22 A. Shukitt Hale et al., “Effects of Concord grape juice on cognitive and motor deficits in aging,” Nutrition, March 2006; 22(3):295 –302.
23 F. C. Lau, B. Shukitt Hale, and J. A. Joseph, “The beneficial effects of fruit polyphenols on brain aging.” Neurobiology of Aging, December 2005; 26 Suppl 1:128 –32.
24 W. Yi et al., “Phenolic compounds from blueberries can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and induce apoptosis,” Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2005 September 7; 53(18):7320 –29.
25 S. R. McAnulty et al., “Effect of daily fruit ingestion on angiotensin converting enzyme activity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress in chronic smokers,” Free Radical Research, 2005 November; 39(11):1241 –48.
26 G. D. Stoner et al., “Protection against esophageal cancer in rodents with lyophilized berries: potential mechanisms,” Nutrition and Cancer, 2006; 54(1):33 –46.
27 K. A. Rodrigo et al., “Suppression of the tumorigenic phenotype in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells by an ethanol extract derived from freeze-dried black berries,” Nutrition and Cancer, 2006; 54(1):58 –68.
28 L. J. Nohynek et al., “Berry phenolics: antimicrobial properties and mechanisms of action against severe human pathogens,” Nutrition and Cancer, 2006; 54(1):18 –32.
29 Ibid.
30 T. Pajk et al., “Efficiency of apples, strawberries, and tomatoes for reduction of oxidative stress in pigs as a model for humans,” Nutrition, 2006 April; 22(4):376 –84.
31 A. Naemura et al., “Antithrombotic effect of strawberries,” Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, October 2005; 16(7):501 –9.
32 A. Malik and H. Mukhtar, “Prostate cancer prevention through pomegranate fruit,” Cell Cycle, 2006 February; 5(4):371 –73.
33 L. S. Adams et al., “Pomegranate juice, total pomegranate ellagitannins, and punicalagin suppress inflammatory cell signaling in colon cancer cells,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, February 8, 2006; 54(3):980 –85.
34 F. Visioli and C. Galli, “Oleuropein Protects Low Density Lipoprotein From Oxidation,” Life Sciences, 1994, 1965 –71.
35 Rex Russell, M.D., What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, 134.
36 N. H. Aziz et al., “Comparative Antibacterial and Antifungal Effects of Some Phenolic Compounds,” Microbios, 1998, 43 –54; Biology, June 1998, 981 –87.
37 H. S. Tranter, S. C. Tassou, G33 Nychas, K. Koutsoumanis, et al., “Modelling the Effectiveness of a Natural Antimicrobial on Salmonella Enteritidis,” Journal of Applied Microbiology; “The Effect of the Olive Phenolic Compound, Oleuropein, on the Growth of Enterotoxin B Production by Staphyloccus Aureus,” Journal of Applied Microbiology, March 1993, 253 –59; J. W. Austin et al., “Growth and Toxin Production by Clostridium Botulinum,” Journal of Good Protection, March 1998, 324 –28.
38 H. K. Hamdi and R. Castellon, “Oleuropein, a nontoxic olive iridoid, is an antitumor agent and cytoskeleton disruptor,” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, September 2, 2005; 334(3):769 –78.
39 R. Fabiani et al., “Virgin olive oil phenols inhibit proliferation of human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL60) by inducing apoptosis and differentiation,” Journal of Nutrition, March 2006; 136(3):614 –19.
40 M. I. Covas et al., “Postpriandial LDL phenolic content and LDL oxidation are modulated by olive oil phenolic compounds in humans,” Free Radical Biology and Medicine, February 15, 2006; 40(4):608 –16.
41 S. Salvini et al., “Daily consumption of a highphenol extravirgin olive oil reduces oxidative DNA damage in postmenopausal women,” British Journal of Nutrition, April 2006; 95(4):742 –51.
42 Smith, When Your Hormones Go Haywire, 211.
43 43. Kathleen O’Bannon Baldinger, “Olive Leaf Extract: Ancient Solution to Modern Ailments,” Nature’s Impact, December/January 1999.
1 Kathleen O’Bannon Baldinger, The World’s Oldest Health Plan, 166.
2 L. H. Kushi, E. B. Lenart, W. C. Willett, “Health Implications of Mediterranean Diets in Light of Contemporary Knowledge,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 1995, 1407S –1415S.
3 Don Colbert, M.D., What Would Jesus Eat? 202.
4 George Schwartz, Food Power, 96.
5 Strehlow Wighard, Hildegard of Bingen’s Medicine, 32.
6 Jean Carper, Food Your Miracle Medicine, 18.
7 A. M. Albertson, R. C. Tobelmann, L. Marquart, “Estimated Dietary Calcium Intake and Food Sources,” Journal of Adolescent Health, January 1997, 20 –26.
8 Pamela Smith, R.D., When Your Hormones Go Haywire, 111.
9 Jim Shriner, Eternally Fit, 28.
10 L. K. Massey and S. A. Kynast Gales,“Substituting Milk for Apple Juice Does Not Increase Kidney Stone Risk,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association, March 1998,303 –8.
11 Joe S. McIlhaney, M.D., 1001 Health Care Questions Women Ask, 310.
12 F. F. Rubaltelli et al., “Intestinal Flora in Breast and Bottle Fed Infants,” Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 1998, 186 –91.
13 M. Olivares et al., “Antimocrobial potential of four Lactobacillus strains isolated from breast milk,” Journal of Applied Microbiology, July 2006; 101(1):72 –79.
14 Murray Michael, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, 157.
15 Erasmus Udo, The Complete Guide to Fats and Oils in Health and Nutrition, 218.
16 J. G. Barone et al., “Breastfeeding during infancy may protect against bed-wetting during childhood,” Peadiatrics, July 2006; 118(1):254 –59.
17 U. Birberg Thornberg et al., “Nutrition and theory of mind: The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the development of theory of mind,” Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, May 31, 2006.
18 Rex Russell, M.D., What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, 216.
19 Leonid Ber and Karolyn Gazella, Activate Your Immune System, 41.
20 Rona Zoltan, The Colostrum Option: All the Natural Anti-Aging Growth Hormones and Immune Enhancers Provided by Mother Nature! 3.
21 Y. Yamada, S. Saito, H. Morikawa, “Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Human Breast Milk,” American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, August 1998, 112 –20.
22 Maureen Salaman, The Diet Bible: The Bible for Dieters, 228.
23 G. Schaafsma et al., “Effects of Milk Products, Fermented by Lactobacillus Acidophilus,” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 1998, 436 –40.
24 E. Shalev et al., “Ingestion Of Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus Acidophilus,”Archives of Family Medicine, November/December 1996, 593 –96.
25 Pamela Smith, Healthy Expectations, 87.
26 Shriner, Eternally Fit, 39.
27 A. S. Yalcin, “Emergin therapeutic potential of whey proteins and peptides.” Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2006; 12(13):1637 –43.
28 P. W. Parodi, “Dairy product consumption and the risk of breast cancer,” Journal of the American College of Nutrition, December 2005; 24(6 Supplement):556S –68S.
29 Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, Are You Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired? 86.
1 Kathleen O’Bannon Baldinger, The World’s Oldest Health Plan, 281.
2 Kenneth Barker, ed., The NIV Study Bible,1602.
3 Jordan Rubin, The Maker’s Diet, 145.
4 4. Kenneth Cooper, M.D., Advanced Nutritional Therapies, 167.
5 J. A. Nettleton and R. Katz, “n3 longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids in type 2 diabetes: a review,” Journal of the American Dietetics Association, March 2005; 105(3):428 –40.
6 B. Miljanovic et al., “Relation between dietary n3 and n6 fatty acids and clinically diagnosed dry eye syndrome in women,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 2005; 82(4):887 –93.
7 B. A. Watkins, Y. Li, and M. F. Seifert, “Dietary ratio of n6/n3 PUFAs and docosahexaenoic acid: actions on bone mineral and serum biomarkers in ovariectomized rats,” Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, April 2006; 17(4):282 –89.
8 J. Dry and D. Vincent, “Effect of fish oil diet on asthma,” International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology, 1991, 156 –57.
9 P. C. Calder, “Immunoregulatory and Inti-Inflammatory Effects of N3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,” Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, April 1998, 467 –90.
10 Julian Whitaker, M.D., The Pain Relief Breakthrough, 153.
11 G. Hansen et al., “Nutritional Status of Danish Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Effects of a Diet Adjusted in Energy Intake, Fish Content, and Antioxidants,” Ugeskrift for Laeger, May 18, 1998, 3074 –78.
12 Dry and Vincent, “Effect of fish oil diet on asthma,” 156 –57.
13 T. Bjorkkjaer et al., “Short-term duodenal seal oil administration normalized n6 to n3 fatty acid ratio in rectal mucosa and ameliorated bodily pain in patients with inflammatory bowel disease,” Lipids in Health and Disease, March 20, 2006; 5:6.
14 J. C. Maroon and J. W. Bost, “Omega3 fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain,” Surgical Neurology, April 2006; 65(4):326 –31.
15 W. Matsuyama et al., “Effects of omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on inflammatory markers in COPD,” Chest, December 2005; 128(6):3817 –27.
16 A. M. Issa et al., “The effect of omega3 fatty acids on cognitive function in aging and dementia: a systematic review,” Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 2006; 21(2):88 –96.
17 R. Uauy and A. D. Dangour, “Nutrition and brain development and aging: role of essential fatty acids,” Nutrition Review, 2006 May; 64(5 Pt 2):S24 –33.
18 A. J. Richardson, “Omega3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders,” International Review of Psychiatry, April 2006; 18(2):155 –72.
19 J. M. Bourre, “Dietary omega3 fatty acids and psychiatry: mood, behaviour, stress, depression, dementia, and aging,” The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 2005; 9(1):31 –38.
20 H. Nemets et al., “Omega3 treatment of childhood depression: a controlled, double-blind pilot study,” American Journal of Psychiatry, June 2006; 163(6):1098 –1100.
21 Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., Advanced Nutritional Therapies, 220.
22 N. F. Sheard, “Fish Consumption and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death,” Nutrition Reviews, June 1998, 177 –79; K. Landmark, “Fish, Fish Oils, Arrhythmias and Sudden Death,” Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening, June 1998, 2328 –81.
23 D. Q. Bao et al., “Effects of Dietary Fish and Weight Reduction on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Overweight Hypertensives,” Hypertension, 710 –17.
24 D. R. Morgan et al., “Effects of dietary omega3 fatty acid supplementation on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with chronic heart failure,” American Journal of Cardiology, February 15, 2006; 97(4):547 –51.
25 I. Romieu et al., “Omega3 fatty acid prevents heart rate variability reductions associated with particulate matter,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, December 15, 2005; 172(12):1534 –40.
1 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 87.
2 T. Negishi, H. Rai, H. Hayatsu, “Antigenotoxic Activity Of Natural Chlorophylls,” Mutation Research, May 1997, 97 –100.
3 U. Harttig and G. S. Bailey, “Chemoprotection by Natural Chlorophylls in Vivo,” Carcinogenesis, July 1998, 1323 –26.
4 James F. Balch and A. Phyllis, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 75.
5 Don Colbert, M.D., What Would Jesus Eat? 107.
6 James B. Balch and A. Phyllis, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 69.
7 Y. Omura et al., “Significant Mercury Deposits in Internal Organs Following the Removal of Dental Amalgam,” Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research, April 1996, 133 –60.
8 Francisco Contreras, M.D., Health in the 21st Century, 273.
9 Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 54, 58.
10 K. Tanaka et al., “Oral Administration of a Unicellular Green Algae, Chlorella Vulgaris, Prevents Stress-Induced Ulcer,” Planta Medica, October 1997, 465 –66.
11 K. Noda et al., “A Water-Soluble Antitumor Glycoprotein from Chlorella Vulgaris,” Planta Medica, October 1996, 423 –26.
12 H. M. Kim et al., “Inhibitory Effect of Mast Cell-Mediated Immediate-Type Allergic Reactions in Rats by Spirulina,” Biochamical Pharmacology, April 1998, 1071 –76.
13 B. A. Buletsa et al., “The Prevalence, Structure and Clinical Problems of Multiple Sclerosis,” Likarska Sprava, October/December 1996, 163 –65.
14 Kathleen O’Bannon Baldinger, The World’s Oldest Health Plan, 1994, 160.
15 Joseph Dommers Vehling, ed. and trans., Apicius, Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome, (New York, Dover Publications,) 1977.
16 Colbert, What Would Jesus Eat? 97.
17 J. M. Seddon et al., “Dietary Carotenoids,Vitamins A, C, E, and Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration,” Journal of the American Medical Association, November 9,1994, 1413 –20.
18 J. M. Seddon et al., “A Prospective Study of Cigarette Smoking and Age-Related Macular-Degeneration in Women,” Journal of the American Medical Association, October 9,1996, 1141 –46.
19 Colbert, What Would Jesus Eat? 96.
20 E. Jennings, “Folic Acid as a Cancer-Preventing Agent,” Medical Hypotheses, September 1995, 297 –303.
21 T. K. Eskes, “Open or Closed? A World of Difference: A History of Homocysteine Research,” Nutrition Reviews, August 1998,236 –44.
1 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 29.
2 L. H. Kushi, E. B. Lenart, W. C. Willett, “Health Implications of Mediterranean Diets in Light of Contemporary Knowledge,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 1995, 1416s –1427s.
3 Julian Whitaker, M.D., The Pain Relief Breakthrough, 153.
4 Maureen Salaman, The Diet Bible: The Bible for Dieters, 57.
5 Jim Shriner, Eternally Fit, 29.
6 D. M. DeMarini, “Dietary Interventions of Human Carcinogenesis,” Mutation Research, May 1998, 457 –65.
7 Salaman, The Diet Bible, 59.
8 Ibid., 63.
1 Nigel F. Hepper, Baker Encyclopedia of Bible Plants, 118.
2 Don Colbert, M.D., What Would Jesus Eat? 159.
3 3. Joyce Meyer, Look Great, Feel Great, 37.
4 D. J. Chisholm, L. V. Campbell, and E. W. Kraegen, “Pathogenesis of the Insulin Resistance Syndrome (Syndrome X),” Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, September 1997, 782 –84.
5 R. J. Barnard et al., “Diet-Induced Insulin-Resistance Precedes Other Aspects of the Metabolic Syndrome,” Journal of Applied Physiology, April 1998, 1311 –15.
6 J. Yip, F. S. Facchini, G. M. Reaven, “Resistance to Insulin-Mediated Glucose Disposal as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, August 1998, 2773 –76.
7 G. M. Baillie et al., “Insulin and Coronary Artery Disease,” Annals of Pharmacotherapy, February 1998, 233 –47.
8 D. S. Hardin et al., “Treatment of Childhood Syndrome X,” Pediatrics, August 1997, E5.
9 Reginald Cherry, M.D., The Bible Cure, 106.
10 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 54, 60.
11 F. P. Cappuccio et al., “Double Blind Randomised Trial of Modest Salt Restriction in Older People,” Lancet, September 1997, 850 –54.
12 Pamela Smith, When Your Hormones Go Haywire, 200.
13 Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., Advanced Nutritional Therapies, 324.
14 N. Fuenmayor et al., “Salt Sensitivity Is Associated with Insulin Resistance in Essential Hypertension,” American Journal of Hypertension, April 1998, 397 –402.
15 Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 45.
16 Colbert, What Would Jesus Eat? 143.
17 C. C. Cook, “B Vitamin Deficiency and Neuropsychiatric Syndromes in Alcohol Misuse,” Alcohol and Alcoholism, July 1998,317 –36.
1 Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, Are You Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired? 77.
2 Anne E. and J. David Frä hm, Healthy Habits, 46.
3 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 33.
4 Ibid. 33.
5 S. I. McMillen, M.D., None of These Diseases, 25.
6 “Food Safety in the Kitchen: A ‘ HACCP’Approach,” Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Consumer Education, and Information booklet.
7 McMillen, None of These Diseases, 23.
8 Ibid., 15.
9 S. W. Huang and J. W. Kimborough, “Mold Allergy Is a Risk Factor for Persistent Cold-Like Symptoms in Children,” Clinical Pediatrics, December 1997, 695 –99.
10 M. Halonen et al., “Alternaria as a Major Allergen for Asthma in Children Raised in a Desert Environment,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, April1997, 1356 –61.
11 C. S. Li, C. W. Hsu, and M. L. Tai, “Indoor Pollution and Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms Among Workers in Day-Care Centers,” Archives of Environmental Health,May–June 1997, 200–207.
12 Francisco Contreras, M.D., Health in the 21st Century, 86.
13 F. Fung, R. Clark, and S. Williams, “Stachybotrys, a Mycotoxin-Producing Fungus of Increasing Toxicologic Importance,” Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, 1998, 79 –86.
14 M. C. Yin and W. S. Cheung, “Inhibition of Aspergillus Niger and Aspergillus Flavus by Some Herbs and Spices,” Journal of Food Protection, January 1998, 123 –25.
1 Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, Live Like You’re Blessed, 119.
2 Ibid., 129.
3 D. R. Blumenthal, J. Neeman, and C. M. Murphy, “Lifetime Exposure to Interparental Physical and Verbal Aggression and Symptom Expression in College Students,” Violence and Victims, 1998, 175 –96.
4 W. R. Beardslee, E. M. Versage, and T. R. Gladstone, “Children of Affectively Ill Parents: A Review of the Past 10 Years,” Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, November 1998, 1134 –41.
5 Y. Miyake et al., “Dietary folate and vitamins B (12), B (6), and B (2) intake and the risk of postpartum depression in Japan: The Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study,” Journal of Affective Disorder, June 29, 2006.
6 P. J. Lustman and R. E. Clouse, “Depression in diabetic patients: the relationship between mood and glycemic control,” Journal of Diabetes Complications, March–April 2005; 19(2):113 –22.
7 C. R. Markus et al., “Does Carbohydrate-Rich, Protein-Poor Food Prevent a Deterioration of Mood and Cognitive Performance of Stress Prone Subjects When Subjected to a Stressful Task?,” Appetite, August 1998, 49 –65.
8 R. Edwards, M. Peet, J. Shay, and D. Horrobin, “Omega3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels in the Diet and in Red Blood Cell Membranes of Depressed Patients,” Journal of Affective Disorders, March 1998, 149 –55.
9 Jim Shriner, Eternally Fit, 25 –26.
10 W. David Hager, M.D., and Linda Carruth Hager, Stress and the Woman’s Body, 207.
11 A. S. Wells et al., “Alterations in Mood After Changing to a Low-Fat Diet,” British Journal of Nutrition, January 1998, 23 –30.
12 John Diamond, M.D., Your Body Doesn’t Lie159 –67.
13 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 159.
14 Rita Bennett, How to Pray for Inner Healing, 77.
15 N. Grisaru et al., “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Mania,” American Journal of Psychiatry, November 1998, 1608 –10.
16 Julian Whitaker, M.D., The Pain Relief Breakthrough, 68.
1 T. D. Jakes, Lay Aside the Weight, 68.
2 Joseph Mercola, M.D., Mercola’s Total Health Program, 10.
3 Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired? 118.
4 Mercola, Mercola’s Total Health Program, 10.
5 Jim Shriner, Eternally Fit, 38 –39.
6 Pamela Smith, When Your Hormones Go Haywire, 162.
7 Jakes, Lay Aside the Weight, 125.
8 Herbert Wagemaker, M.D., The Surprising Truth About Depression, 42.
9 H. Leighton Steward, C. Bethea Morrison, S. Andrew Samuel, and Luis Balart, Sugar Busters! 35.
10 A.J. Siegel, “The Biblical Diagnostician and the Anorexic Bride,” Fertility and Sterility, January 1998, 8 –10.
11 Joe McIlhaney, M.D., 1001 Health Care Questions Women Ask, 80.
12 D. C. Jimerson et al., “Decreased Serotonin Function in Bulimia Nervosa,” Archives of General Psychiatry, June 1997, 529 –34.
13 Florence Littauer, Your Personality Tree, 203.
Also of Interest:
1 William Crook, M.D., The Yeast Connection, Preface, i.
2 S. W. Huang and J. W. Kimbrough, “Mold Allergy Is a Risk Factor for Persistent Coldlike Symptoms in Children,” Clinical Pediatrics, December 1997, 695 –99.
3 P. Kurnatowski et al., “The fungal infections in patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit,” Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne, 2005; 51(1):23 –27.
4 E. M. Missoni et al., “Role of yeasts in diabetic foot ulcer infection,” Acta Medica Croatica, 2006; 60(1):43 –50.
5 B. J. Noble and A. P. Mitchell, “Genetics and genomics of Candida albican biofilm formation,” Cell Microbiology, July 11, 2006.
6 Crook, The Yeast Connection and the Woman, 56.
7 Ibid., 40 –43.
8 Don Colbert, M.D., The Bible Cure for Candida and Yeast Infections, 19.
9 J. M. Concha, L. S. Moore, and W. J. Holloway, “Antifungal Activity of Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea-Tree) Oil Against Various Pathogenic Organisms,” Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, October 1998, 489 –92.
10 Colbert, The Bible Cure for Candida and Yeast Infections, 35.
1 Don Colbert, M.D. The Bible Cure for Candida and Yeast Infections, 62.
2 Jordan Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 62.
3 M. L. Nurminen, R. Korpela, and H. Vapaatola, “Dietary Factors in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Hypertension,” Annals of Medicine, April 1998, 143 –50.
4 K. Breithaupt Grogler et al., “Protective Effect of Chronic Garlic Intake on Elastic Properties of Aorta in the Elderly,” Circulation, October 1997, 2649 –55.
5 E. M. Lau and J. Woo, “Nutrition and Osteoporosis,” Current Opinion in Rheumatology, July 1998, 368 –72.
6 Rubin, The Great Physician’s Rx, 204.
7 Mark Pearson, Christian Healing, 120 –1.
8 Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., It’s Better to Believe, 183.
9 Pearson, Christian Healing, 58.
1 R. Gosselink and M. Decramer, “Peripheral Skeletal Muscles and Exercise Performance in Patients with COPD,” Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease, August 1998, 419 –23.
2 E. A. Platz et al., “Physical Activity and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia,” Archives of Internal Medicine, November 1998, 2349 –56.
3 B. Zerahn et al., “Bone Loss After Hip Fracture Is Correlated to the Postoperative Degree of Mobilisation,” Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 1998, 453 –56.
4 Don Colbert, M.D., What Would Jesus Eat? 173.
5 W. A. Smith, “Fibromyalgia Syndrome,” Nursing Clinics of North America, December 1998, 653 –69.
6 H. Tanaka, M. J. Reiling, and D. R. Seals, “Regular Walking Increases Peak Limb Vasodilatory Capacity of Older Hypertensive Humans,” Journal of Hypertension, April 1998, 423 –28.
7 J. Iwamoto et al., “Effect of Increased Physical Activity on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women,” Keio Journal of Medicine, September 1998, 157 –61.
8 T. M. Manini et al., “Daily activity energy expenditure and mortality among older adults,” Journal of the American Medical Association, July 12, 2006:296(2):216 –18.
9 T. M. Asikainen et al., “Effect of brisk walking in 1 or 2 daily bouts and moderate resistance training on lower-extremity muscle strength, balance, and walking performance in women who recently went through menopause: a randomized, controlled trial,” Physical Therapy, July 2006; 86(7):912 –23.
10 Julian Whitaker, M.D., and Brenda Adderly,M.H.A., The Pain Relief Breakthrough, 39.
1 Don Colbert, M.D., The Bible Cure for Candida and Yeast Infections, 77.
2 Ibid., 34.
3 J. R. Petrie, S. J. Cleland, and M. Small, “The Metabolic Syndrome: Overeating, Inactivity, Poor Compliance or ‘ Dud’Advice?” Diabetic Medicine, November 1998, S29 – S31.
4 A. G. Christen and J. A. Christen, “Horace Fletcher (1849 –1919): ‘ The Great Masticator,’” Journal of the History of Dentistry, November 1997, 95 –100.
5 Jordan Rubin, The Maker’s Diet, 195.
6 6. T. D. Jakes, Lay Aside the Weight, 109.
1 Michael Strassfeld, The Jewish Holidays, 85.
2 T. D. Jakes, Lay Aside the Weight, 93.
3 Cheryl Townsley, Food Smart, 182 –83.
4 Rex Russell, M.D., What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, 89.
5 Ibid., 93.
6 R. Kradin, “The placebo response complex,” Journal of the Annals of Psychology, 2004 November; 49(5):617 –34.