For sixteen years or more

She said she’d slept only

With black men either African

Or Caribbean she’d picked up

In the reggae & zouk bars

In Creque Alley during her time

In San Francisco doing phone

Solicitation by day & sex trade

By night her blond hair by then

In exquisite cornrows down to

The middle of her back &

To break the cycle she admitted

Was killing her decided to

Marry one for the money & so

The green card he required

& another after he’d chained her

To the bed & kept her for weeks

Before she’d agreed & no

She didn’t know where either of

Her husbands might be though

She now lived spitting distance

Of Point Lobos where one day

She’d stood far out on the rocks

As the tide came in & called me

On her cell saying listen to the surf

In which I am about to die

& I said No you’re far too sick to die

& then she laughed & said please

Don’t ever write about my illness

Which I despise though say

Anything you want about my father

Fucking me again & again

But please nothing of the way the virus

Has melted my body to bone

Then your horrible friends will know

All my life before you & diagnosis

I will claim again now as my own