The idea behind this exercise is to take 60-second retreat breaks throughout your day to tame the chaos, boost your vibration, and reconnect with the present moment. The steps below can also be used for three-minute breaks as well, but when first starting out, I recommend trying sixty seconds every hour. Also, this exercise can be repeated as needed anytime you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious.
Set an alarm on your cell phone to go off every hour for at least seven to ten hours of your day. You can also download a mindfulness bell app for your phone or desktop computer. I like to type the word “Spirit” into my alarm so it comes up on the screen once every hour as a reminder to pause and reconnect. And if every hour overwhelms you, try starting with three times each day.
When the alarm goes off, close your eyes, take a deep breath to center yourself, and then, breathing at a normal pace, repeat a mantra or word that is meaningful to you. For example, you could use my go-to mantra: “I am connected. I am love. All is well. I am safe.” You can also repeat one word, such as “release” or “peace,” or just take a part of the first mantra and repeat “I am safe” or “All is well.”
After sixty seconds, or more if you would like, open your eyes and go back to your day—until the next hour when the alarm goes off again. Then repeat.
The more you do this exercise, the more you will find yourself feeling less chaotic and less reactive to the chaos you do encounter. You will be more mindful, present, and grounded, and the signs and synchronicities will flow in easier because of it. Also, if the alarm goes off and you are in the middle of a conversation or driving your car, don’t worry. I usually just hit the snooze button so it will go off again in a few minutes or make a mental note to take my 60-second retreat when I’m done. Don’t be surprised if you see me sitting in my car with my eyes closed before I go into the grocery store!