Gypsy Davy came along

He sang so strange and sweetly

I’d filled the final page of my diary

A lovely thing given to me by the Lady of the Lake

& bound in a cover of tooled leather

The color of late-summer heather

& a single emerald spiking up at its center

To signal the green eye of the peacock carved there

So jealously guarding my words

Jealousy jealousy oh yes so much of what

I’d written in its pages only fable after fable

Of men always at odds with the truth

Men whose belief in love was so unequivocally

Selfish & provisional

The slightest little breeze off the hem of a skirt

Flowed along the river of their dreams & slowly

I learned my job was to play just a little tune

On a flute of jade & rain

To sing a simple song about the end of pain

& if you read on you’ll no doubt discover those ways

Such strange tender renders new life to any

Woman or man who’d follow a song beyond the beds

Of the forgotten

                                               into lavish fields of blue light

Only the luckiest lovers may claim