I’m deeply indebted to a dedicated group of people who worked tirelessly to make Kitchen Simple come to fruition.
I’d like to thank Alice Piacenza for her hard work and input that made the photography and recipes what they are. I’d also like to thank Sara Kaluzshner for her enthusiasm, energy, and dedication.
I’m deeply grateful to the staff at Ten Speed Press for turning a raw manuscript into an actual book. First are my editors, Jenny Wapner and Dawn Yanagihara, whose incredible attention to detail kept the book on course. My copy editor, Andrea Chesman, cannot be thanked enough. I’ve never worked with anyone so thorough. Her attention to every possible detail was invaluable. The attractive design of the book and the layout of the photos is the work of Nancy Austin, whose eye and experience have proven indispensable. We couldn’t have done it without her. And I must say thanks to Jean Blomquist who caught little (and sometimes not so little) mistakes and prevented them from showing up in the final book. Aaron Wehner, who oversaw the whole operation, also deserves high praise.
Last, but in no way least, are those people who surround me in my everyday life. These include my agents, Elise and Arnold Goodman with whom I have been working for over twenty years and who have, all that time, kept my interests at heart. Joel Hoffman has offered continued encouragement in my career and specifically for this book. His professionalism and pursuit of excellence are to be commended. And, of course, there is my husband, Zelik Mintz, whose love, commitment, and encouragement have sustained me for many years.