Negative Statement Round

Karate Chop Point: Even though I haven’t really noticed all the signs and synchronicities happening around me in the past, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m not sure I can tune into the universe to notice these signs and synchronicities around me and am worried I’m missing them or won’t be able to recognize them, I am willing to release the fear, worry, and doubt around this now.

Even though I worry I won’t be able to recognize or understand the signs and synchronicities the universe is always sending me and that my loved ones who have passed on are sending me, I am ready to let these worries and fears go now.

Top of the head: I’m not sure I can do this.

Eyebrow: I don’t think I’m psychic, so I don’t think it will work for me.

Side of the eye: I never seem to get any signs.

Under the eye: I don’t think my loved ones communicate with me from the other side.

Under Nose: I’m afraid I won’t be able to recognize or understand the signs and synchronicities sent to me.

Chin: It’s too hard for me.

Collarbone: I feel like I’m always missing signs and synchronicities.

Under the arm: I’m afraid I won’t ever be able to do this.

Top of the head: I know Tammy says everyone can do it and it gets easier over time, but I’m not sure I can.

Eyebrow: My life is too chaotic and busy to notice signs.

Side of the eye: What if I can’t do it?

Under the eye: What if I don’t recognize it or question if something is a sign?

Under the nose: I’m afraid this is going to be hard.

Chin: I don’t really get signs.

Collarbone: I don’t think this is going to work for me.

Under the arm: I’m afraid I’m going to mess this whole thing up.

Top of the head: I think other people might be able to do this, but I’m not sure I can.

Eyebrow: What if other people think I’m crazy if I tell them about a sign?

Side of the eye: What if I think something is a sign and it’s not?

Under the eye: I don’t know if I can trust the universe or the answers I get from it.

Under nose: I worry my loved ones are not sending me signs.

Chin: I’m worried they are sending me signs and I am missing them.

Collarbone: What if that means they will stop sending them?

Under the arm: This all seems so complicated to me.

Top of the head: I don’t think I’m aware enough for this.

Eyebrow: Maybe I’m too negative and my vibration is too low.

Side of the eye: What if I try this and I still don’t get a sign?

Under the eye: I’m so upset I’m not hearing from my loved ones on the other side.

Under nose: I want more direction from the universe, but it’s not coming.

Chin: I’m worried this isn’t going to work for me.

Collarbone: I don’t think I’m open enough for signs to come in.

Under the arm: What if I am blocking them and don’t know how to stop?

Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it, and then let it slowly out of your mouth. Notice how you feel or if any thoughts or other beliefs have surfaced as a result of the tapping—because you can tap on them too! Then continue with the positive statements round below.

Positive Statements Round

Top of head: Maybe this isn’t as hard as I think it is.

Eyebrow: If I relax and trust the universe and my loved ones, I can be more open.

Side of eye: I bet I’ve been receiving signs in the past and just not acknowledging them.

Under the eye: Just from reading this book, my conscious awareness is opening and expanding.

Under the nose: I already know so much more than I did before.

Chin: I believe the universe and my loved ones are always communicating with me.

Collarbone: All I need to do is to tune in and accept these gifts when they come.

Under the arm: I am open to the signs and synchronicities sent my way, and it’s safe to relax and enjoy this process.

Top of head: There is no right or wrong here.

Eyebrow: I give my subconscious mind permission to let these messages into the awareness of my conscious mind.

Side of eye: I give my conscious mind permission to accept signs and synchronicities when they arrive in my awareness.

Under the eye: I don’t have to be a trained psychic or medium to communicate with Spirit and my loved ones on the other side.

Under the nose: I just need to expand my awareness, which I am doing right now.

Chin: I have all that I need to uncover signs and synchronicities from the universe already within me.

Collarbone: I look forward to these gifts from Spirit and my loved ones and know they are on their way.

Under the arm: I know I can ask for a sign anytime I need or want one.

Top of head: I’ll get more signs now that I’m open to them.

Eyebrow: As I accept the signs that come, I’ll get more too.

Side of eye: I’m excited for my communication with the universe.

Under the eye: I’m excited about the guidance and direction this communication provides.

Under the nose: I can feel my energy shifting around this already.

Chin: I’m grateful for the communications I now receive and will receive from the universe and my loved ones.

Collarbone: I’m open and ready to recognize signs and synchronicities.

Under the arm: I am open to the signs and synchronicities sent my way, and it’s safe to relax and enjoy this process.

Take a deep breath in. Let it out, and now continue with the last couple rounds below.

Negative/Positive Statements

Top of the head: Recognizing signs and synchronicity is hard.

Eyebrow: I’m ready for the challenge and know it will get easier over time.

Side of the eye: I’m not 100 percent sure I’ll be able to do this or that I will be able to keep this up.

Under the eye: I’m going to relax and enjoy the process.

Under the nose: I’m afraid I’ll question whether it’s really a sign, and I won’t know for sure.

Chin: I know the more I practice this, the more I will feel secure.

Collarbone: I still have some fear around knowing what is a sign or not.

Under the arm: I’m going to say yes to what comes to me from now on.

Top of the head: What if my awareness isn’t open enough?

Eyebrow: I am more aware today from reading this book than I have ever been before.

Side of the eye: What if I’m still blocked in some way, and I don’t know it?

Under the eye: I can manage my vibration with the tools in this book.

Under the nose: I’m afraid I still won’t get any signs from my loved ones and it will be all my fault.

Chin: I know if I ask, the sign always comes, and if I miss it or question it, I can ask for more.

Collarbone: I really hope I can do this.

Under the arm: I am already so much further along than I
was before.

The above script was to get you started on shifting your beliefs around signs and synchronicity, and to serve as an example of how you can work with any single belief using EFT. If you use EFT for a single belief that you uncovered by muscle testing on your own, you will want to go back and retest the belief after you finish tapping to make sure it is cleared. You would do this by stating the belief out loud after tapping and see if you still get a yes or if it has changed to a no. If you still get a yes, meaning you still have that belief, you would want to do a few more rounds of tapping to shift and clear it. If you get a no, then you have cleared the belief and can move on to another one if you have more.

The Hawaiian Forgiveness Process

Another technique that can be used to clear negative beliefs, memories, and emotions is Ho’oponopono, known as the Hawaiian forgiveness process. This process became well-known in the self-improvement and spiritual community because best-selling author Joe Vitale wrote a book called Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More, with Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, after Vitale learned the doctor cured a psych ward of criminally insane patients without ever meeting them face to face. To heal them, he only viewed their charts and used Ho’oponopono on himself. The technique is based on the belief that everything around us and that we come into contact with is our responsibility, as well as the belief that we are all connected to one another. It’s very easy to practice and can be useful when looking to clear blocks to receiving signs from the universe and your loved ones on the other side.

Ho’oponopono, which comes from the Hawaiian words ho’o, meaning “to make,” and pono, meaning “right,” can be used on a belief that you want to dissolve or an emotion you would like to shift. This pertains to signs from the universe and particularly from our loved ones because you may have a belief that needs to be shifted, but you also may have unfinished business between you and a loved one that needs to be forgiven and cleared so the signs can come in. This can be a feeling of anger, guilt, or sadness around their passing, or even unfinished business from the relationship you had with them while they were here in physical form with you. I like to use Ho’oponopono on any negative emotion of fear, doubt, or worry that comes up so it can quickly dissipate and shift, whether it’s about business, money, a relationship, or my health.

The process is very easy, and it is the same no matter what you are trying to clear. It is simply the repetition of four statements, which are made to the universe itself but can also be directed to a specific person or situation. These four phrases are:

Many practitioners and teachers will tell you these four phrases are enough, and you don’t even have to be aware of the specific belief that is blocking you. That means if you don’t know what is stopping you from attracting signs, you can simply set some time aside to repeat these phrases directed toward the universe to clear whatever is keeping them from entering your awareness. You can also dive deeper.