Misery et cetera

Likely as the quilt of leaves

Above this confused congruence of


If there were only one path leading away

From the small iron shed

Beside the glass summerhouse where

She sleeps like the broken string of a lute

Like the last in a series of broken


I might follow that path to the edge

Of the white lake the radical lake rising

All by itself into the air

Where a single cloud descended like a hand

Once while we sat watching

As the moon paced the hard horizon like a sentry

Whose borders had only recently begun

To assemble

Whose latitudes resemble a doubled thread

Whose path remains a sentence on the sleepy tongue

& in that mist of intersection

Lake cloud & moon combining in the slash

Of the instant

I had only the physical to remember you by

Only the heat of your breath along my shoulder

Only the lit web of wet hair streaking

Our faces like the veins of

No other night

No other

Now in the regrettable glare of the mind

Which worships our impermanence

The way in which you have become the she asleep

In the summerhouse

where the glass walls

Hold only the gold of the day’s light

As if you never had any body I knew at all