Get out your Life Timeline fromChapter 3. If you didn’t do it, pick one major event in your life and do this exercise. By answering the following questions about a specific event or person in your life, you will be following the footsteps in your past so you can find the synchronistic connections that led you along the way, although you were likely not aware of them at the time. This exercise can be done as many times as you like to link all the events on your timeline. Prepare to be amazed at some of the things you uncover!
Follow the Footsteps Questions:
Here is how I would answer the Follow the Footsteps questions using an example from my life:
Write down one person or event that was significant in your life (your spouse, best friend, getting fired from a job, etc.). >> Dana
Why was this event or person significant in your life? >> She advised me in creating my Living an Elevated Existence Summit, which is now in its seventh season and has helped me grow my business tremendously. She also introduced me to two other entrepreneurs by inviting me to join a mastermind group, which has been essential to my growth personally and professionally.
How did you meet this person or what led to this event happening? Who or what led you to this? What had to happen in order for this to occur? >> After calling in Higher Help, I was led to sign up for someone else’s summit, where I got the idea to create my own. Doing online research led me to Dana, who I remembered getting emails from in the past when she was running her own summits. I decided to email her and ask if I could pick her brain.
Where did meeting this person or experiencing this event lead you next? >> The summit I created with her guidance was a huge success. My audience grew and my business made more money that year than it ever had in the past. We stayed in touch over the years, and in 2015 she invited me to be part of a small mastermind group of entrepreneurs that has been invaluable to my personal and professional growth.
What might not have happened if you didn’t meet this person or experience this event? >> I might have hired the wrong people (she steered me away from someone I was originally looking to work with), and I might not have even launched the summit or had the confidence to do it without her advice and direction. I would also not be part of this mastermind group, where I met two other people who are helping me in countless ways. I would not have the growth I do today without them.
What did this person or this event teach me or help me understand? >> Dana teaches about the power of a positive mindset, and she has helped me have more confidence, gain more marketing knowledge, and believe in myself and my abilities. Being part of the mastermind group has brought me opportunities and resources I would not have had without it.
Capturing Evidence
Anytime you notice yourself saying one of the key phrases, recognize a sign from a loved one, or become aware of any sign or synchronistic occurrence, it’s important to capture it and make a note of it right away before you forget. Going through your day, as you come across a sign or a synchronistic experience, write it down. I use the notes app on my phone when I’m on the go and then transfer it to a journal at night, but you can also carry a small notebook with you dedicated just to capturing the signs you experience. For each one, write down the date, the sign, why it was significant, and who you think it was from, even if you are not sure. By doing this, you will be reinforcing the sign in your mind, letting the universe or your loved one know you received it, and you will be recording it in your nighttime journal, which I’ll explain next. The journal will essentially help you track everything for future use and reference, and also create your own guidebook of signs.
As I explained in Chapter 4, our loved ones often use signs unique to them or meaningful to us, so it’s important to keep track of the language they are using to get our attention. You will even find that each loved one will use different signs and symbols to communicate, so it’s important to track them so you recognize them again in the future. For example, if your father was a smoker, he might use a tobacco smell to get your attention, while your grandmother loved butterflies and uses them to let you know she is around.
On a recent shopping trip at the grocery store, I heard the song “More Than a Feeling” by Boston. This song reminds me of my mother because it literally has her name, MaryAnn, in it. I know my mother uses her name to get my attention, and I’ve heard this song before and thought of her. It’s now a sign she uses over and over to get my attention. I got my cell phone out and, in the notes section, typed in the date, the name of the song, and that I heard it in the grocery store. I could also note if I was thinking about something in particular at the time or going through something significant in my life as a reason she wanted me to know she was there.
Another example of the universe getting my attention happened over text message. I was in a group text with my mastermind team and sent a long sentence describing something I wanted their opinion on. One person texted back asking if I could shorten it, so I did. As soon as I hit send with the shortened sentence, he texted me back the exact same sentence, edited in the exact same way. It was incredible, and I knew it was the universe answering me through him. I wrote that down so I could remember the support I received. I also know the universe and my loved ones will use my cell phone to get my attention in a number of ways—and I know this because I’ve tracked the occurrences in the past.
Because you are taking the time to be present and record each sign, you are more likely to remember it. Then, when the universe uses a sign repeatedly to get your attention and move you in a new direction, you will be more aware to notice it. You will also be able to look back over your notes and connect the dots of synchronicity easier, as well as spot repetition you might have missed. If you try to store all of this information in your own mind, you will be more apt to forget or miss something.
Your Signs and Synchronicity Nighttime Journal
It’s time to take capturing signs to the next level by creating your own signs and synchronicity nighttime journal. It doesn’t matter if it’s a pretty embossed leatherbound journal or a simple spiral notebook. I just want you to designate something that will only be used for tracking your signs and synchronicities. This is going to allow you to capture everything that happens to you during the day, and then record insights using the Replay Your Day exercise below. You will also record signs from loved ones here to create your reference guide.
When you open the notebook or journal, I suggest using the left-side pages to record the date and answer the Replay Your Day exercise questions (see exercise below) and the right-side pages for your reference guide from loved ones or other signs from the universe. Here you can record signs from different loved ones, a new sign the universe used to get your attention, and repeating numbers. Look up the number’s metaphysical meaning online and record it in this section so you remember it.
The Replay Your Day exercise should be done each night and will only take a couple of minutes. Also, you can look back once per week or once per month to see what you recorded and spot any patterns, repetition, or synchronistic links. The more you do this, the more you will become aware of signs, guidance, and direction from the universe and loved ones as it’s happening. For example, if you write down the name of a book someone told you about on Monday, and then the following Wednesday you come across the book again, you will remember writing it down and know this is likely a book you need to read.