Chapter Eleven


The morning air was a little brisk today, and the dew was taking its own sweet time burning off the grass. Kyle turned off the saw and took a deep breath, letting the cool air clear his lungs of the dust. So far, no one had come outside to yell at him for running equipment this early, but most of the homeowners had lawn crews, and were probably used to the sweet sounds of mowers at 8:00 a.m.

He wiped his forehead and gathered a load of branches to take to the truck. At this rate, he’d have to run to Mark’s Nursery by lunchtime. They paid for wood to make mulch—either in cash or product, and he’d need a lot of mulch to fix up the Gladwells’ flower beds. Maybe he’d break even with all this stuff.

On his way back, he happened to glance into the screened-in back porch and stopped dead in his tracks.

Faith had one leg up on a rail built into the back wall and was stretching toward it with her arm over her head. She was wearing another one of those leotards, along with pink tights and a pair of ballet shoes. Classical music wafted out into the yard, and she moved with it, graceful and sure. However emotional and uncertain she’d been yesterday, here she was all confidence. Her leg, toes pointed, was flexed, and he marveled at the muscles she’d built up. He hadn’t seen a pair of calves that perfect…well, ever. The rest of her was as long and lean. Her arms moved slow and smooth, like they were cutting through water, and her long neck arched as she turned her body.

Kyle’s breath hitched. He’d never seen anything quite so beautiful. If she looked like this just stretching, what did she look like when she danced?

He had to see that. He had to.

She bent forward, touching her raised leg, then straightened up. And caught him gawking. For a second she stared back—then a slow smirk crossed her face. Uh-huh, payback’s a bitch, he could hear her thinking.

Before he could stop himself, he said, “You’re pretty flexible.”

The smirk turned a little wicked. “You have no idea.”

His whole body flushed, but he jerked his chin at her, cocky. “Is this part of the game, or are you offering to prove it?”

Faith lowered her leg, looking flustered. “Um…”

“Faith?” her mom called from inside. “Time to get ready for church!”

Kyle sighed inwardly. My big fat mouth. Jesus. “Part of the game, then. Okay, I’m up for playing. I’m afraid it’s going to be pretty warm this afternoon. I might just have to work without my shirt on.”

“You’re a mess,” she said, but she smiled, and it lit him up inside. It was such a real smile—nothing behind it but happiness and a little mischief. “But if that’s your offer, I’ll have to find that telescope my uncle got me for Christmas in seventh grade.”

He took a step closer to the screen window. “Or you could come sit out here, drink an iced tea, watch the show.”

She looked at him through lowered eyelashes. “I do enjoy a nice glass of sweet tea.”

This girl was going to send him into orbit. She flirted like a pro—how did she end up with Cameron? He was an empty skull in football pads. “Shade’s nice out here, too.”

Faith paused, about to say something, but her mother called, “Faith! We’re leaving in thirty minutes. Let Kyle get back to work and go change!”

Faith jumped, looking guilty. “Coming!” She gave him a quick nod. “I’ll see you this afternoon. Keep that brashness going—you’re going to meet my best friend and she’s not for the faint of heart.”

“Looking forward to it,” he said, surprised she was willing to introduce him to people. Then again, the friend probably knew the deal. “Have fun at church.”

“I will.” And it sounded like she meant it. “See you later.”

She went inside, leaving him feeling like he’d taken a right hook to the jaw. Faith wasn’t exactly what he expected. And that could be dangerous.

Wonderful, but dangerous.

After running to the nursery to drop off the branches he’d cut up—and to barter for a bunch of mulch—Kyle sat in his truck eating a hamburger. The backyard looked less like a disaster area. There was still some demo work to do, but he’d be able to start planting tomorrow.

The Gladwells’ car pulled past him into the driveway. He hopped out of his truck as Mrs. Gladwell, wearing a rose-colored dress complete with a string of pearls and a matching purse, came walking over. Faith flashed him a little smile over her mother’s shoulder. She’d changed into a pale blue sundress and a white sweater. Definitely church wear, but she made it look good. Shaking her head at his staring, she chuckled and disappeared into the house.

“So, how’s it going?” Mrs. Gladwell asked.

“Good. I’ll be ready to shop for plants tomorrow. Anything you’d like?”

“I trust you.” She turned toward a man in suit. He had Faith’s eyes, but where she was tall and lean like her mother, he was stocky and compact. “Kyle, this is my husband.”

“Mr. Gladwell.” He held out a hand to shake, realizing too late he had a streak of mustard from his hamburger on his palm. He pulled it back quickly. “Sorry. I’m kind of a mess.”

“No worries. Any high schooler who can handle a chain saw like you is okay in my book.” He smiled. “Not a lot of guys your age are willing to work like that.”

Kyle shrugged, embarrassed. “I enjoy it. Um…” Ugh, he hated this part. “I’ll need to know your budget, so I don’t go too crazy with the plants.”

“It’s entirely up to you.” Mrs. Gladwell smiled. “Like I said, I trust you.”

Mr. Gladwell made a face. “Keep it under five thousand if you can.”

Kyle nodded. That wouldn’t be hard. “Yes, sir.”

“Oh, you know what?” Mrs. Gladwell said, a twinkle in her eye. “We can give Faith the credit card and she can go with him to buy everything. That way he won’t have to wait for us to reimburse him.”

Mr. Gladwell nodded. “Good idea.”

They walked up to the house, and Kyle leaned against the truck door. Had they just offered to let their daughter go with him to shop for plants…like it was a date? Huh.

He grabbed a notebook and went to the backyard to sketch out some plans. Faith was waiting on the steps, having already changed into a pair of leggings and a T-shirt.

“Your parents just offered to send you plant shopping with me tomorrow.”

She cocked her head. “You make it sound like they offered you a dowry and my hand in marriage.”

A tiny thrill ran down his back. He walked over and stood a foot away from her. “What kind of dowry are we talking?”

She stood up slowly. “Two cows, a sheep, and four wheels of aged cheddar. Interested?”

He stroked his chin, considering. From her place on the first step, her eyes were even with his. They were deep brown, with flecks of gold around the pupils. Warm, kind eyes that swallowed you whole. “Four whole wheels of cheddar. That’s a pretty good offer.”

“I am the baby of the family. They won’t marry me off to just anyone.”

They stared at each other, smiling, and Kyle felt the flutter of nerves fire up in his stomach. Anyone else would call them butterflies, but he had too much experience blowing it at this point. He always did with girls. The nerves were a warning signal reminding him he needed to play it cool. That he was a fraud, and he shouldn’t get in too deep. If he screwed this up, their little plan would crater before it got off the ground.

With effort, he took a step back. “Let’s see how you are at selecting flowers, then I’ll think about it.”

She looked confused and a little hurt. Damn it, why couldn’t he just talk to a girl without being a dumbass about it? He sighed. “Faith, are you absolutely sure about starting up this rumor?”

“Yes,” she murmured.

This was going to end in pain, probably for both of them, but he couldn’t say no…and he didn’t want to. He hardly knew Faith, but he knew Cameron, so if she was up for collateral damage, then so was he.

“I better get back to work,” he said, avoiding her eyes.

“Hey! Where are you, gazelle?” a girl called from the side of the house. A moment later, a petite purple-haired hurricane in a white miniskirt and black tee blew into the backyard, then stopped short when she caught sight of Kyle. “Whoa. You’re…you.”

He choked back a laugh. “The last time I checked.”

The girl was about as different from Faith as you could get—short, a force of nature, and as subtle as a sledgehammer. She looked him up and down like she was an agent auditioning male models. “Oh, it’s definitely worth checking.”

“Violet.” Faith’s voice held a hint of a chuckle—and a warning.

Violet rolled her blue eyes, striking in her pale face with the black and purple hair framing it. Like one of those miniature Goth dolls Cade’s little sister had obsessed over when she was six. “Oh, come on. A guy does not work in your backyard all day half naked if he doesn’t want you to do an inspection. But I seem to be making him blush.”

She was, in fact. He fought it with all he had, but it was a losing battle. Violet’s stare was like an X-ray. “Should I take off my shirt then?”

“Would you?” she asked cheerfully.

“Vi, stop.” Faith sank down onto the porch steps, covering her face with her hands.

“I went too far again, huh?” Violet teetered over to the porch steps in platform sandals at a height between extreme and ridiculous. She plopped down next to Faith and rested her head on Faith’s shoulder.

Faith shook her head, smiling ruefully, then shrugged. “Kyle, this is my best friend, Violet. She knows the plan.”

Violet sat up straight, eyes gleaming. “And I wholeheartedly approve. I will be your rumor mill, your publicist, your event planner. I’ll need your number in case we need to plot or something. Seriously, though, name the task and I’m yours.”

“Did I happen to mention that she’s like a high-voltage battery?” Faith said, grinning at Kyle.

“Shocking and full of pent-up power?” he asked.

Faith looked pleased that he caught on so fast. “Exactly.”

“Ooh, I like that.” Violet laughed. “I’m stealing that one.”

Looking at the two of them—one tall and warm with honey-colored skin and brown hair, the other tiny and all stark contrasts in black and white—they seemed like unlikely friends. Like he and Cade had been once.

“I like high-energy people,” he said. “I’ve been accused of being too chill.”

“Indeed. I couldn’t tell,” Violet said in a passable British accent. She turned to Faith and gripped her arm. “Girl, he’s an amazing straight man. This is going to work.”

“Yeah, it will,” Faith said. She nodded at Kyle. “So let’s start making plans.”