Edison birthplace, Milan, Ohio
Edison in the 1870s as a young inventor
Employees of the Menlo Park workshop, 1880. Edison is under the central arch, leaning against a pillar, hands in his pockets.
The original Menlo Park workshop, relocated to Greenfield, Michigan by Edison's friend Henry Ford
Early Edison incandescent light bulb
Colorized engraving of the Pearl Street generating station in lower Manhattan, 1882
The Kinetoscope, Edison's first movie machine, 1886
Early Edison phonograph
Containers for cylinders played on early Edison phonographs
Illustration of ladies using earphones to listen to a phonograph in a demonstration on Fifth Avenue in New York, 1889
Advertisement for Edison Concert Phonograph, 1899
Plaque commemorating the showing of the first motion picture by Edison, 1896
Edison in his West Orange, New Jersey, lab, around 1901
Edison at his desk in the West Orange lab, 1913
West Orange lab today, now part of the Edison National Historic Site
Film pioneer George Eastman, left, with Edison and a motion picture camera, 1925
Adjoining Edison and Ford estates, Fort Myers, Florida
Edison estate, Fort Myers
U.S. postage stamp issued to commemorate the centennial of Edison's birth
Edison in 1922, in Washington, D.C., at the age of seventy-five