Accept the Joy

I know the joy that comes with receiving communication from the universe and my loved ones on the other side, and that is the entire reason I felt called to write this book. I want everyone to open up to this joy and accept it when it arrives. So many of us are conditioned to look for the negative in life, and in many cases we expect it or even outright prepare for it! It might be because of childhood messages we received from well-meaning parents, teachers, and society as a whole or past traumas that triggered fear to rise up and take primary residence inside us. No matter what the reason is, the majority of us have forgotten to expect joy; we have forgotten to accept it and celebrate when it arrives. Signs from your loved ones are meant to bring you joy. Synchronistic experiences showing how the universe is guiding you are pure joy. It’s time to start accepting and celebrating every one that comes your way.

During the mediumship reading with George Anderson ten months after my mother’s death, my mom offered proof to my family and me that the soul continues on after the physical body dies. But during that hour reading, she also offered advice on living life in this physical world from her higher perspective. One of the things she spoke about was the importance of accepting the joys in life and even referenced her “life review” on the other side, where higher souls asked her about accepting joy during her life in this physical world. Anderson and other mediums have explained a life review is something we all experience after we pass on. It allows us to see everything in our lives, both good and bad—including how our actions affected other people.

I’d like to end this journey with you by sharing my mother’s advice on accepting joy in the hope that it will help you open yourself up to more joy in every aspect of your life too, including the joy of signs and synchronicity. Here was her message, as told through George Anderson:

[Your mother] says you are always ready to prepare for the bad things that come in life…why not start to absorb some of the joys that come in life? It’s funny how even in her life review in the hereafter, the higher souls asked her, “Did you partake of the joys that came to you in life as well as the hardships?” Frankly, she said, you have no answer for that because we are so conditioned to put up with X, and life stinks. She says they asked her, “Why didn’t you partake of these joys? Why didn’t you allow yourself this joyful happiness? Why were you so quick to put up with and accept the hardships and the unhappiness and overlook the joys? A lot of people on earth have more difficulty accepting joy as opposed to difficulties. They can actually accept adversity easier than they can accept the joy. People will turn joy away thinking it isn’t the right thing to do or that they’re not entitled to it, and she says that’s incorrect. Always remember when joy comes into your life, you’re supposed to accept it. Remember to willingly and joyfully take the joys that come to you because if they come to you, you’re entitled to them.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope this book helps you willingly and joyfully accept the signs and synchronicities that come to you. As my mother said, you are entitled to them.
