The versatility, capability, and scope of Arduino are incredibly amazing. With hardware that is easily available in the market and its wide connectivity support, the possibilities of what users can do with this small computer are nearly endless. This is one of the major reasons why Arduino is being given more emphasis in the modern world. People are steadily discovering its hidden potential and realizing its true worth.
In this book, we will try to explore Arduino's capabilities to the furthest end and try to implement the knowledge we have learned into practicing building Arduino projects. Only talking about the theoretical possibilities of the techniques and methods is just not enough. Putting them into practice and seeing the results of your hard work provides a level of satisfaction that simply cannot be matched by anything else. The book will start by taking the readers through a brief tour exploring the Arduino environment's software and hardware aspects and then gradually proceeding towards learning how to use the Arduino’s integrated development environment. From here, we will move on to discussing advanced manipulation of elements in coding, such as variables, integers, strings, floating-points, loops, conditionals, and nests, etc. Once we have gone through initial important stuff, we will explore the higher levels of Arduino programming, where we will learn how to execute digital read and write operations, analog read and write operations, and manipulate both the board’s digital and analog pins through software and much more. Since we are focusing too much on coding anyway, we will also briefly explore some useful tips on making our Arduino programs work more efficiently without hogging too many resources by learning memory handling techniques. Finally, we will discuss a few Arduino projects which will involve circuitry, displays, and many more electronic components and hardware.
It is suggested to keep in mind that every chapter we go through has an important core concept that the reader has to learn to understand the later concepts. Even if the chapters' pace seems slow, be assured that after the initial half, the chapters will feel more concentrated and packed with advanced methods and techniques that you can employ and practice to polish your Arduino skills.