Chapter Fourteen
Inhaling the raw, iron earth scent of blood trapped within the confines of the SUV, Joanna studied the dark patches of scenery as they flew by through the front windshield. Stay calm. Stay calm, she repeated for the hundredth time, locking her gaze on the man behind the wheel. What was he trying to say about her mother? She scowled. “Quit playing these stupid games and just tell me.”
He glanced at her in the rearview mirror, a strange look in his eyes. “Sweet, Joanna. Still believe the world is a good place? That finding the fairy-tale love story really exists? I almost feel sorry for you.” His laugh was harsh. “Almost.”
She let her gaze drop to her lap where Ryker still watched her. His pinched brow proved he was trying to decipher Keith’s ranting as well.
“Where was your daddy when you were younger, Joanna?”
She thought long and hard about that question. Her dad’s family hadn’t been wealthy. They’d struggled to put food on the table. In fact, his grandfather had worked for one of the oil service companies her dad now owned. The truth was her father had a strong drive to succeed and earned every last penny with smart investments. Not that she was proud of all his tactics used to obtain his wealth, but his work ethic was nothing but efficient and flawless. “He worked a lot. You know that.”
“Funny that when my mother went to see her brother in Louisiana, my father would work from home.”
“You were so young. He wanted to be close to you instead of hiring a nanny.”
“Ehh… Wrong.” He sat quiet for a few minutes and then said, “Your mother was home alone then, too. Wasn’t she? Brought you over for play dates when I was barely even walking yet. Don’t you think that’s strange? What were you, like six? What do you think those two were doing while we played?”
“Your dad? My mom?” Her eyes narrowed in denial. “Watching us.”
He laughed again. A deep, throaty laugh that cut her to the bone. “Wrong. Again.”
She flinched at the suspicion forming in her head. “I don’t believe you. My mom would never—”
“Why do you still defend her? Your mother left you just like my mom left me. Only difference is, your mom killed mine.”
Icy disbelief and horror spiked her skin. Ryker’s right hand closed over hers, the comforting action more powerful than he could know. She sucked down a large amount of air. Silence hovered in the air so thick it made her ears hurt. Killed his mom? What on earth was this lunatic talking about?
“You’re one sick SOB, Keith. How dare you say such horrible things about my mother? She wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t kill anyone. You don’t know her, or why she left.”
He threw his head back, and the laugh that followed spewed pure evil. “Ever wonder why the tragedy tied us together? The nauseating truth bound us forever.”
She didn’t answer. Anger and resentment gnawed at her insides. His mother killed herself. The police ruled it a suicide. And the horrific ordeal left Joanna’s mother heartbroken. So much so, she’d left soon after Joanna’s eighth birthday, but for personal reasons with Joanna’s father. Not because she was guilty of killing anyone or having an affair. Her father would never have had anything else to do with Keith’s family if this bullshit was true.
So many memories bombarded her at once. She sat shaking her head. Facts, denial, fear nipped at her control. For years she’d questioned how her mother could leave her behind so easily. Let her father raise her alone. Why hadn’t she fought for joint custody? Made any attempts to see her over the years. She’d just left and never looked back. That’s what hurt the most. Joanna remembered the love in her eyes when she’d sang her to sleep at night. The lingering sadness when she’d said good-bye for the last time.
Keith Coleman was a liar. A filthy, crazed lunatic and a liar.
Ryker wanted nothing more than to pulverize Keith for what he was doing to Jo Jo. Although holding it together, she looked about to crumble. Her mother’s abandonment had left deep scars. That was easy to see. But the accusations Keith threw at her might be the last straw.
Frustration consumed him. He didn’t know what to do. He was in no condition to move, much less take on Keith. But he wanted Joanna to know he was there for her. So he tightened his grip on her hand.
She closed her eyes and nodded, acknowledging his effort.
When her eyes finally opened, she glared straight ahead. Several swallows followed as she repeatedly tried to keep the sobs at bay. And then she slipped her hand from his, gripping the armrest on the door so tight he heard the material strain beneath the pressure.
That a girl. Use the anger.
“Where are we going, Keith?”
“You’ll know soon enough.”
“No. I want to know now.” Her voice rang with authority. The resilient tone one Ryker had never heard before.
“I don’t care what—”
“Yes, you do! Keith Coleman, if you don’t tell me where we are going right now, I’m going to make your life a living hell. Do you hear me?”
Damn, she’d certainly recovered ten times over.
“Joanna, there’s no need to get upset.” By his tone, her outburst had obviously surprised the shit out of Keith as well as Ryker.
“Really. You kidnap my best friend, and God only knows what you have in store for my father. Then you go and shoot a police officer, take me against my will, and you have the nerve to tell me I have no reason to get upset?” She paused to take a breath. “I’m not going to pretend that I know what life has been like for you. I know from experience, as you pointed out, what it’s like to grow up without a mother. But you don’t see me running around killing people. Stealing from them. Kidnapping them. Good God. I shudder to think what else you’ve been up to.”
The truck slowed as Keith changed lanes to the right side of the road. His fingers were doing quite a number on the steering wheel as he gripped and re-gripped it every few seconds. The sound recoiled through his throbbing brain. She was getting to him.
“What? No cute comment or excuse? Come on, Keith. Tell me where my father is.”
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
“Then why my dad? He was always good to you. And if this string of crap you’ve told me about my mother turns out to be true, he’s gone above and beyond being nice to you and your father despite it all. Your father has to hold some of the blame here, too, you know?”
“I know.” He heard Keith swallow hard. The sound seemed to echo through the vehicle. “I hold your father personally responsible for not controlling his wife. But I hate my father, too, what he did. For what they did. And I’ve made it my life’s mission to make them all pay for it. Do you know how much money my dad’s spent to keep my activities out of the press? To keep my juvenile record from being opened? He’ll lose the house for sure. Hell, he even got his brother-in-law to close a murder case a few months back. But it’s not enough.” He stopped.
“He knows about your involvement with the murders? Why would he do that?”
“Good question. I guess he feels guilty. Feels like he’s the reason I turned out so messed up.”
“But why shoot this man? He’s not involved in any of this. Your dad and uncle aren’t going to be able to get you out of this one. This man’s a cop.”
“I know exactly who he is.” Keith took a deep breath. “That cop was the lead detective on the murder case that almost ended our chance for a future. I recognized him instantly when he ended up at the hotel after the robbery.”
Jo Jo looked down at Ryker for the first time, locking eyes with his, her face splotchy from unshed tears. There was so much more Ryker wanted to say, to tell her. The asshole’s current state of mind scared the shit out of him. Not to mention the pain pounding the back of his skull.
“It’s a small world, isn’t it? Imagine my surprise to find out this detective was also the boy you went all goo goo over in high school.” He growled. “I know right? Shock and horror. Thank goodness I informed your dad of your poor judgment back then. He made sure the sheriff kept an eagle eye on him, while I diverted his attempts to talk to you by whispering in your ear about his inadequacies. Honestly, you’ve never had enough sense to know what’s good for you. I see it in your eyes even now. You’re in love with the bastard.” Keith turned his attention back to the road and maneuvered the truck off the freeway and onto the feeder, where they turned several times before picking up speed again.
Jo Jo didn’t respond to his last comment. Either to deny it or confirm it. But the truth was written all over her beautiful face.
She cared. She cared a lot. And he could work with that.
Tired and unable to bear the throbbing any longer, Ryker closed his eyes, breaking the connection.