Ian reversed into a spot at the end of the line of cars in Eye Candy’s parking lot and shifted into park. Late afternoon sunlight slanted through the trees lining the lot, dappling the cars backed into the spots nearest the door. You could always tell when a bunch of cops and military types got together. They all reversed into parking spaces to make for quick departures. “Dorchester’s here already,” he said.

Riva followed his glance to a rugged Jeep and recognized the car as the one driven by the detective who reviewed her statement out at Oasis. “So I know one person,” she said.

“Hey.” Ian reached across the truck’s console and clasped her hand. “Don’t be nervous. They’re all really nice.”

“Let’s run through it again.”

They’d been on a few proper dates, one of Cady’s impromptu concerts, the movies, a couple of quiet dinners, taking it slow so she could get used to the idea of being seen with him. But this was a big step into his world, meeting his brother for the first time. Despite her nerves, she was determined to put her best foot forward. “You’ve seen pictures of Jamie. He’ll be easy to pick out because he just flew in from Virginia Beach and he’ll probably still be in uniform.”

She nodded. “He’s dating Charlie Stannard. She used to play pro basketball and now she’s the girls’ coach at the high school.”

“Right. Jamie’s got his two SEAL buddies here. Keenan Parker—”

“He’s with Field Energy—”

“And Jack Powell, who’s working as a contractor in the Middle East. Keenan’s dating Jack’s sister.”

“Rose,” she said, obviously gaining confidence. “Jack’s girlfriend is Erin. She’s a librarian at Lancaster College.”

“Used to be. Jamie says she quit. Jack and Erin came back to catch up with Jamie and pick up some more of Erin’s stuff for their place in Istanbul. You know Eve.”

“And Matt. He was really nice when he came out to Oasis to go over my statement.”

“And Conn McCormick, and Cady.”

“Who is actually Queen Maud of the Maud Squad.” She drew a deep breath. “Everyone here is either famous or a hero. I wish Eve had taken me up on my offer to cater this party. I’d feel much more comfortable in the kitchen.”

“You’re a hero,” Ian said. “My hero. This is actually a club meeting of People Who Have Tried to Say No to Eve Webber and Failed.”

Riva gave a shaky laugh, then startled when a suit-clad figure strode up to Ian’s window and rapped a knuckle on the window.

Ian rolled his window down. “Hello, Caleb,” he said, resigned.

“Hello, Ian.”

Caleb sounded far more chipper than Ian did. Based on his loosened tie, he’d probably just dismantled a rookie cop’s testimony and left the kid humiliated on the stand. “What are you doing here?” Ian said.

Caleb rested a forearm on the roof of the truck and leaned in the window. “Nice to see you too. Eve invited me. Lions lying down with lambs, swords into ploughshares and all that,” the man said. His gaze flicked to Riva. Ian had no doubt Caleb knew exactly who Riva was, and everything about their past history he could pick up from his web of connections in politics, community organizations, and the legal community, but Riva didn’t know Caleb.

“Riva, this is Caleb Webber, one of the city’s foremost defense attorneys.”

“You managed to do that without choking, Ian. A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Henneman,” Caleb said formally. “You’re doing great work for the ESCC. Eve’s been talking up Oasis. I’m going to get out there for dinner one night soon.”

Riva’s eyebrows lifted. “You’re Eve’s brother. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said.

“Don’t rush to judgment,” Ian said, unable to help himself.

Caleb smiled a wide, easy smile. “Ian and I go way back,” he said. “High school, and then he nearly got my sister killed by putting an undercover cop in her bar without her knowledge or consent.”

“That seems unlikely,” Riva said, frowning.

“It’s true, except for nearly getting her killed,” Ian added, managing to sound bored.

In the side mirror he saw Jo strolling toward his car. She rapped twice on the rear window and said, “Move along, counselor, or I’ll run you in for loitering.”

Still leaning on Ian’s open window, he cast his inscrutable gaze on Jo. “Detective Sorenson. Always a pleasure.”

Jo made a shooing gesture with her hand. Caleb held up one big basketball-sized palm and turned his attention back to Riva. “Do you have a minute? Eve and I have been meaning to talk to you about the ESCC’s next dinner dance fundraiser. We’d like to showcase what the kids are learning at Oasis, if they’re up for the challenge.”

Ian felt Riva’s breathing halt for just a moment. After just a few weeks with Riva, he knew what that kind of platform could do for Lancaster’s fledging urban garden programs. “They’re ready.” She unbuckled her seat belt. “Do you have a date? The season will determine what we serve.”

“Eve’s in charge of all of that.” Caleb tilted his head toward the door. “Let’s talk.”

She smiled at Ian. “See you inside?”

Ian leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. Riva slid out of the truck, smoothed down her skirt, and followed Caleb to the door he courteously opened for her, into Eye Candy. Just like that, she was walking into the building as a partner.

“Every time I think he’s just a smart-mouthed asshole, he goes and proves me wrong,” Ian said.

Jo was still standing by his door, one hand on her service weapon, the other on her hip. “He’s a man of contradictions.”

Ian stepped out of the truck. “You don’t like him,” he said as he closed the door and clicked the locks.

“Not liking him hasn’t stopped me from sleeping with him.”

Ian tripped over the parking curb in front of his truck. “What?” he said, steadying himself on the hood of Dorchester’s Jeep. “What did you say?”

“You heard me.”

“No, I didn’t, because you said you were sleeping with Caleb Webber. Eve’s brother? The defense attorney? That guy?”

“See? You did hear me.”

“Since when?”

“Since around the time Matt wrapped up the case with Eve.”

“That was eight months ago!” He stared at her. Jo had always played her cards close to her chest, but this was insane. “You’re dating Caleb?”

“Did I say I was dating him?”

The penny dropped. No way would Joanna Sorenson, third generation LPD, fall for a defense attorney. He started to laugh. “He’s your booty call. Jesus. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when that negotiation happened.”

She threw him a glare. He sobered up. “Congratulations?”


“Jo, seriously, I’m speechless.”

“That’s kind of the deal. No talking.”

Ian turned a bark of laughter into a cough. “So, what’s the problem?”

“He wants to start talking.”

“Don’t tell me anything more.”

“Pervert,” Jo said, freezing him with a look. “Not that kind of talking. Like, on a date. He wants to date me.”

“Wow. And I thought dating a CI was bad. Dating the attorney who regularly wins the department’s Most Hated award … that’s worse.”

“I’m not going to do it.”

Ian sobered instantly. “Of course you’re not going to do it.”

“Except he says he’ll cut me off if I don’t.”

“Jo, what part of don’t tell me anything more didn’t you understand?” Unable to resist asking, he said, “What did you say to that?”

“I said we’ll continue exactly as we are,” Jo said, so sweetly all the hair stood up on the back of Ian’s neck. She saved that tone of voice for really special occasions, like when she was about to demolish a cop demonstrating terminal stupidity or make an intractable witness cry. “I’d like to see him try to stop.”

“Irresistible force, meet immovable object,” Ian said, laughing.

They walked through the door, past the big wooden bar where Matt Dorchester had mixed cocktails and protected Eve Webber, down the hallway to the brick-paved courtyard Eve had opened late last fall. White fairy lights dangled from the cast-iron railings, and soft music played from the speakers set into the corners. Ivy growing around the fencing provided a measure of privacy. Everyone else was there, Keenan and Rose, Jack and Erin, Jamie—fresh off the plane and still in his cammies—and Charlie. Jack finished up a story that made the women laugh and Keenan raise his voice in protest, only to be drowned out by Jamie’s “That’s exactly how it happened!” Jo was steadfastly not looking at Caleb, who was deep in conversation with Riva and Eve. Natalie was behind the smaller outdoor bar, teaching Chris, Cady’s manager, to make mojitos while Cady took a picture while offering commentary from the other side of the bar.

McCormick walked over to Ian and handed him a beer. “Posting to social media,” McCormick said at Ian’s elbow. “I don’t like that everyone and his uncle knows where she is all the time, but it’s part of the game these days.”

“You’re not going to be bored,” Dorchester said. “When do you leave town?”

“Cady’s got an album ready to pitch to her management at the label,” he said. “We fly out next week.”

“Good luck,” Dorchester said seriously. He held out his hand and Conn shook it. “Have fun.”

“I’m on it,” Conn said.

Riva gave Caleb an excited nod and a huge smile, then broke away. “Ian,” she called, hurrying around the tables to Ian’s side. “Ian!”

He’d never get tired of hearing his name on her lips or seeing her all but vibrating with excitement and happiness. “Good news?” he asked.

“Very good. The board wants to really personalize the annual fundraising campaign. Eve’s getting more involved, and she’s got tons of ideas to show off the various programs. It’s an amazing opportunity for the kids, for the farm, for the urban garden movement.”

Her eyes were gleaming, and she was looking around the patio not like a suspect or a criminal but like a person who belonged exactly where she was. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “Congratulations. Let’s get you a drink and start introducing you.”

“I’m ready,” she said. “Ian. I’m really ready.”

“Me, too.” He kissed her again, this time on the lips, soft and sweet and without a care for who was watching or what they thought. Maybe he’d be a cop. Maybe he’d run a global security company. He’d always be Riva’s.
