
Infuse It with Joy

Set aside at least thirty minutes to do the following exercise. I teach this as part of my How to Create an Elevated Year class each year in December because it’s a great way to prepare for the energy of a new year, but it can be done at any time of the year. You are going to look at everything you do on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis and take note of the things that bring you joy and the things that do not. For those that don’t bring you joy, we are going to find a way to fix it.

Step 1: Taking Inventory

Make a list of all the things you do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Daily things might include making breakfast, taking the kids to school, stopping for coffee on the way to work, working at your job, cooking dinner, putting the kids to bed. Weekly might be cleaning the house, grocery shopping, and laundry. Monthly could be volunteer work or paying bills. Also, go month by month to figure out things you might do on a yearly basis. Maybe you host a Valentine’s party in February or Thanksgiving dinner in November.

Step 2: Evaluate and Elevate

The goal here is for you to make everything you do feel joyful. One by one, go through each item on your list and ask yourself the following:

Step 3: Take Action

Now that you have discovered what brings you joy and what does not, and made a plan for what is not as joyful, it’s time to put it into action. Delete and delegate what you can, and then elevate the rest!