Chapter Fourteen

Adam stood in the ballroom of the luxurious Lakeshore Hotel on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue on Saturday evening and stared at all the opulence surrounding him. He’d known Camille’s family had money, but he’d never guessed anything like this. From the enormous fresh floral arrangements decorating all the tables at the reception to the tasteful small orchestra playing softly in the corner of the gigantic space, it was all like something straight out of a millionaire’s dream, with a little Tijuana flair thrown in for flavor—there was even a mariachi band roaming around among the guests, playing festive music between sets for the orchestra. All of the decadence was so far from Adam’s reality he wouldn’t know how to find this experience again without a map.

Not to say he wasn’t fully enjoying his time here. He was, more than he’d ever imagined.

First had been the ride up in Mel’s Camry. Once they’d been outside Point Beacon, it was as if the restraints had fallen away again. They could act like a normal couple—holding hands and kissing and cuddling in public. She’d seemed somehow freer and more carefree, and he’d been able to leave his playboy past behind at the town line and just be a normal guy. A guy who very much enjoyed hanging out with his girl.

After checking in at the hotel, they’d unpacked, choosing to spend the time alone, away from the rest of the festivities for a little while longer. They’d gotten room service and watched some silly superhero movie on pay-per-view, then spent the entire night in bed, making love, talking, or just holding each other, because it felt so damned good.

This morning, they’d woken at the crack of dawn following a call from the front desk, summoning them to join reality again. After showering together, he and Mel had headed downstairs to the hotel restaurant to enjoy a pre-wedding breakfast with Miguel and his fiancée and their families, then hung around to hear Miguel’s sister Gina bark out orders to the caterers and the wedding planner. The yelling seemed to have paid off, because the ceremony had gone off without a hitch and everyone was now enjoying themselves at the reception.

From where he stood near the wall, Adam watched Miguel twirl his glowing bride in an elegant underarm turn to the bittersweet Mexican waltz they’d chosen for their first dance. Her traditional Latin-style wedding dress was white satin and fitted through the top and hips, then flared out at the bottom, with the hem and train embroidered in bright pink and red flowers. Her baby bump showed proudly, and she’d kicked off her shoes long ago to dance barefoot. Adam didn’t think he’d ever seen his buddy Miguel look happier.

Camille’s laughter filled the air, and both she and Miguel seemed to have eyes only for each other. Their special day had been full of smiles and love and laughter, and Adam hated to see it all end as the reception started to wind down.

Envy mingled with joy in his chest. He was so happy for his friend. They’d been through tough times together in Afghanistan, and no one deserved a good life more than Miguel and Camille. But at the same time, Adam couldn’t help noticing the deep chasm in his own life.

Much as he hated to admit it, Mel had filled that space for him like a charm. His days now brimmed with sunshine and hope and light, but soon that would come to an end. He’d be back to his ordinary life, his solitary days and meaningless nights. A few weeks ago, he’d have looked forward to it, but now the appeal and freedom of his old playboy life wasn’t there anymore. He took a long swig of his beer and swallowed hard.

Time to face the truth.

Despite all his determination to the contrary, he’d fallen hard for Mel—his gorgeous shining star, the one woman he’d always love but would never deserve. He’d known better, and yet he’d gone right ahead and tumbled over the cliff for her anyway.

All the more reason to cut ties and run, just like he’d planned.

No way could he be that guy for her, her knight in shining armor. He had no idea how. He was a player, a bad boy, nothing but poor white trash. He wasn’t worthy to kiss the ground she walked on, let alone her.

Still, his gaze was drawn to Mel through the crowd. She stood near the edge of the dance floor, looking so beautiful it sucked the air from his lungs. Her hair was up again tonight, in a messy topknot that revealed her long, graceful neck. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and her eyes sparkled as she watched the happy couple kiss. Last night, their lovemaking had seemed almost desperate, with Mel taking charge, demanding her pleasure, the memory of her soft cries still setting his body tingling. Afterward, she’d craved tenderness, snuggling against him so close he thought she might never let him go.

But he would do what she couldn’t. Later, once they were back in Point Beacon.

Camille came up beside Adam and grabbed his arm, pulling him from his thoughts. He hadn’t even noticed her leaving the dance floor he’d been so distracted.

“Come on.” The bride tugged him toward the center of the room. “Time for a group dance.”

“Aw, no.” He tried to pull away, to no avail. “I don’t really dance unless I’m drunk.”

“You will tonight.” Camille yanked Adam onto the floor and into the middle of the gathered circle of friends and family. Mel was there, too, waiting for him. He stood next to her, putting his arm around her waist and the waist of the person on the other side of him, swaying gently to the strains of a Spanish melody he hadn’t heard before.

Miguel took the mic from the orchestra conductor, grinning at everyone. “Thank you all for being here to celebrate the union of me and my beloved Camille. It wouldn’t have been the same without all of you.” His dark eyes brightened with an unexpected sheen of tears as he glanced as his beautiful bride. “And, Camille, corazón, you look exquisite.”

Camille shook her head, laughing. “You lie well, mi esposo. I look like—”

“The beautiful mother of my child.” Miguel dragged his wife up on the dais and into his arms and kissed her soundly. Then he raised a glass of champagne in a toast. “A todos nuestros amigos, les deseamos amor, salud, dinero y tiempo para disfrutarlos. To all our friends, we wish you love, health, money, and the time to enjoy them. ¡Que vivan!

The crowd cheered.

“And you, my friend.” Miguel pointed at Adam once the applause quieted. “You’re next.”

Adam backed away. “Hey, dude. I love you like a brother, but I ain’t kissing you.”

Laughter filled the ballroom.

“Funny,” Miguel said. “No. I mean finding a wife, getting married. You’re the best man I know, and you deserve every happiness. I wouldn’t be here today if you hadn’t gotten me through those terrible days during the war. I owe you more than I can ever repay. Thank you.”

They shared an awkward bro hug as Adam swallowed hard around the lump in his throat.

He caught Mel’s eye, and his heart tripped at the glittering affection in her warm brown gaze. His body tensed with his feelings for Mel, and the second he let Miguel go, Adam tugged her into his arms. Her warmth made him yearn for privacy, so he could remove that frothy bit of nothing she called a dress and pleasure her until he didn’t know where she ended and he began.

They might not have a future, couldn’t have one, but they had this one last night.

Camille took Mel’s arm, pulling her away. “Come get a drink with me, chica?”

Adam watched them walk away, amazed once more at her new look, her new confidence. Still, a part of him would always love the quirky, buttoned-up geek who dressed like his grandmother and snort-laughed. The lonely girl who’d sorted M&M’s with him in her kitchen.

Miguel moved in beside Adam once more as the crowd dispersed. “She’s great, man. Congratulations. What did James say when you told him?”

Heart skittering, Adam glanced over at Miguel. “Uh…”

“Oh, crap!” Miguel’s eyes widened. “He doesn’t know? But James comes home Friday.”

“He knows enough,” Adam ground out. “This is just a weekend thing anyway.”

“Uh-huh,” Miguel said, gaze narrowed. “Sure.”

The ladies returned, each carrying two cups of nonalcoholic punch from the buffet table. Camille thrust one of hers into her new husband’s hand with a smile. “Drink up.”

“Bossy, bossy.” Miguel raised a dark brow. “What if I’m not thirsty?”

“You will be.” She downed her punch in one long shot. “After you dance with me.”

Miguel took Camille’s hand and led her back out onto the dance floor as a lively cha-cha started playing.

Mel set the drinks in her hands aside, then grabbed Adam’s arm. “Dance with me.”

By the time they weaved through the people, the music had switched to a sweet, slow ballad. The words were in Spanish, but the angst translated just fine. Adam pulled Mel into his arms, body pressed to body, and swayed slowly in time to the rhythm. The scent of her sweet perfume, combined with the thoughts pounding through his head, messed with his concentration, causing his steps to falter. She giggled and cuddled closer, her curves a delicious distraction.

They fit together so perfectly, not just in bed, but out of it, too.

How will I ever let her go?

Adam closed his eyes.

You will because you have to. You can’t have it both ways. You knew it all along.

He lost himself in the moment and the woman and the music, wishing this would never end and knowing all along it would. His pulse beat like a countdown clock, signaling the impending doom of their time together.

One more night. One more night. One more night.

“This weekend’s been amazing,” Mel whispered into his ear, forcing him back to reality.

“Yeah.” He leaned back slightly to gaze into her eyes. “Let’s go upstairs.”


Adam stroked his finger down her cheek before pulling her off the dance floor and through the crowded ballroom. The elevator ride passed in a blur, as did the walk down the hallway to their corner room. Anticipation coiled deep within his belly. Everything had changed. He wanted Mel body and soul; he wanted to give her a night so passionate and perfect she’d remember him long after she’d left him behind.

With every touch, every look, every word, the spring inside him wound tighter. Tonight, he refused to think about tomorrow, refused to think about James and the garage. Refused to think about anything except how much he wanted to savor each and every last second with Mel.

Tonight, they’d make love. Afterward, she’d fall asleep in his arms. He could get used to that. Except he couldn’t. It wasn’t allowed. They’d made a deal. They’d had a fling. He’d gone into this with his eyes open, knowing how much he stood to lose. Mel was forbidden territory. She deserved more than he could ever be.

After tonight, they were done, and life would go back to normal.

Even if Adam would never look at normal the same way again.

He broke off from kissing Mel, fumbled the key card through the slot, then pushed inside. The maid had visited, leaving the bed turned down and the air smelling of fabric softener and starch. On the dresser sat an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

“What’s this?” Mel pulled away from him to walk over and pick up the card, toeing off her pumps. Her soft sigh of relief went straight to his groin. “Compliments of the happy couple. Aw, that’s so sweet. Want some?”

“Sure.” He slipped off his tux jacket and loosened his bow tie before unbuttoning his collar and rolling his shirtsleeves up to his elbow. He took the cold bottle from the ice bucket and popped the cork. “Full glass or half?”

“Half, I think.” She stifled a yawn. “I had quite a few glasses downstairs already.”

“Me, too.” He poured them each some, then handed her a drink. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” Mel sipped her champagne, watching him over the rim of her glass. “Not used to all this partying, I guess.”

“Well, you fooled everyone then.” He swallowed, relishing the cool liquid on his parched throat. “Everyone loved you. They treated you like you were Cinderella at the ball. I’d say your transformation is complete.”

“I’d say so, too.” She giggled. “I danced until my feet ached and had the time of my life. I’ll never forget twirling around the dance floor in your arms, Adam.”

That knot of tension in his gut pulled tighter at her heartfelt confession. He was in over his head, but he couldn’t let go. Didn’t want to. Not yet. Even knowing everything between them would go to hell after this, he needed tonight more than he needed oxygen.

He set his champagne aside, along with hers, then pulled Mel into his arms again. “I’ll never forget it, either.”

She’d come to him because she’d wanted a lover, a partner in her crazy deal, not a long-term mate. He should’ve left well enough alone. Pulling away, he changed subjects to safer ground. “Miguel’s family seemed nice. Camille’s, too.”

“Yes.” Mel slumped down on the edge of the king-size bed. “They’re great and so perfect for each other. Good thing, too. I love babies. Do you want kids someday, Adam?”

“Never really thought about it,” Adam lied, his voice sounding tight to his own ears. He would not think about what their kids might look like, with her big brown eyes and his curly black hair.

Nope. Not going there at all.

He shrugged, kicking off his shoes and tugging his shirttail from his pants.

“Really? I saw the way you looked at Camille’s belly when the baby nudged your hand. Your eyes were full of wonder. It was…”


“Nah.” Mel scooted over so he could sit beside her on the bed. “You’ll laugh.”

“I won’t.” He took her hand, his thumb tracing tiny circles on her palm and making her shiver. “I’d never laugh at you.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, not meeting his gaze. “It was…sexy.

“Yeah?” He kissed each of her fingertips in turn before drawing one into his mouth, sucking gently, feeling way more comfortable with the physical side of things than the emotional aspects of what was happening. Mel watched him, her eyes dark with want and her pink lips parted. His words emerged as little more than a growl. “What about this? Is this sexy?”

“Yes.” She lifted her head, her warm breath fanning his face and sending shimmers of awareness through his system. “So sexy. I love you, Adam.”

His lips moved to her inner wrist, still kissing and licking and nipping, despite the shock waves and warning bells clanging through his system. Adam took his sweet time, because time was all they had left. His heart and soul swayed precariously on a tightrope.

I love you, Adam.

God, he wanted her so badly he ached. Had wanted to hear those words so badly his heart ached, too, but he couldn’t think about them now. Not with the way she drove him insane with her intoxicating blend of innocence and sinful seduction, but his head demanded he not get carried away again. Demanded he enjoy their remaining hours together, but not risk his battered heart or his future. Besides, her words and feelings would change toward him soon enough anyway.

Once they were back in Point Beacon, he would end it all because he had no choice. To continue would destroy his lifelong friendship with James and jeopardize the business he’d worked so hard to build, threaten the only family he’d ever known.

Adam tried to ease the pain by assuring himself at least Mel had gotten what she’d wanted. He’d fulfilled his end of their deal, and he’d be damned if he’d ruin it all now. Their deadline was up. They needed a clean break.


Tonight, he’d hold her and love her, and then he’d let her go.

There was time enough later to worry about damage control, time when he’d be cold and alone and putting the pieces of his so-called life back together again.