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Fionn Davenport

A big thanks to my fellow authors Belinda, Catherine and Oda for their skills and forbearance. Big bualadh bos to Laura Stansfeld, Anna Metcalfe and Diana Von Holdt in Melbourne, and Clifton Wilkinson in London – without your expert advice and patience this book would never have happened. At home, as always, a big thanks to Caroline Clarke for her wit, chilli and tea.

Belinda Dixon

Huge thanks to Cliff and Fionn (for guidance), Catherine (for conveying composure) and Oda (for invaluable moral support). The National Trust’s Barry Crawford and Maurica Lavery, and the Belfast Visitor Bureau’s Eve O’Neil provided sound advice. Engaging conversationalists included Brendan Rohan (Dunfanaghy; politics), Georgina O’Connor (Wexford; books!) and Eamonn Cunniss (Galway; ballroom dancing).

Catherine Le Nevez

Sláinte to Julian, and to my trips coauthors Fionn, Oda and Belinda, and Ireland coauthors, as well as the locals, fellow travellers and tourism professionals in the southwest for insights and great craic. Sláinte, too, to Cliff, Laura, Di and all at LP. As ever, merci encore to my family.

Oda O’Carroll

Thanks to my ever-patient co-authors Belinda, Catherine and Fionn, and to our Olympian editor Cliff. Gratitude to both Lauras and Di at LP HQ for their endless help. On the ground, a big shout to Mrs O, Charlotte, Jane, Ger, Eibhlin, Julie and Meabh for keeping the little ones at bay, and to Eoin, Ésa, Mella and Minnie for being ‘the bomb’.


Climate map data adapted from Peel MC, Finlayson BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated World Map of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 163344.

Cover photographs Front (clockwise from top): Slieve League, Simon Greenwood/Getty Images; Temple Bar, Dublin, Eoin Clarke/Getty Images; Fox’s Pub in County Wicklow, Destinations/Corbis Back: Dunguaire Castle, Gareth McCormack/Getty Images.


This 1st edition of Lonely Planet’s Ireland’s Best Trips guidebook was researched and written by Fionn Davenport, Belinda Dixon, Catherine Le Nevez and Oda O’Carroll. It was commissioned in Lonely Planet’s London office, and produced by the following people:

Commissioning Editor Clifton Wilkinson Coordinating Editors Michelle Bennett, Anne Mason Coordinating Cartographer Corey Hutchison Coordinating Layout Designer Jessica Rose Managing Editors Sasha Baskett, Kirsten Rawlings, Angela Tinson Senior Editors Catherine Naghten, Susan Paterson Managing Cartographer Diana Von Holdt Managing Layout Designer Chris Girdler Assisting Editors Janet Austin, Anne Mulvaney, Charlotte Orr Assisting Cartographers Hunor Csutoros, James Leversha, Gabriel Lindquist, Jolyon Philcox, Andy Rojas, Cameron Romeril, Chris Tsismetzis Cover Research Timothy O’Hanlon Internal Image Research Aude Vauconsant Language Content Branislava Vladisavljevic Thanks to Anita Banh, Jennifer Bilos, Laura Crawford, Janine Eberle, Ryan Evans, Jennye Garibaldi, Joshua Geoghegan, Jane Hart, Liz Heynes, Laura Jane, Jennifer Johnston, David Kemp, Anna Metcalfe, Wayne Murphy, Trent Paton, Anthony Phelan, Martine Power, Raphael Richards, Mik Ruff, Julie Sheridan, Rebecca Skinner, Luna Soo, Laura Stansfeld, Matt Swaine, John Taufa, Gerard Walker, Juan Winata