Locating Persons, Places, and Things (I)
Listening Comprehension Exercises
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Based on the recorded passages, circle the best response to each of the questions that follows. You may listen to each passage as many times as needed.
1. What is the last name of the person the male speaker is looking for?
(A) Wàn
(B) Wáng
(C) Wāng
2. Where is the person that the male speaker is looking for?
(A) At the person’s own office
(B) At Teacher Zhang’s office
(C) At the female speaker’s office
3. Where is the male speaker from?
(A) Taiwan
(B) Mainland China
(C) U.S.
1. Where is Li Derong?
(A) At home
(B) At his office
(C) At the manager’s office
2. Why did the male speaker call?
(A) Because he wants to buy 150 tables and 250 chairs.
(B) Because he wants to buy 250 tables and 150 chairs.
(C) Because he wants to buy 250 tables and 50 chairs.
Translation Exercise
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Translate the following sentences into Pinyin romanization with correct tone marks.
1. Where is that table?
2. Do you know where that chair is?
3. Excuse me, is Ms. Zhang present?
4. If I’m not there, can you leave me a note?
5. Mrs. Zhang is here, but Ms. Zhang is not here now.
Character Practice Sheet
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Reading and Writing Exercises
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
A. Transcribe what you hear in the online audio into Chinese characters.
B. If a reference is given after a question, answer based on the referenced part of the Reading Exercises. If no reference is indicated, you may answer any way you wish.
(1) 王小姐在吗? B2
(2) 小王请老万明天几点来找我? C1
(3) 你姓什么?叫什么名字?
(4) 你知不知道中国的人口是多少?
Listening Comprehension Exercises
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Based on the recorded passages, circle the best response to each of the questions that follows. You may listen to each passage as many times as needed.
1. Where is the speaker studying this year?
(A) Chinese high school
(B) Peking University
(C) Language center
2. Where will the speaker go next year?
(A) Hong Kong
(B) Beijing
(C) The United States
3. Which meals did the speaker eat in the dining hall last year?
(A) Breakfast
(B) Lunch
(C) Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
4. Which meals does the speaker eat in the dining hall now?
(A) Breakfast
(B) Lunch
(C) Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
1. What are the two speakers doing?
(A) Having breakfast
(B) Having lunch
(C) Having dinner
2. Does the male speaker come to the restaurant often?
(A) Yes, often
(B) No, not often
(C) He has only been once
3. How many times has the female speaker been to the restaurant?
(A) One time
(B) Two times
(C) Three times
4. Where does the male speaker work?
(A) At a university
(B) At a factory
(C) At a company
Translation Exercise
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Translate the following sentences into Pinyin romanization with correct tone marks.
1. I work there.
2. Where do you eat breakfast?
3. We often come here to eat Chinese food.
4. She is studying Chinese language at Peking University.
5. Gosh! Soon it will be seven o’clock. I have to go eat dinner!
Character Practice Sheet
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
Reading and Writing Exercises
NAME ______________________________
COURSE ____________________________
DATE _______________________________
A. Transcribe what you hear in the online audio into Chinese characters.
B. If a reference is given after a question, answer based on the referenced part of the Reading Exercises. If no reference is indicated, you may answer any way you wish.
(1) 今年﹐在美国的大学学中文的学生﹐男学生多?女学生多? A9
(2) 那个学生第一次来这儿吃饭吗? B2
(3) 你知道北大在哪儿吗?
(4) 你在哪儿吃中饭?