A beat-up old car, a few dollars in the pocket and a sense of adventure. In 1972 that’s all Tony and Maureen Wheeler needed for the trip of a lifetime – across Europe and Asia overland to Australia. It took several months, and at the end – broke but inspired – they sat at their kitchen table writing and stapling together their first travel guide, Across Asia on the Cheap. Within a week they’d sold 1500 copies. Lonely Planet was born.
Today, Lonely Planet has offices in Franklin, London, Melbourne, Oakland, Dublin, Beijing and Delhi, with more than 600 staff and writers. We share Tony’s belief that ‘a great guidebook should do three things: inform, educate and amuse’.
In 20 years of travel to Costa Rica, Mara has spotted 162 species of birds, all four New-World monkeys, anteaters, sloths, tapirs, peccaries, coatis, agoutis, a kinkajou and a jaguarundi. None of it, she attests, is quite as wild as her five-year-old twins, who accompanied her while hiking, snorkeling, surfing, zipping, rafting, birding and horseback riding around Costa Rica. Mara has written many guidebooks for Lonely Planet, including Central America on a Shoestring and Belize. When not spying on sloths, she lives in Somerville, Massachusetts, with her husband, two kiddies and two kitties. Follow her adventures at www.havetwinswilltravel.com.
When Ashley was 12, her dad took her on a medical mission to León, Nicaragua, where she remembers diving into a muddy swimming hole, devouring whole fried fish (eyeballs included) and downing her first beer. Twenty years later, Central America enticed her again, and she moved to Costa Rica to be closer to sloths and to work as a journalist, eventually enlisting with Lonely Planet. Research for this guidebook involved sampling the capital’s new farm-to-table restaurants, befriending a crocodile whisperer and exploring far-flung corners of the Caribbean.
This was Anna’s second research trip to Costa Rica and on this occasion she was lucky enough to tackle the southern part of the country – with the best dining scene, most rugged mountain and jungle trekking and the best opportunities to delve into indigenous culture. With a university background in the history and culture of Latin America, Anna has been traveling all over this part of the world for nearly 15 years. She tweets at @ACKaminski.
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Published by Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
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1 edition - Jan 2017
eISBN 9781786575166
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