ♣
SIDS and, ♣
in utero, ♣
Delaying tactics, ♣
Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine®, Adderall®), ♣
Diazepam (Valium®), ♣
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), ♣, ♦
family bed and, ♣
not responding to your needs, ♣
reporting crying to, ♣
sharing worries with, ♣
testing factors contributing to your fatigue, ♣, ♦
Doxepin (Adapin®, Sinequan®, Zonalon®), ♣
Doxylamine succinate (Unisom® Nighttime), ♣
Dreams. See also Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
adult compared to baby, ♣
bad, night terrors and, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
importance of, ♣
Drowsy but awake state, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
Drugs. See Medications; specific medications
Early-morning risers, ♣
Exercise, importance of, ♣, ♦. See also Tummy time
Exhaustion. See Sleep deprivation (adult)
Extinction method (crying it out), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
Family upheavals, ♣
Feeding baby. See also Breastfeeding; Formula and bottle feeding
big differences between breast and bottle, ♣
breastfeeding, ♣
on demand, instead of schedule, ♣
importance of sleep cycle, ♣
newborns, ♣
at night, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇
questions and answers, ♣
Ferberizing. See Extinction method (crying it out)
Fetus. See also Pregnancy
activity stages, ♣
Fluoxetine (Prozac®), ♣
Formula and bottle feeding
allergies to cow’s milk and, ♣
breastfeeding compared to, ♣
controlling formula and air intake, ♣
on demand, instead of schedule, ♣
extinction method and, ♣
neurological changes from, ♣
at night. See Nighttime feedings
night feeding for four to six month old babies, ♣
schedule/frequency, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
sleep differences compared to breastfeeding, ♣
solids and, ♣
soy-based formulas, ♣
storing breastmilk and, ♣
vitamin D, sunlight exposure and, ♦
Four-Month Sleep Shift, ♣
Furniture, buying, ♣, ♦. See also Places to sleep; specific
bed types
Graduated extinction, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
Hallucinogens, ♣
Hammocks or motion beds, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡
Handling baby, ♣
Head and crib banging, ♣
Herbal teas, ♣
Hormone activity. See also Melatonin
growth hormone, ♣
increase in, at three months, ♣
of newborns vs. older babies and adults, ♣
sleep/wake cycle and, ♣
soy-milk-based products and, ♣
stress hormones and crying, ♣, ♦
Hydrocodone (Vicodin®), ♣
Hypnagogic hallucinations, ♣, ♦
Light sleep
adults in, ♣
brain waves in, ♣
defined, ♣
in utero, ♣
Mattresses. See Bassinets; Bed sharing; Cribs; Places to sleep
Medications. See also specific medications
affecting baby sleep, ♣
potential sedatives, ♣
potential stimulants, ♣
colic and, ♣
defined, ♣
keeping room dark and, ♣
optimizing production of, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
production cycles, ♣
as “sleep” hormone, ♣
supplements, ♣
Methamphetamines, ♣
Methylphenidate (Ritalin®), ♣
Momsomnia, ♣. See also Sleep deprivation (adult)
Mother-baby night closeness, ♣
Motion beds. See Hammocks or motion beds
Naps (baby)
Four-Month Sleep Shift, ♣
holding baby for, ♣
locations for, ♣
monitoring length of, ♣. See also Charting day/night patterns
signs of tiredness, ♣
toddlers, ♣
Narcolepsy, ♣
Nefazodone HCL (Serzone®), ♣
brain of, compared to adult, ♣
daily feedings, ♣, ♦. See also Breastfeeding; Feeding baby; Formula and bottle feeding
drowsy but awake, ♣
sleep characteristics, ♣
swaddling to calm, ♣
what happens during sleep, ♣
Night-lights, ♣
Nighttime feedings, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇
Nighttime put-down, ♣
Nine to twelve months, ♣
average sleep patterns, ♣
climbing out of crib, ♣
developmental overview, ♣
head and crib banging, ♣
pulling up, ♣
questions and answers, ♣
waking in middle of night, ♣
Nocturnal enuresis, ♣. See also Bed-wetting
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, ♣, ♦
Nursery. See Baby’s room; Bassinets; Bed sharing; Cribs; Places to sleep
Nursing. See Breastfeeding
Organic mattresses and bedding, ♣
Parents’ bed. See Bed sharing
Personality type, handling strategies by, ♣
Petrochemical, ♣
Physiological changes during sleep, ♣. See also Brain
Places to sleep. See also Bassinets; Bed sharing; Cribs
buying baby furniture and, ♣
chart of, by bed type, ♣
cradles, ♣
hammocks or motion beds, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡
informal survey on, ♣
moving to bed, ♣
overview of, ♣
safety issues by bed type, ♣
Portable play yards, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
Positive routines and faded bedtime, ♣, ♦, ♥
PPD (post-partum depression), ♣
PPF (post-partum fatigue), ♣, ♦. See also Sleep deprivation (adult)
baby’s activity stages during, ♣
baby’s sleep patterns during, ♣, ♦
planning ahead during, ♣
resting during, ♣
apnea in, ♣
rocking chairs and weight gain, ♣
sedating drugs and, ♣
SIDS and, ♣
sleep cycles, ♣
sleep hormone development, ♣
wake cycles, ♣
Procedural memory, ♣
Pulling up, ♣
drowsy but awake, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
nighttime, ♣
Questions and answers, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
babies in, ♣
defined, ♣
excessive crying and, ♣
as paradoxical sleep, ♣
physiology of, ♣
procedural memory and, ♣
smoking affecting, ♣
Resources, ♣
Roaming toddlers, ♣
Routines. See Sleep schedules; Sleep training
Scent soothers, ♣
Separation anxiety, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
Shopping for baby beds/cribs, ♣, ♦
Signs of tiredness, ♣
Six to nine months
routines for. See Sleep training sleep patterns, ♣
Sleep cycles (adult), ♣
Sleep cycles/patterns (baby). See also specific age groups
charting day/night patterns, ♣
circadian rhythms and, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
Four-Month Sleep Shift, ♣
ignoring “shoulds,” ♣
nine to twelve months, ♣
physiological changes during sleep, ♣
signs of tiredness and, ♣
six to nine months, ♣. See also Sleep training
toddlers, ♣
twelve-week-olds, ♣
varying, colicky babies and, ♣
wake cycles and, ♣
Sleep deprivation (adult), ♣, ♦
don’ts, ♣
effects of, ♣
momsomnia and, ♣
pervasiveness of, ♣
power napping and, ♣
PPD (post-partum depression) and, ♣
PPF (post-partum fatigue) and, ♣, ♦
testing factors contributing to fatigue, ♣, ♦
Sleep deprivation (baby)
becoming increasingly hyper, ♣
developmental problems and, ♣
extinction method and, ♣
SIDS and, ♣
Sleep hormones. See Hormone activity; Melatonin
Sleep positioners, ♣
Sleep schedules. See also Sleep training; specific age groups
developing daily routine, ♣
first four months, ♣
Four-Month Sleep Shift, ♣
nap routines, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠. See also Naps (baby)
nighttime put-down, ♣
nighttime routine derailers, ♣
signs of tiredness and, ♣
toddlers, ♣
too much sleep and, ♣
Sleep training
best advice for, ♣
compromising for effective training, ♣
defined, ♣
extended bed sharing, ♣
extinction method (crying it out), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
graduated extinction, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
overview of, ♣
and parent education, ♣
positive routines and faded bedtime, ♣, ♦, ♥
questions and answers, ♣
time to start, ♣
too much sleep and, ♣
Sound machines and CDs, ♣
Stages of sleep, ♣. See also Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Stimulants, ♣, ♦, ♥. See also specific stimulants
colic and digestive issues, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
sleeping on, SIDS and, ♣
Storing breastmilk, ♣
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ♣
age of baby and, ♣
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and, ♣
baby monitors and, ♣
bassinets and, ♣
bedside sleepers and, ♣
breastfeeding and, ♣
couches, armchairs and, ♣
crying to sleep and, ♣
day care and, ♣
Sudden infant death syndrome (continued)
deep sleep in morning and, ♣
defined, ♣
ethnic origin and, ♣
factors that may contribute to, ♣
facts about, ♣
flu season and, ♣
gender and, ♣
health factors and, ♣
low birthweight and, ♣
prematurity and, ♣
preventing, ♣
protecting baby from, ♣
resources, ♣
separate sleeping quarters and, ♣
sleep deprivation and, ♣
sleep position and, ♣
sleep training and, ♣
stomach-down sleeping and, ♣
teen pregnancy and, ♣
tobacco smoke and, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
typical risk factors, ♣
Sunlight exposure, ♣
Three to four months
brain development and needs, ♣
charting day/night patterns, ♣
developing daily routine, ♣. See also Sleep schedules
feeding and sleep (breastfeeding vs. bottle), ♣
handling strategies by personality type, ♣
nap routines, ♣
nighttime put-down, ♣
questions and answers, ♣
tummy time practice, ♣
Toddlers. See also Nine to twelve months
bad dreams/night terrors, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
challenge of, ♣
delaying tactics, ♣
early-morning risers, ♣
exercise for, ♣
family upheavals and, ♣
getting support with, ♣
moving from crib to bed, ♣
nap routines, ♣
not staying asleep, ♣
roaming (containing and protecting), ♣
sleep patterns, ♣
stabilizing sleep of, ♣
tips for bedtime, ♣
traveling and sleep problems, ♣
Toy basket, ♣
to avoid, ♣
dangerous, ♣
early-morning risers and, ♣
for tummy time, ♣
Traditional advice (“shoulds”), ♣
Traveling, sleep problems and, ♣, ♦, ♥
Twelve months and beyond. See Toddlers
Uniquenesses of babies, ♣
Vitamin D, ♦
Vocalizations, ♣. See also Crying
Wake cycles, ♣. See also Circadian rhythms
Wetting bed. See Bed-wetting