You cannot perceive
what you are not in the vibration of.

darryl anka

Chapter 9

Step 5:
Reach a Higher Vibration

Everything covered in this book up until now has been aimed at opening your awareness to the signs and synchronicities happening in your life, which are being sent to help you, guide you, and reassure you. This chapter introduces you to step 5 in the process, and it takes everything you’ve learned so far to the next level. It’s time to reach a higher vibration and learn tools and techniques to help you maintain your high vibes throughout each day. Why? Because the higher your vibration, the easier it is to connect with your elevated resources so you can see and hear the messages coming your way.

Understanding Your Vibes

Everything in this universe is made up of energy, including the book (or e-reader) in your hands right now, the surface you’re sitting or lying down on, and your own physical body. It’s all vibrating at a certain frequency, and the higher the vibration, the better. When you are vibrating at a higher frequency, you will feel good, be in the flow to receive the things you desire, and be able to connect with your angels, guides, and loved ones who have passed, including recognizing and receiving signs from them.

Knowing this, the obvious goal would be to reach a higher vibration and stay in that state for as long as you can. It’s wonderful to have elevated moments in our life when everything seems to flow smoothly and we feel great, but it’s another thing to live an elevated existence, where elevation is your normal mode and you only occasionally dip down into lower vibrations. Well, guess what? You have control over your vibration, and there are tools and practices that can help you not only raise your vibes, but also keep them high as long as possible.

Nobody is perfect, and we all have our moments or days when something unexpected pops up or we find ourselves worried, anxious, or sad about a situation in our life. But the more you learn to boost your vibration and hang out in that amazing space, the more you will notice when you fall out of it and then quickly get yourself back. Just remember, the higher your vibes, the more in sync you are with the universe and its messages for you. Plus, the side effect is you will feel happier and attract more. Now that is a side effect I can get on board with, and I’m guessing so can you.

Signs and Your Vibration

Just as you are vibrating at a certain frequency, your angels, guides, and loved ones who have passed are also vibrating at a certain level. Because they are in spirit form and have shed the dense energy that comes with this physical body, they are vibrating much higher than those of us still living in this physical world. If you ask any psychic medium who delivers messages from loved ones on the other side, they will tell you that in order to receive the messages, they must intentionally raise their vibration, and our loved ones must intentionally lower their vibration.

This is even more important when working with angels or ascended masters because they are at an even higher level than our loved ones in spirit. You have to raise and manage your vibration on a regular basis to receive the messages being sent to you. If you don’t, it’s like putting up a “road closed” sign between spirit and your conscious mind; the messages can’t get through. They are still happening, of course, but you just won’t be aware of them.

Where Is Your Frequency?

The good news is, you are 100 percent in control of your frequency and the level of your vibration, which also means you are more in control of receiving signs and synchronicities from the universe than you might think. The bad news is, most people have no idea what level they are vibrating at or how to intentionally raise their vibration even when they do. I covered taming the chaos earlier in this book because that is the first step in gaining more control over your vibration. Now it’s time to kick it up a notch.

Do you know where your vibration is right now? When I ask clients and students in my courses this question, I often hear “I’m sure it’s low” or “I don’t know.” The follow-up question I always ask is, “How are you feeling right now?” The way you are feeling is an immediate indicator of where your vibration is at any given moment. If the answer is you are feeling happy, grateful, hopeful, or even simply content, then your vibration is on the high end. If you answer with feelings such as frustrated, worried, or overwhelmed, you are dipping into the lower end of the spectrum, and if the words anxious, depressed, or fearful come to mind, you are in serious need of a boost.

What causes your vibration to tank? Getting caught up in the chaos of everyday life and allowing it to affect your emotions, stirring up worry, anxiety, stress, and fear. Being around negative people or in negative environments where you take on energy that is not yours—go back to the Shield exercise in Chapter 5 for how to protect yourself from the energy of other people. Negative thoughts and beliefs swirling in your mind also directly affect your emotions, which in turn affect your vibration. Getting lost in regret over the past or worry about the future means you are not in the present moment, which is where the signs are happening. All of this takes you out of flow and out of sync with the universe, and if you are not synced up, you will not notice the signs, even if you ask for them. Remember this: When your vibes are low, you are out of flow. When your vibes are high, the universe will reply.

The first thing to do when you uncover a negative emotional state is to go right to your thoughts. Ask yourself, “What am I thinking about right now, and what have I been thinking about or talking to myself about today?” Your thoughts are the key contributor to your emotional state. Negative thoughts produce negative emotions, which equal a lower vibration. Positive thoughts create positive emotions, which equal a higher vibration. That’s why in the spiritual community you often hear people say if you change the way you think, your whole life can change. Changing your thoughts at any given moment puts you back in control of your vibration and back in sync with the universe. Happiness really is only one thought away.

Elevating Your Vibes

The most powerful thing you can do to elevate your vibration is to connect with the emotions of love and gratitude. It may sound cliché, but it’s truly the way the universe works. When you are holding thoughts of love, gratitude, and appreciation, you radiate that energy out into the world around you and your vibration will soar. Your angels, guides and loved ones on the other side exist 100 percent of the time in this glorious high vibration, and the more you connect with it, the more you connect with them (and their messages). When you find yourself feeling negative and realize your own thoughts are contributing to that state, switching to gratitude can stop the downward spiral fast.

There have been numerous studies on gratitude showing people who make it part of their daily lives have fewer health problems, increased happiness, and reduced depression. In fact, one study found that writing in a gratitude journal for as little as fifteen minutes each night may even improve sleep. Below is an exercise you can use to elevate your vibration at any time. I recommend going back to this exercise throughout the day so you can maintain your high vibes, too.