For previous acknowledgements see The Truth About Babies (Granta Books, 2002), Ring Road (Fourth Estate, 2004), The Mobile Library: The Case of the Missing Books (Harper Perennial, 2006), The Mobile Library: Mr Dixon Disappears (Harper Perennial, 2006), The Mobile Library: The Delegates’ Choice (Harper Perennial, 2008), The Mobile Library: The Bad Book Affair (Harper Perennial, 2010), Paper: An Elegy (Fourth Estate, 2012) and The Norfolk Mystery (Fourth Estate, 2013). These stand, with exceptions. In addition I would like to thank the following. (The previous terms and conditions apply: some of them are dead; most of them are strangers; the famous are not friends; none of them bears any responsibility.)
3rd Bangor Boys’ Brigade, Eric Akoto, Francesca Arcieri, the Association of British Counties, Seb Averill, Albert Bandura, Bangor Orthodontics, Tom Berry, Billy the painter, James Blunt’s Twitter feed, the Boiler Room, Dan Boland, Andrew Bovingdon, Serena Bowman, Gwyneth Box, David Boyles, Charlie Bromley, Rob Brydon, Grace Cain, Grace Carlini, Jordan Charles, Cinemagic (Belfast), the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel, Tom Clayton, Claire Collins, Company Pictures, Simon Critchley, Charles Dantzig, Bette Davis, Matthew Dodds, Martin Doyle, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Farriers, Flybe, David Gallacher, Cathy Galvin, William H. Gass, Tom Gatti, Lauren Gibb, Antonello Guerrera, Jim Henson, Sebastian Horsley, Ibis (Coventry), Nicolas Jaar, Howard Jacobson, Charlotte Jones, Kevin Kohan, Francis Kolinsky, Robert Lacey, Alessio Lana, Lisa Landrum, Tim Leach, Hari Mackinnon, Conor Mahon, Mammal Disco, Stephen Maxam, Ross McConaughy, Patrick McGuinness, Conor McKay, Sean McSweeney, Melia White-house Hotel, Joe Milutis, James Minihane, David Moore, Stephanie Moore, Stephen Moore, Paul Moran, Casey Neistat, Will Nott, the staff of the No.1 Lounge (Birmingham Airport), Open House Festival Bangor, Lillie Parmar, Jill Partington, Liese Perrin, Steve Peters, Natalie Pollard,, the staff of the Rabbit Rooms, Holly Race, Man Ray, Penny Rimbaud, Liz Rosenberg, Lucy Santos, Gianmarco Senatore, Stephen Shapiro, David Shields, Viktor Shklovsky, Alexander Smith, Octavia Stocker, Mariusz Szczygiel, Peter Tarnofsky, Mark Tavender, Jill Thomson, Chris Todd, John Truby, the staff of the Ulster Hospital A & E Department (again), Jana Viarta, Michael Watkinson, Lucas Whitaker, Andrew Williams, Peter Wilson, John Yorke, Alice Yousef.