Lucy shuddered as she recalled the mouthful of abuse Vicki threw at her outside Mick’s flat. Lucy didn’t expect anything less from Vicki and had accepted, a long time ago, that sometimes challenging a person’s behaviour directly like that can make things worse. Choose your battles wisely. Back at the office, a group of her colleagues were huddled around the coffee maker, Sarah Hardy leading them all in a discussion.

‘… so, then I overheard Andy saying that someone’s husband had rang in, accusing their wife of having an inappropriate relationship with an offender! Can you imagine? Any guesses as to who it could be!?’

For a moment Lucy’s heart stood still. He wouldn’t … no … She approached the group nervously.

‘Oooh, so what’s the hot gossip then?’

‘There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!’ Sarah repeated everything she’d overheard from their boss, Mr Bourne. It didn’t sound like anything to do with her, and along with her colleagues, she was now curious. She did sympathize with whoever was being accused of the affair; Patrick had threatened to do it to her enough times.

‘I was on a home visit. Mick O’Dowd. Found Vicki Wilkinson there when I arrived.’

‘Oh shit. Now that’s not going to end well, is it? Can you email me your notes and I’ll book an appointment with Vicki as soon as possible? She’d really been making progress, but if this is true, I hope it wasn’t all to impress Mick! From everything you’ve said about him, he’s bad news.’

‘It’s certainly not going to end well. I tried to give Vicki a warning to stay away from him, but I could only say so much without breaching confidentiality. Luckily, she’s on licence still, so I’ve warned her that it could place her liberty at risk. I probably shouldn’t have said that – it may not be one hundred per cent true in her case – but she needs to be afraid of this guy.’

‘Tough one. Might be wise if I talk to Andy about it.’ Andy Bourne was the Regional Head of the area and in general a decent boss. His carefully styled hair, pout and intense stare, however, often reminded people of Ben Stiller’s character in Zoolander. Lucy giggled at that thought every time someone mentioned it.

‘You’re right. Do what you need to in terms of Vicki. I’m more than happy to be your backup on her case. I’m just going to see how things go with Mick for a bit. Give the domestic abuse team a call and request a safe-and-well check on Vicki’s flat, including a stop by Mick’s.’ Lucy rubbed her temples. ‘Sometimes this job can really get to you. If only someone would get rid of all these abusers, life would be so much easier.’

Sarah rubbed Lucy’s arm. ‘I know, but we have to separate ourselves from it and focus on the things we can do – not the things we have no control over. Happy for you to call the police team, since you have to share info on Mick anyway. Just forward me their feedback, so I can update Vicki’s records.’

Sarah always managed to cheer Lucy up. ‘Sure thing. OK, OK. Enough of the moping. Was that the kettle I heard earlier? Think we could both use a caffeine injection!’