
Tapping Doubt Away

This script takes you through tapping on negative statements, then positive statements, and then a round of switching between negative and positive statements. I include many of the common beliefs and fears blocking people from receiving signs from the universe and loved ones, but you can insert any specific beliefs you uncover into the script as well.

You will start at the karate chop point (as shown in the figure on page 176) using what is called a set-up statement, and repeat it three times before you start tapping through the points. Every EFT session you do should start this way. After the karate chop point, you can either tap with one hand on one side of the body or with both hands on both sides of the body simultaneously. The setup statement is this: “Even though I have this belief, (state the belief), I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.” I use some variations of this statement below as well, and you can, too. After saying a setup statement three times, you will tap through the various points and say each sentence, starting at the top of the head and moving through each point.