Chapter 71


Hello, who this?” Skip asked.


“Skip, it’s me Jakeira. I’m at the hospital”, she said.



“For what? What’s up Shawty?” he asked concerned.


"I came down here to see my cousin right. You know she got jumped up the school this morning and...” she said before he cut her off shocked by the news.


"For real?” he asked.


"Yeah, but she good and they'll probably release her to her Mom, she's here too. But Yo, that ain't even why I called you. Check this out. I don't know what’s going on right now but, guess who is down and...” she said growing silent.


"Who? Don't tell me something happen to Courtney” he asked concerned.

"Nah Yo," It’s Deja,..” she blurted out.


"WHAT!!!" he screamed.


"It’s Deja, and she is really fucked up. I tried calling Harlem and her mother but I didn't get anyone”, she explained.


"I was just on my way to see Harlem, he ain't bean answering his phone. SHIT! I am on my way down there. If you get her mom before me let me know”, he said jumping up.


“I'll tell my mother too, "I AM ON MY WAY!" He hung up the phone as she walked

in the room with Deja.


Deja braced herself not knowing who had just entered her room. Fear had completely consumed her now and she was a wreck.


She recognized the face as she slowly walked closer. Her face looked worried, and without a word uttered, she kissed her.

"How are they treating you?” She asked.


Deja was so happy to finally see a familiar face she didn't know what to say. She could hardly contain herself. Her eyes filled with tears and rolled right down her puffy face.


They didn't do a lot of talking, but Deja could sense that from the expressions on her face that she must have looked horrible.


"I talked to Skip, he and his mom are supposed to be on their way. I couldn't get Harlem or your Mother, Ro-Ro's down the hall. She got jumped, but she'll be all right. Do you know what happened?” She asked as she walked down to the end of the bed and read the clip board.


She was overwhelmed with emotions when she read exactly what was wrong with her. She was raped and beaten. With one look, she spoke one word, "AL" softly, and her eyes blew up.


She took the clipboard to Deja and let her read it. She read that she had an injured lung with fluid in it, a broken clavicle, and a slightly paralyzed right arm with undetermined tissue damage.


Deja just lay there full of emotion. She knew that her family would take it hard. They were vulnerable when it came to her and always had been. It would be harder on them than it was for her and she wished that

there was something that she could do to make it all just go away.


"I am gonna try your brother again." She offered.

"NO! DON'T!” She spoke up. “He can't know, Please!” She begged. “He can't know”.

