AT THE WHITE HOUSE that night, after flying back from New York, Knowles watched the Sunday night football game with Ed Abrahams over a beer. The St Louis Rams were playing the Philadelphia Eagles. He ordered up a couple of pizzas.
St Louis was having it easy. 23 to 6 in the third quarter. The Eagles defense was a shambles.
He glanced at Ed. ‘We hear anything from Susan about when she’s talking to that Chinese finance minister?’
It felt that it was long ago that they had made the decision to have the Treasury secretary talk to her Chinese counterpart, but it was only two days previously.
‘Tomorrow,’ said Abrahams. ‘First thing.’
‘You think they’ll make a statement?’
‘They’ll probably hold on a few days. I wouldn’t expect it right away. By the way, Gary tells me it might be Liang, the Chinese premier, who makes it. Zhang uses him to say things he’d rather not say himself. Doesn’t matter anyway. Everyone knows he’s Zhang’s mouthpiece so the effect would be the same. Once they say something, we can draw a line under it. They can say it was a commercial decision. They can say they didn’t interfere one way or the other. Whatever lie they like. The markets will know they’ve got the message.’
‘They’d better say something.’
‘Zhang’s made his point now, whatever the hell that was. He doesn’t want to see the markets in a real crisis any more than we do.’
Knowles took a sip on his beer and swallowed it thoughtfully, reflecting on the last couple of days. The reaction to his speech today had been just what he wanted. The commentators were saying it was strong, statesmanlike, leaderly. Dean Moss had been briefing hard to talk that angle up.
He turned to Abrahams. ‘You know, Ed, I agree with your strategy. This is the time to stop being defensive, be strong, show our own agenda. But that’s just talk. Stuff’s got to happen. If we don’t get our guys back soon, it’s going to be hard.’ Knowles paused. ‘We’re going to have hell if we don’t have them back for Thanksgiving.’
Abrahams grimaced. ‘Let’s not set any deadlines. We’ll crucify ourselves.’
‘You think we should replace Pressler?’
Abrahams looked at Knowles in surprise. ‘Replacing a commander in the field isn’t a small thing. The military’ll go postal.’
‘Yeah. Hale is just as fucking bad. Maybe I should replace him as well.’ Knowles watched the screen. St Louis threw another touchdown pass. ‘You see that? You ever seen a defense like that? It’s a Swiss cheese it’s got so many holes.’
‘Tom. This is okay. You’re at the halfway point of your first term. You have plenty of time to deal with this stuff.’
Knowles looked at him.
‘Plenty of time.’
‘You think I should cancel the CSS?’
‘And do what?’ said Abrahams.
The Caribbean Storm Summit was a meeting of the thirty-four Caribbean countries due to take place the following week to discuss action on hurricane activity, which was getting steadily more severe with climate change. Ostensibly its objective was to develop provisions for mutual emergency help. In reality it was a forum at which everyone else extracted funds from the US for storm recovery projects.
‘Walt could go,’ said Knowles. ‘I’m not sure I should be out of Washington.’
‘That doesn’t fit with the image you presented today.’
‘That image said I was going to deal with the problems here, not go off to Cancun to hand out a couple of billion dollars to our wonderful neighbors.’
‘I disagree. That image said I’m the president and I’m still leading this country and damn anyone who doesn’t think so, I’m still in charge. The CSS is part of being president.’ Abrahams sat his big bulk forward. ‘Tom, we get this stuff dealt with, we put it behind us. In two years, all people will remember is the way you dealt with it. Picked up the ball, ran with it, slam dunk.’ Abrahams slapped one hand against the other. ‘Every president has to do this. You have to show you can deal with it. That’s what makes you the Chief. That’s what makes you the man. It makes you more re-electable, not less.’
Knowles was silent for a moment. ‘Ed, you don’t feel the responsibility like I do. You weren’t the one who sent those guys into Uganda.’
‘Tom, I know that.’
Knowles gazed into his beer. ‘Nothing else I’ve done haunts me like that.’ He looked at Abrahams. ‘I feel sick just thinking about it. It was like watching some kind of animal being killed. Who’d even kill an animal like that? What kind of people would even kill an animal like that?’
‘That’s why what we’re doing is right.’
‘I know that. Doesn’t make it easier. And now we’ve got hostages. I think hostages, I think Jimmy Carter. I think one-term president and you spend the rest of your life fucking monitoring elections.’
‘Tom, it’s all about how you handle it. It’s not hostages as such, it’s how you deal with it. Look at the history. The Teheran hostages killed Carter, but the Beirut hostages didn’t touch Ronald Reagan. Right? And why did it kill Carter? Because he let it define him. Because he locked himself away in the Oval Office and turned into a hostage himself. Ronald Reagan just kept on smiling and taking his afternoon naps and allowed the most unscrupulous things to happen to get our people back. Now, canceling the CSS, sitting here in the White House worrying about it – because God knows there’s nothing more you can do – that’s how you turn yourself into Jimmy Carter.’
Knowles took another swig of his beer, thinking about it.
‘Tom, I’m not saying the stuff that’s happened in the last week is good. We sure could use more than forty-nine senators. But it’s happened. In a four-year term some bad things are bound to happen. True, we could have had better timing. But the one thing you do have now is the chance to show you’re a strong president. And that’s a good thing. So out of this very bad stuff comes at least one thing that’s good.’ Abrahams paused, watching the president. ‘Tom, this right now is the defining week of your presidency. When historians look back on your first term, they’re going to see that this was the moment you showed what you were made of. You looked right into Zhang’s eyes and you faced him down. You gave comfort to the nation after the brutal killing of one of its soldiers and made sure the others were returned. You dealt with a financial crisis and turned it into a platform for growth. This is the week. A week from now, Zhang’s made his statement, the markets are settled, Fidelian turns out to be just one bad bank, with a bit of luck we’ll have our two guys back, and you’re the hero.’
‘Just like that?’
Abrahams smiled. ‘Why not? Who could have said how bad this week was going to be?’
Knowles laughed.
‘Just don’t expect anything from Zhang right away.’
SUSAN OPITZ SPOKE to the Chinese finance minister the following morning. There was no statement from the Chinese president or his deputy that day. Or the day after. The markets remained uncertain, volatile, prey to disinformation and rumor that sent stocks of individual companies down and up and down again. The whereabouts of the missing airmen remained unknown. On Wednesday the president went to the CSS and pledged annual storm relief funds of two billion for the region. The press attacked him for the sum being either too much or too little.
There was still no statement from Zhang, but there was news from another source. Defense intelligence had received a report, of uncertain reliability, that the two missing Apache airmen were alive and had been transported across the Ugandan border into Sudan.
No one outside the highest levels of the Pentagon and the White House was being informed until the report was checked further. Everyone else was outside the loop, including the State Department.