- challenge (CHAL-uhnj) — to invite a person to try to do something, or to fight
- concession (kuhn-SESH-uhn) — in a concession speech, someone admits that his or her opponent has won
- duplicate (DOO-pluh-kate) — copy
- engulfed (in-GUHLFD) — surrounded
- illusion (i-LOO-zhuhn) — something that appears to exist or happen but does not
- levitation (lev-i-TAY-shuhn) — the act of rising in the air and floating
- monetary (MON-uh-tair-ee) — having to do with money
- resident (REZ-uh-duhnt) — a person who lives in a particular place
- retire (ri-TIRE) — stop working
- stagehand (STAYJ-hand) — a person who works behind the scenes in a theater