



1. What are your thoughts on Wendell Quinn as a principal? What sort of man was he?

2. Do you think it was wrong or right for Wendell to begin the Raise the Bar club? Explain your thoughts.

3. What do you think of Wendell’s claim that he was merely trying to do his job by starting the club?

4. Would you be willing to defend Wendell Quinn in a court of law? Why or why not?

5. What have you noticed about religious freedom in the United States or in your country? Give examples.

6. How do you think the founding fathers intended us to view religious freedom?

7. Have you ever felt afraid to talk about your faith in public? Share your feelings or stories about that.

8. What is one way you can help preserve religious freedom in this country or in the nation where you live?

9. Why is it important that we have religious freedom? What are the risks if those freedoms and rights are taken away?

10. Alicia lived much of her life consumed by fear. Explain her fears and whether you feel they were rational or not.

11. When have you been deeply afraid? How did you come through that time?

12. Luke Baxter has a very supportive family. Still, his work hours were out of control. Has work ever consumed you or someone you love?

13. What did you think about Reagan’s determination to love Luke despite her husband’s excessive work?

14. Reagan’s Bible study taught her that marriage requires 100 percent from both people, every day. What does this mean to you? Do you agree?

15. Another lesson from Reagan’s Bible study was the idea of loving your spouse because such an action is mandated by God—whether the spouse deserves the love or not. How can this truth help you or someone you love?

16. The Raise the Bar club made tremendous changes in the lives of the students at Hamilton High. When have you seen God work in a transformational way in your life or in the life of someone you know?

17. Cami and her father were jaded toward God because of a hurtful past experience. Have you or has someone you know ever blamed God for something another person has done? Why or why not? How did that situation work out and what did you learn?

18. What were some of the key reasons Luke was able to successfully defend Wendell Quinn? Discuss this.

19. Reagan’s surprise party for Luke was her way of loving him, even when his actions frustrated her. Talk about a time when you or someone you know loved unconditionally. What was the result? How did it feel to love that way?

20. What do you think about the lawsuits that are often filed against schools and sports teams because of long-standing traditions that involve God and religion? Are there cases that have come to your attention? What are your thoughts?