As I sat down at the computer to write this section, I noticed a white feather sitting on the sleeve of my sweater, so I must start with a thank you to my angels and guides for always making their presence known in my life and for providing me with a flow of signs and synchronicities that I could share in this book. Thank you for helping me understand how you communicate so I could teach it to others.
Mom, who also once told me through a medium she leaves feathers for me, I dedicated this book to you because without you, it would not be the book it is today. Thank you for always making your presence known to me, even after twenty years on the other side, and for helping me understand the truth about life, the universe, and my place in it from your higher perspective. I love you. I miss you. And I know you will be there with open arms when it’s my time to join you someday.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Amy B. Scher for introducing me to the best literary agent out there, Steve Harris, and for your support answering all my questions about the book proposal and book writing process. You are an earth angel to me—not to mention my go-to energy healing expert. And, of course, Steve Harris, for believing in me as an author and supporting me through every step of this process. You are another earth angel sent from above.
Thank you to Angela Wix, my acquisitions editor at Llewellyn Worldwide, for believing in this book from the very beginning, for your amazing editing skills, and for all your support.
To my friend Kathy Morawski, graphic designer and the coolest chick I know, our meeting years ago was set up by the universe, and you continue to support me and work with me to make all my dreams and crazy ideas come true creatively. Thank you for reading through the entire manuscript before I submitted it for the first round of editing and for always cheering me on.
Ana Rodrigues, without you I would not have started Elevated Existence Magazine and be on the path I am today—another meeting destined by the universe. Thank you for being the brilliant graphic designer you are, for creating the magazine with me from scratch years ago, and for always pushing me to move forward.
To my entire family, those mentioned in the book and those who are not, thank you for always being open to my stories about signs and synchronicities and for sharing your own experiences with me so that I could share them with others. Together we are changing lives.
And to my husband, Ryan—thank you for always believing in me, even when I struggle to believe in myself. Thank you for cooking dinner so I could write a little longer at night, for building me an office in the basement so I could have a sanctuary to be creative—and a separate meditation space to release and recharge—and thank you for all your love and patience. I waited thirty-eight years to find you in this life, and you were worth the wait.
And finally, thank you to all my students and to you, the reader of this book. Thank you for trusting me to assist you on this journey and for all the amazing stories of signs and synchronicity you share with me. This book is for each and every one of you.