Chapter 4 - THE WOMEN

A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

Mohammed differs from the Bible by claiming that people were created from a single soul. The Bible indicates that Adam and Eve were two souls created from one flesh. See Genesis 2:21. Notice that the name of Eve is never mentioned in the Qur’an.

1 O you people, fear your lord who created you from a single soul and created a wife from it, and from them he spread [1] many men and women. And fear Allah of whom you ask of him and the wombs. Surely Allah was watching over you. 2 And give to the orphans their money and do not substitute the worthless for the good and do not consume their money to your money. Surely this was a great hūb. [2]

Men may have four (or is it nine?) wives if they treat them the same. See also verse 4:129. It is lawful to lust after women. The following verse, 4:3, as well as verses 2:230, 236; and 33:50 contradict the teaching of the Bible. See Matthew 5:27-30.

3 And if you fear that you cannot deal fairly among the orphans, so have sex (marry) what appeals to you from the women, two and three and four. So if you fear that you will not treat them equally, so one [wife]; or [have sex with] what your right hand possesses, [3] this is near that you may not have hardship. 4 And give the women their dowry as a free gift, so if they give you from their own soul part of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure. 5 And do not give the retarded your money which Allah has placed with you for their support. And give provision to them from it and clothe them and speak to them with kind speech. 6 And test the orphans until they reach the age of having sex (marriage), so if you perceive in them a sound judgment, so hand over their money to them. But do not consume it wastefully or by hastily entrusting it to them until they grow up. And whoever was rich, so let him stay away from it; and whoever was poor, so let him consume from it with fairness. So when you give over their money to them, so take witnesses over them. And Allah is a sufficient accounter. 7 To men a portion of what their parents and relatives leave, and to women a portion of what their parents and relatives leave, whether it be little or much, an obligated portion. 8 And when the relatives are present at the division, and the orphans and the poor, so give provision to them from it. And speak to them with kind speech. 9 And let those who, if they left behind them weak offspring, have fear over them, so let them fear Allah, and let them speak correct speech. 10 Surely those who consume the money of the orphans unjustly, surely they only consume fire in their bellies. And they will roast [in] a blaze.

A male receives twice the inheritance of a female. However, mathematical computations in the distribution of inheritance are confusing with unexplained, missing portions. For example, in the case of an only daughter, Mohammed makes a huge mathematical error. He says that the daughter gets one half, and the parents of the deceased each get one sixth. That totals five sixths. Where does the remaining one sixth go?

11 Allah commands you, concerning your children, to the male the like portion of two females; so if there were more than two females, so they will have two thirds of that which their father left. And, if she was one [daughter], she will have the half, and to his parents to every one of them a sixth part of what he left if there was to him a [surviving] son. So, if he had no son and his parents are his heirs, so his mother will have the third; so if there was to him brothers, so to his mother the sixth after any will [4] was made for it or any debts. [As] to your fathers or your children, you know not which of them is the closest to you in usefulness. [This] is the ordinance of Allah. Surely Allah was knowing, wise. 12 And you will have half of what your wives leave if there was no son to them; so if there was a son to them, then a fourth of what they leave will be yours after any will was made for it or any debts. And your wives will have a fourth part of what you leave if there was no son to you; but if there was a son, then they will have an eighth part of what you leave after any will you made for it or any debts. And if a man or a woman bequeaths, was lacking [heirs], and he has a brother or sister, so to each of them the sixth; so if there were more than this, so they will be sharers in a third after any will was made for it or any debts without loss to anyone. [This] is a command from Allah. And Allah is knowing, forbearing. 13 These are the boundaries of Allah and whoever obeys Allah and his messenger, he will admit him to gardens, below them the rivers flow; they abide in it forever, and this is the great triumph. 14 And whoever will disobey Allah and his messenger and will transgress his boundaries, he will admit him into a fire to abide in it forever, and he will have a shameful torment.

This says that adulterous and homosexually active women are to be locked up in their houses until they die. This contradicts verse 24:2 which commands one hundred lashes. It also contradicts the actual practice of Islamic Law (Shariah) found in the hadith (Bukhari, volume 9, #17) which requires them to be stoned to death. This hadith was based on a verse which was in the Qur’an. Unfortunately, the paper on which the verse was written was eaten by a goat when Mohammed’s family was dealing with his funeral. Notice that the punishments of men who commit the same sin are much less.

15 And for those who commit indecency [5] among your women, so call four witnesses from among you against them. So if they testify, so detain them [6] in their houses until death takes them or Allah makes another way for them. 16 And if two [7] among you commit it, [8] then punish them. So if they repent and reform, then leave them alone. Surely Allah was relenting, merciful. 17 Surely the repentance is only from Allah to those who do the evil in ignorance and then soon repent, so those are whom Allah relents on. And Allah was knowing, wise.

No one can be saved by "death-bed" repentance.

18 And the repentance is not for those who do the evils until, when the death comes to one of them, he says, "Surely I now have repented." And neither to those who die while they are infidels. Those, we have prepared for them a painful torment. 19 O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit the women grudgingly. And do not hinder them in order to take from them part of what you had given them unless they commit an obvious indecency, and live with them in fairness. So if you hated them, so perhaps you may hate something in which Allah has placed an abundance of good.

Muslims can exchange their wives.

20 And if you desire to exchange one wife for another wife and have given one of them a measure, do not take anything [9] from it. Would you take it by buhtūn [10] and a manifest sin? 21 And how can you take it when one of you has gone into the other, and they have taken from you a thick [11] covenant? 22 And do not have sex (marry) with women whom your fathers have had sex (marry) with, except what has already passed. Surely this was indecent and hateful and an evil way. 23 Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and the daughters of the brother and the daughters of the sister and your mothers who nursed you [12] and your sisters in the breast feedings [13] and the mothers of your women [14] and your step-daughters who are in your laps, born of your women [15] which you had entered into. [16] So if you were not entered into them, [17] so you are not at fault, and also the wives of your sons who proceed out of your backbone [18] and two sisters together, except what has passed. Surely Allah was forgiving, merciful.

It is lawful for men to have sex with their married slaves and concubines. It is lawful to seek women with money (prostitution – marriage for fun).

24 And married women [are also forbidden], except all that your right hand possesses. This is the decree of Allah for you. And it is lawful to you, besides this, to seek out women with your money, chaste without fornication. So, whatever you enjoy by it (their sexual parts) from them, so give them their wages; it is an ordinance. And there will be no sin on you about what you have mutually agreed on after the ordinance. Surely Allah was knowing, wise. 25 And whoever among you who cannot have sex (marry) the free believing women, so [marry] those whom your right hand possesses (slaves) from your young believing girls. And Allah knows best your faith, some of you from others. So have sex (marry) with them with the permission of their masters, and give them their wages with fairness, chaste without fornication and not entertainers of lovers. So if they become Muslim, so if they commit indecency, so torment them half of the torment prescribed for [free] married women. This is for those who fear to fall into fornication among you, and if you were patient, it would be good for you. And Allah is forgiving, merciful. 26 Allah desires to show this to you and to guide you into the customs of those who have been before you and relents on you. And Allah is knowing, wise. 27 And Allah desires to relent on you. And those who follow the lusts, they desire that you should swerve with a great swerving. 28 Allah desires to lighten for you, and he created the human weak. 29 O you who have believed, do not consume your money among you with vanity, unless there was merchandise among you by your own consent, and do not kill yourselves. Surely Allah was merciful to you. 30 And whoever does that transgressively and unjustly, so we will roast him [in] a fire, for this was easy for Allah.

Receiving forgiveness for smaller sins is possible, but forgiveness for bigger sins is not possible.

31 If you avoid the biggest [19] of which you are forbidden, we will atone for your evils, and we will admit you with a generous entry. 32 And do not desire the bounty which Allah has given some of you above the others. The men will have a portion according to what they earn and to the women a portion according to what they earn. And ask Allah for his bounty. Surely Allah was knowing of all things. 33 And to everyone we have appointed heirs of what the parents and relatives left and those with whom you have made an oath, so give them their portion. Surely Allah was a witness over all things.

Men are superior to women. Men must scourge their wives before they become rebellious. See also verses 2:228 and 4:128.

34 Men are in charge of women by what Allah preferred some of them above the others and by what they spend out of their money. So good [women] are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. And of whom you fear rebellion, so preach to them and separate from them in the beds and scourge them. So if they obey you, so do not seek a way against them. Surely Allah was higher, big. 35 And if you fear a separation between them, so send for a judge from his family and a judge from her family. If they desire reconciliation, Allah will bring them together. Surely Allah was knowing, aware. 36 And serve Allah, and do not partner anything with him. Be good to the parents and the relatives and the orphans and the poor and the related neighbor or the unrelated neighbor and to the companion by your side and the son of the way and what your right hand possesses. Surely Allah does not love who was proud, boastful, 37 those who are stingy and command others to be stingy and hide away what Allah has given them of his bounty. And we have prepared for the infidels a shameful torment. 38 And those who spend their money to be seen of men and do not believe in Allah nor in the last day, and whoever Satan was for him a companion, so an evil companion he has! 39 And what would it cost them if they believed in Allah and the last day and spend from what Allah provided them? And Allah was a knower of them. 40 Surely Allah will not treat unjustly the weight of an atom. And if there be any good deed, he will double it, and he will give from himself a great wage. 41 So how when we bring from every nation with a witness, and we bring you up as a witness against those? 42 On that day those who became infidels and disobeyed the messenger, they will wish that the earth was leveled with them. But they will not hide any saying from Allah.

Women in Islam are dirtier than dirt. See also verse 5:6.

43 O you who have believed, do not come near the prayer while you are drunk until you know what you are saying, nor after sexual orgasm except that you are merely passing by, until you wash. And if you were sick or traveling or one of you has relieved himself or you have touched the women, so you did not find water, so rub your faces and your hands with good dirt. Surely Allah was pardoning, forgiving.

Jews and Christians are sellers of error and enemies to Muslims.

44 Have you not seen those [20] who have been given a portion from the book? [21] They purchase error and desire for you to go astray from the way. 45 And Allah knows best your enemies. And Allah is a sufficient friend, and Allah is a sufficient helper. 46 Some of the Jews are those who alter the words from their places and say, "We have heard and disobeyed and hear but as one that does not hear," and look at us twisting with their tongues and stabbing [22] in the religion. And if they would say, "We have heard, and we obey and hear and see us," it would have been better for them and more right. But Allah has cursed them because of their infidelity. So they will not believe except for a few.

The Qur'an confirms the Bible to be true.

47 O you who have been given the book, believe in what we have sent down [23] confirming what is with you [24] before we hide faces and turn them on their backs or curse them as we cursed the companions of the Sabbath. [25] And the command of Allah was accomplished.

Allah never forgives people who partner him with any other god.

48 Surely Allah will not forgive partnering [26] with him. But other than this, he will forgive whom he wills. And who partners with Allah, so indeed, he forged a great sin. 49 Have you not seen those who purify themselves? Yet Allah will purify whom he wills, and they will not be dealt with unjustly a thread. 50 Look how they forge the lies against Allah, and that in itself is a clear sin. 51 Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the book has been given? They believe in jibt [27] and the idolatry, and they say to those who became infidels, "Those are more guided in the way than those who believed." 52 Those are they whom Allah has cursed. And whomever Allah curses will not find for him any helper. 53 Or do they have a share in the kingdom? So then they will not bring to the people a naqira. [28] 54 Or they envy the people about what Allah has given them from his bounty. So indeed, we gave the family of Abraham the book and the wisdom, and we gave them a great kingdom. 55 So some of them believed in him. And some prevent [others] from him, and sufficient is the blaze of hell.

Whoever does not believe in the verses of Allah will enter hell.

56 Surely those who became infidels in our verses, we will roast them [in] a fire so often as their skins are burned; then we will change them for other skins so that they may taste the torment. Surely Allah was dear, wise.

In the garden (Paradise) men will have multiple, purified (ever-virgin) wives.

57 And those who believed and did good deeds, we will admit them into gardens, below them the rivers flow, they will abide in it forever and ever. In it they will have purified [29] wives, and we will admit them into a shadowy shade. 58 Surely Allah commands you to give back the trusts to their people, and when you judge between the people, to judge with justice. Surely Allah preaches graces by it to you. Surely Allah was hearing, seeing. 59 O you who have believed, obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those among you in charge of your affairs. So if you dispute in anything, so bring it before Allah and the messenger, if you were believing in Allah and the last day. This is better and a very good interpretation. 60 Have you not seen those who claim that they believed in what has been sent down to you [30] and what has been sent down before you? [31] They desire to be judged before the idolatry; and indeed, they were commanded to become infidels in it, and Satan desires to lead them astray, a faraway straying. 61 And when it is said to them, "Come to that which Allah has sent down and to the messenger," you have seen the hypocrites turning away from you with repetitiveness. 62 So how, when some misfortune befalls them because of what their hand had sent before, then they will come to you swearing by Allah: "That we desire nothing but to promote good and reconciliation"! 63 These are those whom Allah knows what is in their hearts. So turn away from them and preach to them and say to them flawless words about themselves. 64 And we have not sent any messenger but to be obeyed, by Allah’s permission. And if they, when they have treated themselves unjustly, come to you, so they ask Allah's forgiveness, and the messenger asks forgiveness for them, they will find that Allah is relenting, merciful.

It is lawful to swear. See also verses 52:1-6; 79:1-4; 84:16-18; 85:1-3; 89:1-4; 91:1-9… This contradicts the Bible which clearly teaches that it is evil to swear. See Matthew 5:33-37.

65 So no, [I swear] by your lord they will not believe until they have set you up as judge between them in what they dispute. Then they will not find in themselves any embarrassment in your judgments, and they will submit with complete submission. 66 And had we prescribed to them: "Kill yourselves, or get out from your homes," they would not have done it except for a few among them. And if they did what was preached to them, it was better for them and greater strength. 67 And then we surely give to them from us a great wage. 68 And we would have guided them to a straight way. 69 And whoever obeys Allah and the messenger, so those [will be] with those whom Allah has given his grace among the prophets and the siddaquen [32] and the martyrs and the good. And those are an excellent company. 70 Such is the bounty of Allah. And Allah is a sufficient knower.

Allah commands Muslim believers to go to war.

71 O you who have believed, take your precautions, so go to war in separate groups, or go to war all together. 72 And surely among you there are those who will go slowly, and if a misfortune befalls you, he says, "Indeed, Allah graced me in that I was not a martyr with them." 73 And if a bounty [33] from Allah befalls you, they will surely say, as if there had never been any friendship between you and him: "I wish I had been with them so that I would have triumphed a great triumph."

Believers engage in war for Allah. They receive a great reward, whether they live or die.

74 So let those who purchase the world’s life for the hereafter engage in war for the sake of Allah. And whoever engages in war for the sake of Allah, whether he is killed or victorious, so we will give him a great wage. 75 And what is [the matter] with you that you should not engage in war for the sake of Allah? And the weakened among the men and the women and the children who say, "Our lord, get us out of this village where its people are unjust and grant us from you a friend and grant us a helper from you." 76 Those who believed engage in war for the sake of Allah, and those who became infidels engage in war for the sake of the idolatry, so engage in war against the friends of Satan. Surely the scheme of Satan was weak.

Muslims who refuse to go to war fear man more than Allah.

77 Have you not seen those to whom it was said, "Withhold your hands [34] and perform the prayer and bring the legal alms." So when it was prescribed for them to engage in war, behold, a group of them feared the people like the fear of Allah or a greater fear. And they said, "Our lord, why did you prescribe for us the engagement of war? Were it not that you delay us to a near time." Say, "Little is the enjoyment of this world, but the hereafter is better for him who fears. And you will not be dealt unjustly a thread."

Death will overtake those in "high towers." Note the contradiction between verses 78 and 79. Where does misfortune come from, from Allah or from man himself?

78 Wherever you may be, death will overtake you even if you were in lofty buruj. [35] If good fortune befalls them, they say, "This is from Allah." And if misfortune befalls them, they say, "This is from you." Say, "All is from Allah." So what is the affair with those people? They are not near to understanding speech. 79 Whatever good fortune befalls you is from Allah, and whatever misfortune befalls you is from your own self. And we have sent you to the people [as] a messenger. And Allah is a sufficient witness. 80 Whoever obeys the messenger, so indeed, he obeyed Allah. And whoever turns away, so we have not sent you a keeper over them. 81 And they say, "Obedience." So when they go forth from your presence, during the night a group of them change what you say. And Allah writes down what they do nightly. So turn away from them, and depend on Allah. And Allah is a sufficient guardian.

According to verse 82, finding inconsistencies in the Qur'an proves that the Qur'an is not from Allah.

82 Do they not consider the Qur'an? If it was from other than Allah, they would have found in it many inconsistencies. 83 And when matters come to them, either of the security or the fear, they spread it abroad. But if they would report them to the messenger and to those who are substantial in the affair, then those among them who desire information would learn it from them. And were it not for the bounty of Allah on you and his mercy, you would have followed Satan except for a few.

Muslim believers are commanded to engage in war for the sake of Allah.

84 So engage in war for the sake of Allah, lay not burdens on any but yourself, and provoke the believers. Perhaps Allah will restrain the fierceness of those who became infidels, and Allah is the strongest in torment and is the strongest in retribution. 85 Whoever intercedes a good intercession, a portion of it will be his. And whoever intercedes an evil intercession, a portion of it will be his. And Allah was keeper over all things. 86 And when you are greeted with a greeting, so greet with better than it, or return it. Surely, Allah was a sufficient accounter over all things. 87 Allah, there is no god but him. He will surely gather you to the resurrection day. There is no doubt in it. And whose speech is more truthful than Allah's?

Allah deliberately leads people astray.

88 What is [the matter] with you that you divided into two groups concerning the hypocrites when Allah has cast them off because of what they have earned? Do you desire to guide those whom Allah has led astray? And whomever Allah leads astray, so you will not find for him a way.

These verses indicate that Muslims must kill infidels rather than making friends with them.

89 They desire that you should become infidels as they are infidels so that you should be alike. So do not take any of them for friends until they emigrate for the sake of Allah. So if they turn away, so seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take from them as friends or helpers. 90 Except those who will arrive to a people between you and them a covenant or those who come to you, their chests shrinking from engaging in war with you or engaging in war with their own people. And if Allah willed he would have made them dominate you so that they would engage in war with you. So if they withdraw from you, they will not engage in war with you, and they offer you the salām. [36] So Allah will not make for you a way against them.

Muslims must kill those who return to sedition or unbelief after professing to partner with them.

91 You will find others who desire to be safe from you and safe from their own people. So often as they return to the sedition, they will be overthrown in it. So if they do not leave you nor offer you peace nor withhold their hands, so seize them and kill them wherever you find them. Over those, we have given you clear authority. 92 And it was not for a believer to kill a believer except by khati'a. [37] And whoever kills a believer by mistake so freeing a believer’s neck [from slavery], and the blood-money will be paid to the family of the slain unless they give it as alms. So if the [killed] believer was from an enemy people to you, so freeing a believer’s neck. And if he was from a people between you and them a covenant, so blood-money is to be paid to his family, and freeing a believer’s neck. So who has not the means so fasting two consecutive months’ penance from Allah. And Allah was knowing, wise.

Reasons why Muslims should never be allowed to join the military in non-Muslim countries.

93 And whoever kills a believer intentionally, so his reward will be hell; he will abide in it forever, and Allah’s wrath will be on him and will curse him and will prepare for him a great torment. 94 O you who have believed, when you go forth [38] for the sake of Allah, make investigation, and do not say to those who offer you peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the width of the world’s life. So with Allah are abundant spoils. Likewise, you were before, so Allah has been gracious to you. So investigate. Surely Allah was aware of what you do.

Allah favors Muslims who perform jihad above other Muslims.

95 Those believers who stay [39] other than those who are substantially injured are not equal to those who perform jihad for the sake of Allah with their money and their lives. Allah favors those who perform jihad with their money and their lives above those who stay to a higher degree. Allah promises each of them the goods. And Allah favors those who perform jihad, above those who stay, [with] a great wage, 96 degrees from him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah was forgiving, merciful. 97 Surely those that the angels cause to die while they are unjust to themselves said, "Where were you?" They said, "We were weakened on the earth." They said, "Was not Allah’s earth broad enough for you to emigrate in?" So those will have their abode in hell and an evil final place. 98 Except the weakened among the men and the women and the children, they could not find the means of escape and were not guided a way. 99 So those, perhaps Allah will pardon them. And Allah was pardoning, forgiving. 100 And whoever emigrates for the sake of Allah will find on the earth many places of refuge and abundant resources. And whoever leaves from his house emigrating to Allah and his messenger, then death overtakes him, so indeed, his wage is incumbent on Allah. And Allah was forgiving, merciful.

The infidels, those who do not believe in Allah, are the Muslim’s enemies.

101 And when you journey [40] on the earth, so it is not a sin against you to cut short your prayers if you fear that those who became infidels will seduce you. Surely the infidels were your obvious enemies. 102 And if you were among them so you perform for them the prayer, so let a group of them rise up with you. And let them take their weapons so when they worship, so they will be behind you. And let another group that has not prayed come forward. So let them pray with you, and let them take their precautions and their weapons. Those who became infidels desire for you to neglect your weapons and your goods so that they might turn on you at once. And it will be no sin against you if there was any harm of rain, or if you were sick, to put down your weapons and take your precautions. Surely Allah has prepared a shameful torment for the infidels. 103 So when you will have completed the prayer, so remember Allah, standing and sitting and reclining; so when you are secure, so perform the prayer. Surely the prayer is prescribed at fixed times for the believers.

Never tire of pursuing your enemies, the infidels. Mohammed is told to seek forgiveness for his sin. See also verses 47:19 and 48:2.

104 Do not be weak in pursuing the people. If you are suffering pain, so surely they suffer pain also as you suffer pain, and hope from Allah for what they cannot hope. And Allah was knowing, wise. 105 Surely we have sent down the book to you with the truth that you may judge between the people according to what Allah has shown you. And do not be an advocate for the betrayers. 106 And ask forgiveness of Allah. Surely Allah was forgiving, merciful.

Allah does not love those who are criminals or those who are sinful.

107 And do not dispute on behalf of those who betray themselves. Surely Allah does not love who was treacherous, sinful. 108 They hide themselves from the people, and they do not hide themselves from Allah. And he is with them when they hold nightly discourses which do not please him. And Allah was encompassing what they do. 109 Here you are, those who dispute in their favor in the world’s life. So who will dispute with Allah for them on the resurrection day, or who will be a guardian over them? 110 And whoever does evil or treats himself unjustly, then asks forgiveness of Allah, he will find Allah forgiving, merciful. 111 And whoever earned sin, so surely he earns it against himself. And Allah was knowing, wise. 112 And whoever earns sin, or sins, then throws it on someone innocent, so indeed, he will carry on himself a slander and an obvious sin. 113 And were it not for the bounty of Allah on you and his mercy, a group of them tried to mislead you, and they will not mislead except themselves; they will not harm you at all. And Allah sent down on you the book and the wisdom, and he taught you what you were not knowing. And the bounty of Allah on you was great. 114 There is no good in most of their secret counsels, except him who commands alms or fairness or reconciliation among the people. And whoever does that, seeking Allah's pleasures, so we will give him great wage. 115 And who opposes the messenger after the guidance has been shown to him and follows not the way of the believers, we will let him go to what he chooses. And we will roast him [in] hell and an evil final place.

Allah will not forgive those who worship other gods.

116 Surely Allah will not forgive the partnering with himself. And he will forgive other than that to whom he wills. And whoever partners with Allah, so indeed, have strayed far away astray. 117 That they call, without him, only females. And that they do not call, except a rebellious Satan. 118 Allah cursed him, and he said, "Surely I will take from your servants a predetermined portion. 119 And I will lead them astray and will stir their desires. And I will command them, so they will cut the ears of livestock; and I will command them, so they will alter the creation of Allah." And whoever takes Satan rather than Allah for a friend, so indeed, has lost a manifest loss. 120 He promises them and stirs their desires, and Satan does not promise them except pride. 121 Those, their abode is hell, and they will not find escape from it. 122 And those who believed and did good deeds, we will admit them to gardens, below them the rivers flow, they will abide in it forever and ever. The promise of Allah is true. And whose speech is more truthful than Allah’s? 123 Not according to your desires or the desires of the People of the Book. He who does evil will be rewarded by it. And they will not find a friend or a helper other than Allah. 124 And whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, while he is a believer, so those will enter the garden. They will not be dealt with unjustly naqira. [41]

There is no better religion than Islam.

125 And who has a better religion than the one who submits his face to Allah? Who does what is good and follows the religion of Abraham, hanifan? And Allah took Abraham for a friend. 126 And to Allah what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and Allah was surrounding all things. 127 And they will consult you concerning the women. Say, "Allah consults you about them and what is recited to you in the book concerning female orphans to whom you do not give what is written for them and you desire to have sex (marry) and with regard to weak boys and that you deal with justice towards orphans. And whatever good you do, so surely Allah was a knower of it."

Women are inferior to men and should seek reconciliation with their rebellious husbands. Compare this verse to 4:34.

128 And if a woman fears rebellion or desertion from her husband, then there will be no sin on them if they can reconcile between them a reconciliation and the reconciliation is good. Men’s souls are prone to greed, but if you do good and fear, so surely Allah was aware of what you do.

It is impossible for Muslims to treat their wives fairly.

129 And you never can deal fairly between the women even if you try carefully. So do not turn aside all the way so that you may leave her as the hanging one. And if you reconcile and fear, so surely Allah was forgiving, merciful. 130 And if they separate, Allah will make both rich from his bounty. And Allah was large, wise. 131 And to Allah what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. And indeed, we have advised those to whom the books were given before you and to you: "That fear Allah and if you become infidels, so surely to Allah what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. And Allah was rich, praised." 132 And to Allah what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. And Allah is a sufficient guardian. 133 If he wills, he could cause you, O people, to pass away and bring others, and Allah was mighty for that. 134 Whoever was desirous for the reward of this world, so with Allah is the reward of this world and the hereafter. And Allah was hearing, seeing. 135 O you who have believed, be standing firmly with justice as a witness to Allah, and even if against yourselves or your parents or your relatives, whether he was rich or poor. So Allah has more right to them. So do not follow the desire, lest you swerve from justice. And if you twist or turn away, so surely Allah was aware of what you do.

Muslims are commanded by Allah to believe in the Bible and its prophets. This is proof that the Bible was correct at the time of Mohammed.

136 O you who have believed, believe in Allah and his messenger [42] and the book, [43] which he has sent down on his messenger, and the book, [44] which he has sent down before. Whoever becomes an infidel in Allah and his angels and his books and his messengers and the last day, so indeed, he has strayed far away astray. 137 Surely those who believed, then became infidels, then believed, then became infidels, then increased their infidelity, it is not for Allah to forgive them. And he will not guide them [to] a way. 138 Give the good news to the hypocrites that they will have a painful torment. 139 Those who take the infidels for friends, rather than the believers, do they seek the honor with them? So surely all the honor is to Allah. 140 And indeed, he sent it down on you in the book that if you heard the verses of Allah, they become infidels in it, and they scoff at it. So do not sit down with them until they engage in another saying, surely you will then become like them. Surely Allah will gather all the hypocrites and the infidels in hell, 141 those who watch you closely. Then if there was to you a triumph from Allah, they said, "Have we not been with you?" And if there was a portion for the infidels, they say, "Have we not prevailed over you and we prevented you from the believers?" So Allah will judge between you on the resurrection day, and Allah will not make a way for the infidels over the believers.

Hypocrites and Allah deceive each other, and Allah leads people astray. Muslims are commanded not to make friends with infidels.

142 Surely the hypocrites deceive Allah, and he deceives them. And when they stand up for prayer, they stand lazily, to be seen of people, and they do not remember Allah except a little, 143 wavering between this, belonging neither to these nor to those. And whoever Allah leads astray, so you will not find a way for him. 144 O you who have believed, do not take the infidels as friends rather than believers. Do you desire that Allah will make a clear authority against you? 145 Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest areas of the fire, and you will not find for them a helper, 146 except those who repent and reform and hold fast to Allah and they make their religion sincere to Allah. So those [will be] with the believers, and Allah will bring to the believers a great wage. 147 What will Allah do with your torment if you gave thanks and believed? And Allah was thankful, knowing. 148 Allah does not love when you speak of evil out loud, except to the one who was treated unjustly. And Allah was hearing, knowing. 149 If you show good or hide it or forgive evil, so surely Allah was pardoning, mighty. 150 Surely those who are infidels in Allah and his messengers and desire to differentiate between Allah and his messengers and say, "We believe in some and are infidels in some and desire to take a way between that," 151 those are the true infidels, and we prepare for the infidels a shameful torment. 152 And those who believed in Allah and his messengers and did not differentiate between any one of them, those he will bring their wages. And Allah was forgiving, merciful.

Mohammed makes a false accusation against the Jews. Notice the statement about the flying mountain. See also verse 7:171.

153 The People of the Book ask you to bring down on them a book from the heaven. So indeed, they asked Moses bigger than that. So they said, "Show us Allah openly." So the thunderbolt seized them for their injustice. Then they took the calf. After that our clear signs came to them, so we forgave them this. And we gave Moses a manifest authority. 154 And we uplifted the mountain above them with their covenant, and we said to them, "Enter the door worshiping." And we said to them, "Do not transgress on the Sabbath." And we took from them a thick [45] covenant. 155 So because of their breaking their covenant and being infidels in the verses of Allah and their killing of the prophets unjustly and their saying, "Our hearts are uncircumcised." Yet Allah has taba'a [46] on it for their infidelity so that they will not believe except for a few. 156 And because of their infidelity and their saying against Mary, a great slander.

Isā (the Jesus of Mohammed) did not die on the cross; someone else, whom Allah made to look like ‘Isā, took his place.

157 And their saying, "Surely we killed the Christ ‘Isā, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, and they did not salaba [47] him; but it was made to appear to them, and surely those who disagree about him are in doubt of him. They do not have any knowledge of him except following the conjecture, and they did not kill him for certain. 158 Yet Allah raised him up to himself. And Allah was dear, wise. 159 And none of the People of the Book [48] will believe in him before his death. And on the resurrection day, he will be a witness against them. 160 So with the unjust of the Jews, we have forbidden them good things which were lawful for them and because of their preventing many from the way of Allah. 161 And their taking the interest, and indeed, they were forbidden to do so and their consuming the people’s money with vanity. And we prepare for the infidels among them a painful torment. 162 But the men of firm knowledge among them and the believers believe in what has been sent down to you [49] and in what has been sent down before you. [50] And the performer of the prayer and the bringer of the legal alms and the believers in Allah and the last day, those we will bring them a great wage.

This passage shows Mohammed's confusion of names and his incorrect order of historical events.

163 Surely we have revealed to you as we revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes and ‘Isā and Ayyūb [51] and Yunus [52] and Aaron and Solomon, and to David we gave Zabor. [53] 164 And messengers, we have mentioned their story to you before, and messengers, we have not mentioned their story to you. And Allah spoke to Moses, speaking. 165 Messengers who give good news and warners so that it may not be to the people an excuse against Allah after the messengers. And Allah was dear, wise. 166 But Allah is himself witness of what he sent down to you. He sent it with his knowledge, and the angels are witnesses. And Allah is a sufficient witness. 167 Surely those who became infidels and prevent [others] from the way of Allah, indeed, they have strayed and gone far astray. 168 Surely those who became infidels and act unjustly, it was not for Allah to forgive them. And he will not guide them [to] a way, 169 except the way of hell, they will abide in it forever and ever. And this was easy for Allah. 170 O you people, indeed, the messenger came to you with the truth from your lord. So believe; it is better for you. And if you become infidels, so surely, to Allah what is in the heavens and the earth. And Allah was knowing, wise.

Isā (the Jesus of Mohammed) was only a messenger. It is far from Allah’s glory to have a son. The Trinity is false. Notice that the Trinity is clearly taught in this same verse. 1. ‘Isā is the messenger, the word of Allah. 2. Allah is the father. 3. The spirit of Allah is the holy spirit. Compare this to the Bible in John 1:1-3, 14.

171 O People of the Book, do not exaggerate in your religion and do not speak against Allah, except the truth. Surely the Christ ‘Isā, son of Mary, is only a messenger of Allah and his word, which he cast to Mary, and a spirit from him. So believe in Allah and his messengers, and do not say, "Three." [54] Cease; it is better for you. Surely Allah is only one god. Praise be to him that there would be to him a son. To him what is in the heavens and what is on the earth, and Allah is a sufficient guardian. 172 The Christ does not disdain to be a servant of Allah, nor do the angels who are close. And whoever disdains his service and is proud, so he will gather them all to himself. 173 So as for those who believed and did good deeds, so he will pay them their wages in full, and he will increase them from his bounty. And as for those who are disdainful and proud, so he will torment them with a painful torment. And they will not find a friend or helper other than Allah. 174 O you people, indeed, an evidence has come to you from your lord, and we have sent down to you a clear light. 175 So as to those who believed in Allah and hold fast to him, so he will admit them into his mercy and bounty, and he will guide them to him a straight way.

Women only receive half the inheritance of a man.

176 They consult you. Say, "Allah consults you as to the deceased who has no living son or father. If a man died and he had no son and he had a sister, half of what he left will be hers. And he will inherit from her if she did not have a son. But if there are two sisters, they will have two thirds of what he left. And if there are siblings, men and women, so the male will have the portion of two females. Allah shows you so that you will not stray. And Allah knows all things."

1 abroad

2 sin, non-Arabic word of probable Syriac origin

3 concubines and slaves

4 monies bequeathed

5 lesbianism or adultery, see Bukhari hadith #4839-4820

6 the women

7 men

8 homosexuality

9 deduction

10 slander, non-Arabic word of Syriac origin

11 firm

12 any woman who fed a man at least five times becomes his mother

13 any girl who has been breastfed by a man’s mother at least five times becomes his sister

14 wives

15 wives

16 had sex with

17 not had sex with them

18 this is believed to be the origin of man’s sperm

19 worst sin

20 Jews and Christians

21 the Bible

22 ridiculing

23 the Qur'an

24 the Bible

25 i.e. the Jews who have been changed to monkeys

26 worshiping other gods

27 unknown meaning in Arabic, non-Arabic word of Abyssinian origin

28 speck on the back of a pit from a date

29 ever-virgin

30 the Qur'an

31 the Bible

32 persons of integrity, non-Arabic word of Aramaic origin

33 spoils of war

34 from waging in war

35 towers, non-Arabic word of Latin origin

36 peace, non-Arabic word of Hebrew/Aramaic origin

37 mistake, non-Arabic word of Syriac origin

38 to fight, perform jihad

39 do not fight, jihad

40 fight for the sake of Allah, jihad

41 speck on the pit of a date, i.e. to the finest detail

42 Mohammed

43 Qur'an

44 the Bible

45 firm

46 sealed, non-Arabic word of Syriac origin

47 crucify, non-Arabic word of Persian/Syriac origin

48 Bible

49 Qur'an

50 Bible

51 Job, non-Arabic word of Greek/Syriac origin

52 name mistakenly used when Jonah was meant

53 in singular form = Psalms, non-Arabic word of Hebrew/Syriac origin

54 Trinity

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