Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering,4
Action Plan for a Safer Internet, 280
AdWords, 42-43
Internet access in, 524
Internet cafés in, 528
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 528
AnchorFree, 38
Antivirus systems, 46, 49
Armenia, 137-147
background on, 137-138
child pornography regulation in, 143
Code of Criminal Procedure of, 143
de-registration in, 25
first-generation controls in, 23
international connectivity in, 140
Internet access in, 19, 122, 138-141
Internet cafés in, 139
Internet filtering in, 22, 137, 144
Internet restriction in, 123
Internet surveillance in, 143-144
ISPs in, 140-141
key indicators for, 138
legal and regulatory framework in, 141-142
mobile communication services in, 141
nonprofit networks in, 140
ONI testing results for, 137, 144
results at a glance for, 137
satellite services in, 140
second-generation controls in, 23
telecommunications industry of, 138, 139-140
third-generation controls in, 23
VoIP services in, 141
ArmenTel, 139-140 Asia, 409-430. See also specific countries
Internet access in, 410-413
Internet filtering in, 418-421
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 413-418
Audiovisual Media Services Directive, 280
Australia, 5, 391-406
copyright law in, 396-398
defamation liability in, 398-399
hate speech regulation in, 395-396
Internet filtering in, 391, 393-394
Internet surveillance in, 400
offensive content regulation in, 392-395
Racial Discrimination Act of, 395-396
Authoritarianism, 15, 16, 28-29
Autonomous systems, 39-40
Azerbaijan, 16, 149-160
background on, 149-151
cyberwar in, 151, 157
defamation liability in, 155
denial-of-access in, 26
domain name registration in, 153
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 122, 124, 151-154
Internet cafés in, 151, 156, 157
Internet filtering in, 22, 150, 156-157
Internet surveillance in, 128, 155-156
ISPs in, 154
key indicators for, 150
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 154-155
mobile communication services in, 153-154
ONI testing results for, 150, 156-157
results at a glance for, 150
second-generation controls in, 23, 156
self-censorship in, 130
telecommunications in, 152-153, 154
third-generation controls in, 23
YouTube in, 151, 155
AzEuroTel, 152-153, 156
Bahrain, 526-527
Internet access in, 524
Internet filtering in, 529, 530
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 528
Baidu, 19 Bangladesh
Internet access in, 410
Internet filtering in, 420
BCentral, 77
Belarus, 16, 161-171
background on, 161-162
cyber crime in, 165
denial of access in, 26, 129
denial of service attack in, 26, 120
2006 elections in, 21, 26, 129
event-based filtering in, 129
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 122, 162-164
Internet cafés in, 168
Internet filtering in, 22, 161
Internet surveillance in, 128, 166-167
ISPs in, 164, 167
key indicators for, 162
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 164-166
mobile communication services in, 163-164
ONI testing results on, 161, 167-168
results at a glance for, 161
retail regulation in, 166
second-generation controls in, 23, 167-168
self-censorship in, 168
slander law in, 25
SORM in, 166-167
telecommunications in, 162-163
third-generation controls in, 23
VoIP in, 164
Belgium, copyright in, 282
Beltelecom, 162-164, 165
Bits of Freedom, 79
BlueHost, 74-76, 78
Botnets, 46, 48
British Telecom, 38, 62-63
Bulgaria, copyright in, 282
Burma, 431-448
background on, 431-433
blogs in, 439, 441
Cyclone Nargis in, 432, 437
distributed denial of service attacks in, 80, 82, 439
human rights in, 432-433
Internet access in, 411, 412, 433-436
Internet cafés in, 434-435, 437-438
Internet filtering in, 431, 440-441
Internet registration in, 437
Internet shutdown (2007) in, 439-440
Internet slowdowns in, 435-436
Internet surveillance in, 438-439
ISPs in, 433-434
IT development in, 434
key indicators on, 432
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 436-438
ONI testing results on, 431, 439-442
online government engagement in, 413
results at a glance for, 431 Burrell, Brenda, 74-76
Canada, 369-387
child pornography law of, 374-375
computer security in, 379-380
copyright law in, 370, 377, 378-379
defamation liability in, 370, 377
Internet access in, 370
Internet filtering in, 370, 374-375, 380
Internet surveillance in, 381
ISP Telus of, 374
obscene and explicit content regulation in, 374-375
online gambling in, 376
Project Cleanfeed of, 375
Censorship. SeeIntermediary censorship; Self-censorship
Child pornography regulation, 8-9, 55-70
Armenia, 143
Australia, 392-394
Canada, 374-375
Denmark, 284, 329
Europe, 279-281
Finland, 329
Germany, 310, 313
INHOPE on, 59-60, 63-65, 328-329
international perspectives on, 57-60, 63-65
Internet filtering for, 56, 60-63
Italy, 320
National Action Plan on, 63
New Zealand, 394-395
Norway, 329-330
Pennsylvania, 61-62, 372-373
South Korea, 507
Spain, 284
Stockholm Declaration on, 58-59
Ukraine, 256-257
United Kingdom, 62-63, 283-284, 359-361, 362
United Nations’ actions on, 57-58
United States, 61-62, 370-373
Vienna Commitment on, 59-60
Yokohama Global Commitment on, 60-61
Chilling Effects Web site, 79, 80
China, 449-487
background on, 449-452
Baidu in, 461-462
blogs in, 73, 74, 456-457, 460, 461, 462
Bullog blog in, 456-457
Charter 08 in, 455
content restrictions in, 456-460
cyber attacks in, 467
data retention obligations in, 465-466
defamation liability in, 415, 462-463
e-mail service regulation in, 464
ethnic minority site filtering in, 471
Fifty Cent Party in, 30-31, 413, 455
GhostNet in, 467
Golden Shield project in, 463-464
G+oogle in, 461, 471-472
Green Dam software in, 472-473
host-based censorship in, 73-74
human flesh search engines in, 454-455, 463
human rights site filtering in, 470-471
Internet access in, 410, 453-455
Internet cafés in, 465
Internet filtering in, 419, 420-421, 449, 460-461, 467-473
Internet surveillance in, 463-464
keyboard logging devices in, 47
key indicators on, 450
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 456-463
Microsoft in, 461
mobile communication services in, 466
Olympics-related filtering in, 451, 468-473
ONI testing results on, 449, 467-473
online government engagement in, 412-413
online news media in, 457-458, 470-471
online vigilantism in, 412, 455, 460
pornography regulation, 456-457
preinstalled filtering software in, 472-473
real-name registration in, 464-465
results at a glance for, 449
self-censorship in, 461-462
Sichuan province earthquake in, 450-451
tainted milk scandal in, 451-452
Taiwanese site filtering in, 471
telecommunications in, 453-454, 469-470
TOM-Skype in, 72, 465-466
video-sharing sites in, 459-461
Weng’an riot in, 460-461
Wikipedia in, 469, 470
Yahoo in, 72-73, 461-462
YouTube in, 420, 455, 460, 471-472
Chinese-style filtering. SeeFirst-generation controls
Citizen Media Law Project, 81
Cleanfeed, 62-63, 283, 360-361, 375
Client surveillance, 45-49
Colocation America, 80
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), 6, 7, 15, 119-135. See also specific countries
authoritarianism in, 15, 16, 28-29
coordination among, 121
defamatory provisions in, 126
domain name deregistration in, 130
ethnocultural diversity of, 121
event-based filtering in, 128-129
first-generation controls in, 17, 22-24, 29, 120-121
historical heritage of, 121
Internet access in, 122-123, 125
Internet content restriction in, 124-125
Internet filtering in, 22, 120-121
Internet registration requirements in, 125-126
Internet service agreements in, 125-126
Internet surveillance in, 23, 27, 127-128
ISPs in, 125, 131-132
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 124-128
national cyberzones in, 23, 27-28
national security concerns in, 126-127
ONI testing in, 120-121
post-USSR decline in, 18
second-generation controls in, 23, 24-27, 29, 121, 128-130, 131-132
self-censorship in, 130-131
state-sponsored information campaigns in, 23,28
technology in, 120, 123-124
telecommunications in, 131-132
third-generation controls in, 23, 27-28, 29, 121, 128-130, 131-132
upstream filtering in, 132
Computer network attacks, 7-8. See also
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks ComScore, 47, 48
Conficker botnet, 46
Contextual signatures, 39
Cookies, 42, 43
Australia, 396-398
Canada, 378-379
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 78-80, 377-378
Europe, 281-283
Netherlands, 79
New Zealand, 398
Nordic countries, 327-328
South Korea, 509
Ukraine, 257
United States, 78-80, 377-378
Country profiles, 111-115. See also specific countries
governance, 113
index of democracy, 15, 16, 113
Internet accessibility, 113
key indicators, 112, 114
level of filtering, 111-112
magnitude of filtering, 112
Credit card numbers, 43
Cyberspace, 11-12
Defamation liability
Australia, 398-399
Azerbaijan, 155
Canada, 370, 377
China, 415, 462-463
Commonwealth of Independent States, 25, 126
Europe, 286-288
Germany, 287
India, 417
Italy, 286-287
New Zealand, 399
Pakistan, 417, 493-494
Poland, 287
Russia, 216-218
South Korea, 414-415, 508-509
Tajikistan, 231
Turkey, 351-352
Turkmenistan, 243
Ukraine, 255-256
United Arab Emirates, 592
United Kingdom, 287
United States, 376-377
Delta Telecom, 153, 156
Democracy, 15, 16, 28, 29
Denmark, 325-340
child pornography law in, 284, 329
copyright in, 282, 327-328
Internet access in, 325
Internet filtering in, 328-330
Internet surveillance in, 330-332
IT security in, 333
keyboard logging devices in, 47
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 326
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 78-80, 377-378
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, 8
in Burma, 80, 82, 439
in Georgia, 129-130, 179
in Kyrgyzstan, 120, 128-129
in Russia, 26-27
Doctrine of Information Security, 20-21
Dubai, 525, 590
Egypt, 537-544
background on, 537-538
blogs in, 525, 538, 540
Internet access in, 524, 538-539
Internet cafés in, 529, 539, 541
Internet filtering in, 529, 537, 542
Internet surveillance in, 541-542
ISPs in, 542
key indicators on, 538
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 525-526, 527, 539-540
licensing laws in, 540
mobile communication services in, 540
ONI testing results on, 537, 542
results at a glance for, 537
social networking sties in, 541
telecommunications in, 538-539
Electronic Commerce Directive, 280
Encryption, 39
End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism, 58
Estonia, denial of service attack in, 26, 119
Europe, 279-296. See also specific countries
copyright in, 281-283
defamation liability in, 286-288
hate speech regulation in, 285-286
Internet surveillance in, 288-290
nationalistic filtering in, 284-285
regional regulation in, 279-281
social filtering in, 283-284
Web site registration in, 287
European Data Retention Directive, 35-53, 288
client surveillance and, 45-49
Google use of, 44-45
network surveillance and, 36-41
server surveillance and, 41-45
Facebook, 41-42, 72
Fifty Cent Party, 30-31, 413, 455
Finland, 325-340
child pornography law in, 329
Internet access in, 325
Internet filtering in, 283, 328-330
Internet surveillance in, 289
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 326
First Amendment, 79-80
violations of, 61-62
First-generation controls, 4, 6, 10, 30
in child pornography, 60-63
in CIS countries, 17, 22-24, 29, 120-121
Flawed democracy, 15, 16, 28, 29
Forsvarets Radioanstalt (FRA), 37
France, 297-305
background on, 297-299
biometric passports in, 301
closed-circuit television in, 301
copyright in, 282
HADOPI law in, 282-283, 301-302, 332-333
Internet access in, 299
Internet surveillance in, 289, 300-302
ISPs in, 299
key indicators for, 298
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 198-199, 300
ONI testing results in, 297, 302
results at a glance for, 297
secularism of, 298
Yahoo case in, 285, 300
Gambling, 284, 320, 348, 375-376
Gaza, Internet filtering in, 530
Georgia, 173-181
background on, 173-174
denial of service attacks in, 120, 129-130, 179
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 122, 175-176
Internet filtering in, 22, 173, 178-180
Internet infrastructure in, 174-176
Internet surveillance in, 179
ISPs in, 175, 176, 178-180
key indicators on, 174
legal and regulatory framework in, 176-178
mobile communication services in, 175
National Communications Commission of, 176-178
ONI testing results on, 173, 179-180
results at a glance for, 173
Rose Revolution of, 123, 173-174
second-generation controls in, 23
telecommunications in, 175
third-generation controls in, 23
upstream filtering in, 180
Germany, 307-316
background on, 307-308
Basic Law of, 308
child pornography regulation in, 310, 313
data retention law in, 311-312
defamation liability in, 287
Google in, 311
hate speech regulation in, 285-286, 309-310
Internet access in, 308-309
Internet surveillance in, 289, 311-312
ISPs in, 308
key indicators for, 308
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 309-311
ONI testing results in, 307, 312-313
pornography regulation in, 310-311
results at a glance for, 307
Web site blacklist in, 310
YouTube in, 310
GhostNet, 46, 48
Global Network Initiative, 87-108
accountability in, 96-97, 98-100
development of, 92-93
efficacy of, 102-103
foundational elements of, 94
freedom of expression and, 89-90
governance for, 96-97
government vs. business and, 89-91
implementation guidelines for, 95-96
learning-related activity of, 101
legitimacy of, 103
need for, 91-92
neutrality of, 103
participants in, 93-94, 97-98
principles of, 94-95
public access to, 100-101
scalability of, 103
scope of, 101-102
Sullivan Principles and, 91
sustainability of, 103
Global Online Freedom Act, 90-91
Glossary, 599-602
Google, 282
AdWords of, 42-43
in China, 461
in Dubai, 525
EU data retention directive and, 44-45
in Germany, 311
in Italy, 320
minimum censorship approach of, 78
search engine of, 41-42, 44
in South Korea, 78
Hate speech regulation
Australia, 395-396
Europe, 285-286
Germany, 285-286, 309-310
New Zealand, 396
Holocaust denial law, 286
Hostmonster, 77
Hotmail, 43, 79
HotSpot Shield, 38, 39
Hybrid democracy, 15, 16, 28, 29
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), 39
Iceland, 325-340
Internet access in, 325
Internet filtering in, 328-330
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 326
Index of democracy, 15, 16, 113
Internet access in, 410
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 417
Information Warfare Monitor, 46
INHOPE, 59-60, 63-65, 328-329
Intermediary censorship, 71-85
in China, 73-74
control points in, 72-73
economics of, 78-80
host-based, 73-74
imbalanced incentives and, 81-82
OSP-based, 71, 72-73, 74-76, 80, 81-82
research implications of, 80-81
in Syria, 77
trends in, 77-78
in United States, 74-76
International Conference on Combating Child Pornography, 59-60
International Watch Foundation, 62, 64-65
Internet Brigades, 27
Internet cafés
Algeria, 528
Armenia, 139
Azerbaijan, 151, 156, 157
Belarus, 168
Burma, 434-435, 437-438
China, 465
Egypt, 529, 539, 541
Jordan, 528
Kuwait, 528
Lebanon, 529
Moldova, 206
Oman, 529
Pakistan, 491
Saudi Arabia, 528
self-censorship in, 130-131
Syria, 529, 573, 574
Tajikistan, 229, 230
Tunisia, 584
Turkmenistan, 240-241
United Arab Emirates, 593
Uzbekistan, 24
Yemen, 529
Internet exchange point, 39-40
Internet service provider, 10
Iran, 545-559
background on, 545-546
blogs in, 546, 547, 550, 554
broadband Internet in, 547-548
content restrictions in, 550-551
Cybercrimes Bill of, 551
ethnic minority site blocking in, 554
independent news media filtering in, 553-554
Internet access in, 547-548
Internet filtering in, 529, 530, 545, 548-551, 552-555
Internet surveillance in, 551-552
ISPs in, 548, 552
key indicators on, 546
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 548-551
ONI testing results on, 545, 552-555
Penal Code of, 550
political filtering in, 553
pornography filtering in, 555
Press Law of, 549-550
results at a glance for, 545
sexuality site filtering in, 555
SmartFilter in, 548-549
social networking site blocking in, 554-555
Irrawaddy, 80
Italy, 317-324
background on, 317-318
blogs in, 320
child pornography regulation in, 320
corruption in, 317-318
data retention in, 321
defamation liability in, 286-287
Google in, 320
Internet access in, 318-319
Internet surveillance in, 289, 321
ISPs in, 319, 320
key indicators for, 318
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 319-321
Levi-Prodi law of, 319
ONI testing results in, 317, 321
online gambling in, 284, 320
results at a glance for, 317
telecommunications in, 318-319
Jordan, 523
Internet access in, 524
Internet cafés in, 528
Internet filtering in, 529, 531
Kazakhstan, 183-190
background on, 183-184
denial-of-access in, 26
de-registration in, 25
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 184-186
Internet filtering in, 22, 183, 188
Internet surveillance in, 128, 187-188
ISPs in, 185, 188
key indicators on, 184
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 125, 186-187
mobile communication services in, 185-186
national cyberzone in, 27
ONI testing results on, 183, 188
results at a glance for, 183
second-generation controls in, 23
telecommunications in, 185
third-generation controls in, 23
KazakhTelecom, 185-186, 187-188
Kentucky, online gambling law of, 376
Keyboard logging devices, 45, 47, 26
Kubatana, 74-76
Internet access in, 524
Internet cafés in, 528
press law of, 526
Kyrgyzstan, 191-199
background on, 191-192
distributed denial-of-service attacks in, 120, 128-129
2005 elections in, 8, 21, 26, 128-129
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 122, 192-194
Internet filtering in, 22, 191, 197
Internet surveillance in, 196-197
ISPs in, 193-194, 197
key indicators on, 192
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 195-196
mobile communication services in, 194
ONI testing results on, 191, 197
results at a glance for, 191
second-generation controls in, 23
telecommunications in, 193-194
third-generation controls in, 23
upstream filtering in, 197
VoIP services in, 194
KyrgyzTelecom, 193-194
Lebanon, Internet cafés in, 529
Libya, Internet filtering in, 529, user blocking by, 77, 82
Live-Journal, 72
Malaysia blogs in, 411
Internet access in, 410
Internet filtering in, 421
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 416
online government engagement in, 413
Malicious code, WebSense on, 44
Malware, 45-46, 48
detection of, 48-49
Mauritania, Internet filtering in, 529
McLaughlin, Andrew, 78
Metadata, 39
Microsoft, 43
in China, 73, 461
Live Messenger turn-offs by, 81
Middle East, 523-535. See also specific countries
cyber attacks in, 531
Internet access in, 530-531
Internet regulation in, 525-526
Internet surveillance in, 528-529
ISP conditions in, 527-528
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 526-527
media environment in, 524-525
technical filtering in, 529-530
telecommunications law in, 528
Military action, 5-6, 12, 31
Minnesota, online gambling law of, 376
Moldova, 201-208
background on, 201-202
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 122, 124, 202-203
Internet cafés in, 206
Internet filtering in, 22, 201
Internet surveillance in, 205-206
ISPs in, 202, 203
key indicators on, 202
legal and regulatory frameworks of, 203-205
mobile communication services in, 203, 204
ONI testing results on, 201, 206
registruof, 206
results at a glance for, 201
second-generation controls in, 23
state surveillance in, 27
telecommunications in, 203
third-generation controls in, 23
Twitter Revolution of, 123
Moldtelecom, 202, 203-204
antiterrorism bill of, 527
Internet access in, 524
Internet filtering in, 529
Myanmar. SeeBurma
Nas, Sjoera, 79
National Security Agency, surveillance by, 37
Nepal, Internet access in, 410
Netflix, 43
Netherlands, copyright in, 79
Network Solutions, 77
Network surveillance, 36-41
data types in, 38-39
New Zealand, 391-406
copyright law in, 398
defamation liability in, 399
hate speech regulation in, 396
Internet filtering in, 392
Internet surveillance in, 400
offensive content regulation in, 394-395
NHK, 19
Nongovernmental organizations, for child protection, 58
Nordic countries. See specific countries
North Africa, 523-535.See also specific countries
Internet access in, 530-531
Internet regulation in, 525-526
Internet surveillance in, 528-529
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 526-527
media environment in, 524-525
technical filtering in, 529-530
telecommunications law in, 528
Norway, 325-340
child pornography law in, 329-330
copyright in, 328
file sharing in, 328
Internet access in, 325
Internet filtering in, 328-330
Internet surveillance in, 330-332
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 326
online gambling regulation in, 284
Internet cafés in, 529
Internet regulation in, 527-528
press law of, 526
One and One, 77
Online service providers, 10
censorship by, 71, 72-73, 80, 81-82
OpenNet Initiative (ONI), ix, xiii-xiv, 4, 5. See also specific countries OpinionSquare, 47
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 4-5, 6
Organized criminal networks, distributed denial-of-service attacks by, 8
Pakistan, 489-502
background on, 489-490
Balochi-related site blocking in, 496
blasphemous content filtering in, 493, 495-496
blogs in, 491-492, 497
Code of Conduct of, 494
collateral filtering in, 495-496
cybercrimes law in, 492
data retention in, 494
defamation liability in, 493-494
Internet access in, 411, 491-492
Internet cafés in, 491
Internet filtering in, 419-420, 489, 492-493, 495-497
Internet surveillance in, 38, 494
ISPs in, 491, 495, 497
journalists’ deaths in, 490
key indicators on, 490
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 417, 492-494
licensing requirements in, 493
ONI testing results on, 489, 495-497
results at a glance for, 489
Sindhi-related site blocking in, 496-497
YouTube in, 495-496
Pennsylvania, child pornography law in, 61-62, 372-373
Permission Research, 47
Personal information, state-sponsored dissemination of, 28
Phillippines, Internet access in, 410
Phishing, 65
Phrom (121media), 38, 40
Pirate Bay case, 327-328
defamation liability in, 287
Internet surveillance in, 289-290
Pornography regulation. See also Child pornography regulation
China, 456-457
Germany, 310-311
Turkey, 347-348
Ukraine, 256
Uzbekistan, 270
Proxy tools, 37, 39, 40, 41
Putin, Vladimir, 17
Qatar, Internet filtering in, 529
Regime change, 16
Relakks, 37, 39, 40
Romania, Internet filtering in, 283
Rostelecom, 212
Routing information, 38-39
Russia (RUNET), 15-34, 209-226
background on, 209-211
blogs in, 19-20, 213-214
censorship in, 217-218
commercial controls in, 20
Criminal Code in, 217
defamation liability in, 216-218
denial of access in, 21-24, 25-26
de-registration in, 25
distributed denial-of-service attack in, 26-27
Doctrine of Information Security in, 20-21
extremist activity in, 217
first-generation controls in, 17, 22, 24
growth in, 18-19
Internet access in, 18-19, 122, 211-214
Internet filtering in, 22, 24, 209, 220
Internet surveillance in, 23, 27, 127, 218-219
ISPs in, 19, 212-213, 216
key indicators on, 210
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 20-21, 23, 24-28, 126-127, 214-218
Medvedev administration of, 211
mobile communication services in, 213
Nashi youth movement in, 130
national cyberzone in, 27-28
ONI testing results on, 21-22, 209, 220
politics in, 19-20
Putin administration of, 209-211
registration in, 24
results at a glance for, 209
search engines in, 19
second-generation controls in, 23, 24-27
slander law in, 25
SORM-II in, 20, 27, 127, 218-219
state-sponsored information campaigns in, 23, 27, 28
telecommunications in, 25-26, 131-132, 212
third-generation controls in, 23, 27-28
Web site registration in, 215-216
Safer Internet Program, 279-280
Saudi Arabia, 561-569
background on, 561-562
blogs in, 562, 566
female journalists in, 565
global media Web sites in, 567
human rights sites in, 564-565, 566
Internet access in, 524, 562-563
Internet cafés in, 528
Internet filtering in, 529, 561, 564, 565-567
Internet suveillance in, 565
ISPs in, 563, 565
key indicators on, 562
legal and regulatory framework in, 527, 563-565
licensing in, 531
minority group Web sites in, 566
ONI testing results on, 565-567
religious police in, 565
results at a glance for, 561
SmartFilter in, 566
telecommunications in, 562-563
television and radio stations in, 562
Save the Children, 64
Second-generation controls, 6, 7
in CIS countries, 17, 23, 24-27, 156, 167-168
in Belarus, 168
in China, 461-462
in Commonwealth of Independent States, 130-131
in Turkmenistan, 240
in Uzbekistan, 266, 269, 271
Server surveillance, 41-45
Internet access in, 410
Internet filtering in, 418-419
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 416 Skype
in China, 72, 465-466
surveillance on, 47
SmartFilter, 548-549, 566, 584, 595
South Korea, 503-520
background on, 503-504
celebrity suicide in, 505-506
child pornography law in, 507
copyright in, 509
Cyber Censorship Team of, 510-511
data retention requirements in, 512
defamation liability in, 414-415, 508-509
Election Law in, 510
Google in, 78
Information Act of, 507, 512
Internet access in, 504-506
Internet filtering in, 410, 503, 513
Internet surveillance in, 511-513
ISPs in, 505, 513
key indicators on, 504
Korean Communications Standards Commission in, 507-508
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 414-415, 417-418, 506-511
North Korea relations with, 504
ONI testing results on, 503, 513
online government engagement in, 413
online vigilantism in, 412
real-name registration in, 512
results at a glance for, 503
social media sites in, 509
Telecommunications Business Act of, 506-507
U.S. beef ban in, 505
user-generated content in, 505
Soviet Union, 3
Spain, child pornography regulation in, 284
SpectorSoft, 45
Storm botnet, 46
Sudan, Internet filtering in, 530, 531
Surveillance, 9, 31-32. See also specific countries
in CIS countries, 23, 27, 127-128 (see also specific countries)
client, 45-49
network, 36-41
routinization of, 11
server, 41-45
SvyazInvest, 212
Sweden, 325-340
copyright in, 327-328
file sharing in, 326, 327-328
FRA-law of, 331-332, 333, 334
Internet access in, 325
Internet filtering in, 328-330
Internet surveillance in, 288-289, 330-332
IT security in, 333, 334
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 326
Piratpartiet of, 333 Switzerland
Internet filtering in, 284-285
online gambling regulation in, 284
Symantec, 46
Syria, 571-579
background on, 571-572
blogs in, 575-576
e-mail sites in, 576
human rights Web sites in, 576
Internet access in, 572-573
Internet cafés in, 529, 573, 574
Internet filtering in, 529, 530-531, 571, 575-577
Internet surveillance in, 574-575 ISPs in, 575
Israeli Web sites in, 576
journalist arrests in, 571-572
key indicators on, 572
Kurdish Web sites in, 575
Lebanese Web sites in, 575
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 527, 573-574
LinkedIn censorship in, 77, 82
mobile communication services in, 575
news Web sites in, 576
ONI testing results on, 571, 575-576
political filtering in, 573-574, 575
Press Law of, 526
results at a glance for, 571
social networking sites in, 574
telecommunications in, 572-573
Tajikistan, 227-235
background on, 227-228
defamation liability in, 231
domain registration in, 230
first-generation controls in, 23
Internet access in, 19, 228-230
Internet cafés in, 229, 230
Internet filtering in, 22, 227, 232-233
Internet surveillance in, 232
ISPs in, 229-230, 232-233
key indicators on, 228
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 231-232
national cyberzone in, 27
ONI testing results on, 227, 232-233
results at a glance for, 227
second-generation controls in, 23, 232
telecommunications in, 228-229
third-generation controls in, 23
Tajiktelecom, 228-229
Technical terms, 599-602
Internet access in, 410
Internet filtering in, 420-421
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 413-414, 417
Third-generation controls, 6, 7
in CIS countries, 17, 23, 27-28, 29, 121, 128-130, 131-132
TOM Skype, 72, 465-466
Trust, 40, 44
in antivirus systems, 46
Tunisia, 581-587
background on, 581-582
blogs in, 583
cyber attacks in, 583
e-mail in, 584
Internet access in, 524, 582-583
Internet filtering in, 529, 530, 581, 584-585
Internet surveillance in, 584
ISPs in, 584
key indicators on, 582
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 526, 528, 583-584
ONI testing results on, 584-585
press code in, 583
results at a glance for, 581
SmartFilter in, 584
social networking sites in, 583
telecommunications in, 582-583
video-sharing sites in, 585
Turkey, 341-356
Atatürk insults in, 348
Attorneys Law of, 350
background on, 341-342
content blocking in, 347-351
defamation liability in, 351-352
exchange point of, 344
freedom of expression laws in, 346-351
Internet access in, 342-344
Internet laws in, 347-351
Internet surveillance in, 352-353
ISPs in, 343
key indicators for, 342
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 344-351
mass media laws in, 346-347
mobile communication services in, 344
ONI testing results on, 341, 353
online gambling in, 348
pornography regulation in, 347-348
Press Law of, 346
results at a glance for, 341
RTUK Law of, 346, 347
telecommunications in, 343, 344-346
VoIP services in, 344
YouTube in, 285, 351, 353
Turkmenistan, 237-248
background on, 237-239
defamation liability in, 243
dissent in, 244
first-generation controls in, 22, 23, 120
Internet access in, 19, 122, 123-124, 239-242
Internet cafés in, 240-241
Internet filtering in, 22, 237, 244, 245
Internet surveillance in, 244
key indicators on, 238
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 242-244
mobile communication services in, 241-242
ONI testing results on, 120, 237, 245
results at a glance for, 237
second-generation controls in, 23
self-censorship in, 240
telecommunications in, 239-240
third-generation controls in, 23
TurkmenTelecom, 125, 239-240, 241, 242-243
Turk Telecom, 132, 343, 344, 345-346
Ukraine, 249-263
background on, 249-250
blogs in, 253
censorship in, 255
child pornography law in, 256-257
copyright in, 257
defamation liability in, 255-256
first-generation controls in, 23
intellectual property rights in, 257
Internet access in, 19, 122, 251-253
Internet filtering in, 22, 249, 259
Internet surveillance in, 128, 257-258
ISPs in, 251, 252, 259
key indicators on, 250
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 253-257
mobile communication services in, 252, 253
ONI testing results on, 249, 259
Orange Revolution of, 123, 250
public morals law in, 255-256
results at a glance for, 249
satellite communication services in, 252-253
search engines in, 253
second-generation controls in, 23
telecommunications in, 251
third-generation controls in, 23
VoIP providers in, 255
Ukrtelecom, 251
United Arab Emirates, 589-598
background on, 589-590
blogs in, 594, 595
cybercrime in, 592
defamation liability in, 592
Internet access in, 523, 590-591
Internet cafés in, 593
Internet filtering in, 529, 589, 593-596
Internet surveillance in, 593
ISPs in, 593-594
key indicators on, 590
legal and regulatory framework in, 527, 591-593
media law in, 590, 591-592
ONI testing results on, 593-596
religion-related filtering in, 594-595
results at a glance for, 589
sex-related filtering in, 595-596
SmartFilter in, 595
telecommunications in, 591, 592-593
YouTube in, 592-593, 595
United Georgian Telecom, 175
United Kingdom, 357-366
background on, 357-358
child pornography regulation in, 62-63, 283-284, 359-360, 362
copyright in, 281
data retention in, 361
defamation liability in, 287
freedom of expression in, 358
Internet access in, 358-359
Internet filtering in, 257, 283, 360-361, 362
Internet surveillance in, 290, 361-362
ISPs in, 359, 362
key indicators for, 358
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 359-361
ONI testing results in, 357, 362
Project Cleanfeed of, 283, 360-361
results at a glance for, 357
United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of the Child, 57-58
Optional Protocol of, 60 United States, 369-387
Child Online Protection Act of, 371-372
child pornography law in, 61-62, 370-373
Children’s Internet Protection Act of, 372
Communications Decency Act of, 370-372
computer security in, 379-380
copyright law in, 79-80, 377-379
defamation liability in, 376-377
Internet access in, 370
Internet filtering in, 370, 372-373, 380
Internet Safety Technical Task Force of, 373
Internet surveillance in, 380-381
Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act of, 373
network neutrality in, 380
obscene and explicit content regulation in, 370-375
online gambling regulation in, 375-376
OSP-based censorship in, 74-76, 81
wiretap law in, 381
United States Communicationis Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 37, 127
United States Drug Enforcement Agency, 47
United States Privacy Act, 47
United States Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control of, 75-76
Upstream filtering
in Commonwealth of Independent States, 132
in Georgia, 180
in Kyrgyzstan, 197
in Uzbekistan, 132
Uzbekistan, 265-275
background on, 265-267
first-generation controls in, 22, 23, 120
Internet access in, 19, 122, 267-268
Internet cafés in, 24
Internet filtering in, 22, 265, 269, 271-272
Internet surveillance in, 128, 270-271
ISPs in, 267, 269, 271-272
key indicators on, 266
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 126, 268-270
licensing in, 270
mobile communication service in, 268
ONI testing results on, 120, 265, 271-272
results at a glance for, 265
second-generation controls in, 23
self-censorship in, 266, 269, 271
slander law in, 25
telecommunications in, 267-268
third-generation controls in, 23
upstream filtering in, 132
UzPAK, 269-270
Vienna Commitment, 59-60
Internet access in, 410
legal and regulatory frameworks in, 415-416
WebSense, on malicious code, 44
Wikipedia, 41-42
Wiretap requests, 37
World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, 58-59, 60-61
Yahoo, 41-42
in China, 72-73, 461-462
French access to, 285, 300
Yandex, 17, 19
Yemen, 526
Internet cafés in, 529
Internet filtering in, 530
Internet regulation in, 528
Yokohama Global Commitment, 60-61
YouTube, 132, 285
Australia, 393-394
Azerbaijan, 151, 155
campaign videos on, 79-80
China, 420, 455, 460, 471-472
Germany, 310
Pakistan, 38, 419-420, 495-496
South Korea, 78
Thailand, 420
Turkey, 351, 353
United Arab Emirates, 592-593, 595
Zimbabwe, Internet operations in, 74-7