Known as diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing, and the three-part breath in yoga, this type of breathing exercise calms the nervous system and grounds you into your body.
To practice it, put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Empty all the air out of your lungs and belly by contracting the belly all the way in. Then breathe in through the nose, slowly expanding and filling up the belly with air as your hand rises. Next, fill your midsection (above the belly button), expanding your diaphragm with air, and finally, fill your upper chest with air, only rising it slightly up. This three-part breath is done as one smooth, slow motion. Before exhaling, pause for a moment, and then breathe the air out of your mouth as you reverse the inhale process, starting with breathing out the air in your chest, then your torso, and out of your belly, contracting back in again.
Once you are familiar with the process, try breathing in for a count of four, pausing for a count of four, and then breathing out for a count of four as you exhale. As a variation, you can also make the exhale longer than the inhale by two to four counts. This can be done as many times as necessary to feel more centered and relaxed.
Bonus: You can also visualize pulling up energy from the core of the earth into your root chakra (located at the base of your spine) and up your spine to your crown chakra (located at the top of your head) to help ground you while breathing.