

Putting your body in direct contact with the earth’s grass, soil, or sand is known as earthing, and scientific research shows there are numerous health benefits to this as well, including grounding you into your body and the present moment to become more aware of what is happening in the now. The earth contains negatively charged electrons, and when our bodies come into contact with them, they get transferred to us. This neutralizes the positively charged electrons built up in our body from living in today’s modern world, which can be harmful to us, and has a grounding and balancing effect.

Here are some of the reported benefits of earthing:

The easiest way to practice earthing is to walk barefoot on the ground in soil, grass, or sand. You can also lie on the ground, allowing other parts of your body to come in contact with the earth. Doing so for twenty or thirty minutes is extremely beneficial, but I find even just a few minutes of this practice can be very grounding and balancing for me.