
Replay Your Day

Even though you will be capturing the signs you notice throughout the day in your journal, there are still other events that occur during your day that can be useful to track synchronicities in the future. For example, maybe you started a new class, heard the name of a book you want to read, or met someone new. Just as I urge you to write signs down as soon as they occur so you don’t forget them, it’s helpful to replay your day each night to record anything significant for the same reason. Think of it like pressing a rewind button on your life and then hitting play. You will start with the moment you get up and watch the movie of your day play out in your mind.

I created the following nightly ritual questions to help you take inventory of your day and become more conscious and aware of the subtle messages and guidance from the universe. As you ask yourself each question, replay the day in your mind in order to answer them. Also, refer back to any notes you took during the day and be sure to record them as well. Answering these questions each night is also priming your mind to become more aware of the events happening each day. This will open your awareness even further so you start to notice the answers to these questions throughout your day as they play out.