Modern Guide to Synonyms








bell. It may imply a wide, sweeping motion, even rotation: to swing an ax; Huckleberry Finn recommended swinging a dead cat over one’s head to cure warts. Wield emphasizes the command one has over the use of a weapon or instrument: to wield a hammer and chisel; to wield forceps with consummate skill. Sometimes wield approaches brandish in meaning: He turned toward me and suddenly wielded a short, ugly knife.

Antonyms: arrest, hang, suspend.

These words describe shameless, bold, or arrogantly brusque behavior. Brashness indicates a decisive, insistently aggressive, or comewhat-may attitude. When the word is approving, it expresses wonder or admiration for someone’s audacity and zest; more commonly, it is used to criticize a rash lack of judgment or a lack of consideration for others: the brashness of such a small country in successfully defending itself against its enemies; a foolhardy brashness that often tempted him to tackle situations he knew nothing about; the brashness with which he pushed his way to the top of the heap, injuring the feelings of everyone else in the office. The word can also point to a garish vulgarity of taste: The brashness of his sports clothes almost made my eyeballs ache. Sauciness suggests, instead, an imperious, insouciant, and haughty manner, often exhibited in an inferior or in someone replying sharply or out of turn: the sauciness of that impertinent little salesgirl; the indignant sauciness with which he refused to take his nap. Often, the word can be used humorously or affectionately to describe the spirited display of someone who is weak or powerless: the roguish sauciness of a small kitten; the boy’s sauciness in grandly declining to play house with his older sister. Chutzpah is a U.S. slang word, derived from Yiddish, for brazen insolence or self-seeking: her chutzpah in demanding the best table in the restaurant. Like brashness, this word can be approving for someone’s audacity or disapproving for someone’s effrontery: Give me someone who knows what he wants and has the chutzpah to go after it without shilly-shallying; a woman who had the chutzpah to charge into the doctor’s office ahead of everyone else in the waiting room.

The remaining words are all extremely informal words for the same idea expressed by chutzpah. Of these, however, only nerve can function with either positive or negative force. When approving, the word points to cool self-possession and courage in acting against odds: It took nerve for him to stand up for his rights in an atmosphere thick with recrimination and threats of reprisal. In disapproval, nerve suggests a shameless disregard for good taste or manners: Imagine the nerve of him asking her to stay with him for the night! Brass and cheek both indicate an insistent and insolent self-assurance. Brass is the more disapproving of the two, suggesting a coarse or ingrained lack of sensitivity to the feelings of others: Not even the prosecutor had the brass to ignore the tears of the woman on the witness stand. Cheek is milder in suggesting a smug or simpering self-regard that prompts uncritical, brazen, or tasteless behavior: the cheek to ask for a raise after a week on his new job. Like sauciness, the word can be used humorously or affectionately for a cute forwardness in one’s inferiors: the cheek of the boy in asking for another helping of dessert. Gall is the most severely disapproving of all these words, suggesting shameless acts of unwarranted discourtesy: the gall to invite himself to tea. But the word is very general, applying to any act one dislikes. See conceited, effrontery, overbearing.

Antonyms: civility, meekness, politeness, self-effacement.


These words indicate a readiness to face danger, difficulty, or even death when called upon by circumstance to do so. Brave is the most general word. It indicates the showing of one’s mettle under stress, implying self-possession and resolution. Courageous, like brave, may focus on response to a situation, but it often implies firmness arising from strong moral convictions. Both words imply a willingness to proceed with the necessary in spite of external deterrents or internal misgivings. A brave or courageous soldier carries out a dangerous mission, not without fear, but without letting fear prevent him from doing his duty.

Dauntless and undaunted indicate bravery under exceptionally trying circumstances. Both imply a refusal to be disheartened, intimidated, or otherwise discouraged from going on. [Scientists pursue their experiments with dauntless determination, despite repeated failures and disappointments; Stalemated negotiators must resume their talks each day with undaunted optimism.] Fearless and intrepid imply a resolute freedom from fear or a cool, unshakable determination. [A fearless, crusading newspaper exposes corruption in high places without being deterred by the danger of reprisal; The intrepid pioneers traveled west in spite of hardships and the constant danger of Indian attack.]

Valiant and valorous are applied to persons and actions that exhibit the kind of courage and fortitude associated with knighthood. Valiant may suggest bravery shown in a worthy cause, against impossible odds, or with commendable consequences. Valorous is usually applied to the spirit or deeds of the valiant. A valiant fireman may save persons trapped in a burning building by a valorous disregard of his own safety. A dying man may put up a valiant, but hopeless, fight for fife.

Heroic and gallant imply outstanding bravery coupled with nobility of motive or selfless dedication. Heroic stresses exceptional courage, fortitude, or enterprise, especially in time of war or danger. It implies a willingness to risk or sacrifice one’s own life to save another or others. Gallant implies inner nobility that is manifested in chivalrous action. [The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.]

Plucky is a somewhat informal word, usually applied to contenders who persist against unfavorable odds. A plucky prize fighter does his best to hold his own against a heavier, more skillful opponent. Bold indicates an actively brave nature or a confident audacity. The bold man is daring and is undeterred by fear of consequences: Washington’s bold crossing of the Delaware caught the enemy by surprise and resulted in the fall of Trenton. See bold, daring, reckless.

Antonyms: afraid , cowardly , daunted, intimidated, timid .

These words refer to intervals during which some activity stops or slackens. Break stresses the idea of interruption. It indicates a temporary time-out, as from work, for rest, refreshment, recreation, or other purpose: a coffee break. Pause is less abrupt and drastic, indicating a brief rest or a momentary suspension of action: the pause that refreshes. A scheduled interruption of a radio or TV program that is called a station break at the studio is referred to in milder terms on the air as a pause for station identification. Pause is also used to stress the temporary nature of a cease-fire: a pause in the bombing; Government sources said there would be no prolonged pause in the war. Respite is a much more formal synonym for break. A respite is an interval of relief, as from some source of strain: ceaseless toil that knows no respite; The holiday truce was a welcome respite for the front-line troops. One takes



















