Chapter 11 – HOUD

A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

1 Alr. [1] A book whose verses are decisive, then expounded on from the presence of a wise, an aware. 2 That you serve none but Allah, surely I am a warner and a giver of good news to you from him. 3 And that you ask forgiveness of your lord, then repent to him. He causes you to enjoy an excellent enjoyment for a determined time, and he will bring to every worthy one his bounty. And if you turn away, so surely I fear for you a torment of a big day. 4 To Allah is your return, and he has the might over all things. 5 Is it not they surely fold up their chests that they may hide from him. Is it not when they cover themselves in their garments, he knows what they hide and what they reveal. Surely he is the knower of what is in the chests. 6 And there is no creature on the earth except its provision is from Allah, and he knows its resting place and its repository, all in a clear book. 7 And he is who created the heavens and the earth in six days. And his throne was on the water, that he tests you, which of you does the best work. And if you say, "After death you will surely be raised again." Those who became infidels will surely say, "This is nothing but obvious sorcery." 8 And if we delay from them the torment to an accounted period, they will surely say, "What keeps it back?" Is it not a day that will come to them; it will not be averted from them. And what they were scoffing with, afflicted them. 9 And if we cause the human to taste mercy from us, then take it away from him, surely he is despairing, infidel. 10 And if we make him taste grace after harm has touched him, he will surely say, "The evils are passed away from me." Surely he is joyful, proud.

Forgiveness is the result of patience and good works.

11 Except those who were patient and did good deeds, those have forgiveness and a big wage. 12 So perhaps you are leaving some of what is being revealed to you, and your chest is stressed by it, that they say, "Were it not that a kanz [2] had been sent down on him or an angel came with him." Surely you are only a warner, and Allah is guardian over all things.

The Qur'an is the word of Allah because no human can write anything that good.

13 Or they say, "He has forged it." Say, "So bring ten forged portions of a revelation like it, and call on whom you can rather than Allah if you were truthful." 14 So if they did not answer to you, so know that it is only sent down by Allah’s knowledge and that there is no god except him. So are you Muslims? 15 Whoever was desiring the world’s life and its ornaments, we will fulfill their works in it, and they will not receive less in it. 16 Those who will have nothing in the hereafter except the fire, and what they have done in it will come to nothing. And vain is what they were doing. 17 Is he who was with a proof from his lord and recite it a witness from him and from before him the book of Moses, a guide and a mercy? Those believe in it, and whoever becomes an infidel in it among the parties, so the fire is his promise. So do not be in doubt about it, surely it is the truth from your lord, but most people do not believe. 18 And who is more unjust than the one who forged a lie against Allah? Those will be brought before their lord, and the witnesses will say, "Those are who lied against their lord." Is not Allah's curse on the unjust. 19 Those who prevent [others] from the way of Allah and seek to make it crooked, and they are in the hereafter, they are infidels. 20 Those were not escaping on the earth, and there was not a friend to them other than Allah. The torment will be doubled for them. They were not able to hear, and they were not seeing. 21 Those who have lost their own souls and what they were forging strayed away from them. 22 No doubt, surely in the hereafter, they are the biggest losers. 23 Surely those who believed and did good deeds and akabat [3] before their lord, those are the companions of the garden, they will abide in it forever. 24 The likeness of the two groups is as the blind and the deaf and the sighted and the hearing. Are they equally alike? Do you not remember?

The story of Noah was copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

25 And indeed, we sent Noah to his people: "Surely I am to you a plain warner, 26 that you do not serve except Allah. Surely I fear a painful torment day for you." 27 So the leaders of those who became infidels from his people said, "We do not see you except a human like us, and we do not see any who follow you except they are the lowliest of us at first thought. And we do not see that you have any favor over us, yet we think you are liars." 28 He said, "O my people, have you seen that if I were with a proof from my lord and he has given me mercy from himself, so it was hidden from you, can we force it on you while you hate it? 29 And, O my people, I do not ask you money for it, that my wage is only except on Allah. And I will not drive away those who believed, surely they will meet their lord. But I see that you are an ignorant people. 30 And, O my people, who will give me help against Allah if I drive them away, do you not remember? 31 And I will not say to you that with me are the treasuries of Allah, nor will I know the unseen, and I will not say that I am an angel, and I will not say to those whom your eyes scorn that Allah will not bring them good. Allah knows best what is in their souls. Then surely I would be of the unjust." 32 They said, "O Noah, indeed, you have disputed with us, so you dispute much with us. So bring on us what you promise us, if you were of the truthful." 33 He said, "Surely only Allah will bring it to you if he wills, and you will not be able to escape. 34 And my advice will not profit you, if I desire to advise you, if Allah was desiring to seduce you. He is your lord, and to him you will return." 35 Or do they say, "He forged it"? Say, "If I have forged it, so my crime is on me. And I am innocent from the crimes you commit." 36 And it was revealed to Noah: "That none of your people will believe except those who have believed, so do not grieve at what they were doing. 37 And make the ship by our eyes and our revelation. And do not speak to me about the unjust, surely they will be drowned." 38 And while making the ship, whenever leaders of his people passed by, they scorned him. He said, "If you scorn us, surely we will scorn you as you scorn. 39 So you will know who will receive torment, it will shame him and will dwell on him, a lasting torment." 40 Until when our command came and the tannūr [4] gushed up. [5] We said, "Carry in it from every pair two and your family, except against whom the word has already gone forth, and those who believed." And no one believes in him, except a few. 41 And he said, "Embark in it. In the name of Allah, its sailing and its anchoring. Surely my lord is forgiving, merciful."

Noah's son refused to enter the ship and drowned. This contradicts the Bible. Also, the mountain was Mount Ararat not Al Joudi. See Genesis 5:29-10:32.

42 And it [6] sailed on with them amid waves like mountains. And Noah called to his son, and he was apart: "O my son, embark with us and do not be with the infidels." 43 He said, "I will take refuge to a mountain that will secure me from the water." He said, "No one will be secure today from the command of Allah except him on whom he will have mercy." And the waves passed between them, so he was among the drowned. 44 And it was said, "O earth, swallow up your water," and "O heaven, desist." And the water abated, and the command was fulfilled. And the ship sat on the Jūdī, [7] and it was said, "Away with the unjust people." 45 And Noah called on his lord, so he said, "My lord, surely my son is of my family, and surely your promise is true. And you are the wisest of the judges." 46 He said, "O Noah, surely he is not of your family, surely he did what is not good. So do not ask what you have no knowledge of. Surely I preach to you, lest you become of the ignorant." 47 He said, "My lord, surely I seek refuge in you, that I ask you of what I do not have knowledge. And unless you forgive me and be merciful to me, I will be of the losers." 48 It was said, "O Noah, go down with peace from us and blessings on you and on nations who are with you. And nations, we will give them enjoyment. Then we will afflict them with a painful torment." 49 This is some of the news of the unseen; we reveal it to you. You did not know it, neither your people before this, so be patient. Surely the end is to the fearer.

The story of Ad, made up by Mohammed, is repeated again.

50 And to Ad, their brother Houd said, "O my people, serve Allah. You have no god other than him. That you are only forgers. 51 O my people, I do not ask you a wage for it, for my wage is only from him who created me. Do you not understand? 52 And, O my people, ask forgiveness of your lord, then repent to him. He will send down the heaven on you with abundant and increase you power over your power, and do not turn away, criminals." 53 They said, "O Houd, you have not brought us proof. And we will not abandon our gods at your word, and we are not believers in you. 54 We say that some of our gods have smitten you with evil." He said, "Surely I witness Allah. And surely I witness that I am innocent of what you partner 55 without him, so all of you together scheme against me, then you will not be delayed. 56 Surely I depend on Allah, my lord and your lord. There is not a creature except he takes it by her forelock. Surely, my lord is on a straight way. 57 So if you turn away, so indeed, I have delivered to you what I was sent with to you. And my lord will raise a successor nation other than you, and you will not harm him anything. Surely my lord is a keeper over all things." 58 And when our command came, we delivered Houd and those who believed with him with a mercy from us, and we delivered them from a thick [8] torment. 59 And this was Ad. They disbelieved in the verses of their lord and rebelled against his messengers and followed the command of every powerful stubborn. 60 And they followed a curse in this world and on the resurrection day. Is it not surely Ad became infidels of their lord, except away with Ad, the people of Houd.

The story of Themoud, made up by Mohammed, is repeated again.

61 And to Themoud, their brother Saleh said, "O my people, serve Allah. You have no god other than him. He brought you forth from the earth and has settled you in it. So ask forgiveness of him, then repent to him, surely my lord is near answering." 62 They said, "O Saleh, indeed, you were among us and hope was in you before that. Do you forbid us to serve that which our fathers serve? And surely we are in grave doubt of what you are calling us to." 63 He said, "O my people, have you seen that if I were with a proof from my lord, and he gave me from him mercy? So who will help me against Allah if I disobey him? So you will not increase me other than loss. 64 And, O my people, this is Allah’s camel, a sign to you. So let her eat in Allah’s earth, and do not touch her with evil, so you will be overtaken with a near torment." 65 So they hamstrung her. So he said, "Enjoy [yourself] in your home for three days; this promise will not be denied." 66 So when our command came, we delivered Saleh and those who believed with him, with mercy from us, from disgrace on that day. Surely your lord is the strong, the dear. 67 And the shout seized those who did injustice, so they became motionless in their homes, 68 as if they had never dwelt in it in riches. Is it not surely Themoud became infidels of their lord, except away with Themoud.

The story of Abraham is copied from the Bible and corrupted. Notice that Sarah laughs in verse 71, which contradicts her reaction in verse 51:29 where she slaps her face. See the original true account of Abraham in Genesis 11-25.

69 And indeed, our messengers came to Abraham with good news. They said, "Peace." He said, "Peace." So he did not delay, but brought a haneez [9] calf. 70 So when he saw that their hands did not reach out to it, he disliked them and grew fearful of them. They said, "Do not fear, surely we are sent to the people of Lot." 71 And his woman [wife] was standing by so she laughed. So we gave her the good news of Isaac and after Isaac, Jacob. 72 She said, "Oh, woe is to me! Will I bear a son when I am old and when my husband is old? Surely this is a wonderful thing." 73 They said, "Do you wonder at the command of Allah? The mercy of Allah and his blessings are on you, the people of the house. Surely he is praised, glorious." 74 So when Abraham's fear had gone and the good news had reached him, he disputed with us for the people of Lot. 75 Surely Abraham was meek, awah, [10] often turning. 76 "O Abraham, leave this. Surely indeed, the command of your lord came, and surely the torment will come to them. It will not be turned back."

The story of Lot is copied from the Bible and corrupted. See Genesis 19.

77 And when our messengers came to Lot, he was troubled because of them. And his arm was tight, [11] and he said, "This is a dreadful day." 78 And his people came hastily toward him, for before they were doing the evils." He said, "O my people, these are my daughters. They are pure for you, so fear Allah, and do not put me to shame to my guests. Is there not among you a man with a right mind?" 79 They said, "Indeed, you know we have no rights to your daughters, and surely you well know what we want." 80 He said, "Would that I had power to resist you or could seek a refuge with a strong supporter." 81 They said, "O Lot, surely we are messengers of your lord. They will not reach to you, so depart with your family a part of the night, and no one of you turn around except your woman [wife]. Surely it will befall on her what will befall on them. Surely their appointed time is in the morning. Is not the morning near?" 82 So when our command came, we made on it its bottom. [12] And we rained down on them rocks of sijjīl, [13] one after another, 83 marked from your lord. And it is not far from the unjust.

The story of Midian, made up by Mohammed, is repeated once again.

84 And to Midian, their brother Shoaib said, "O my people, serve Allah. You have no god other than him, do not lessen the measure and the weights. Surely I see you are fine, and surely I fear for you the torment of an encompassing day. 85 And, O my people, give full in the measure and the weights with fairness, and do not defraud the people their things. And do not act wickedly in the land, vandalizing. 86 What abides with Allah is better for you if you were believers, and I am not a keeper over you." 87 They said, "O Shoaib, does your prayer command you that we should leave what our fathers served or that we do with our money as pleases us? Surely you are the forbearing, the right mind." 88 He said, "O my people, have you seen that if I were with a proof from my lord and he provides for me an excellent provision from him? And I do not want to disagree with you about what he has forbidden you of. That I desire except the reform of which I am able, and my success is not except by Allah, on him I depend and to him I turn. 89 And, O my people, let not my disagreement with you cause you to be stricken as what struck Noah’s people or Houd’s people or Saleh’s people. And the people of Lot are not far from you. 90 And ask forgiveness of your lord, then repent to him. Surely my lord is merciful, friendly." 91 They said, "O Shoaib, we do not understand much of what you say, and we surely see that you are weak among us. And were it not for your family, we surely would have stoned you, and you are not dear to us." 92 He said, "O my people, is my family dearer to you than Allah? And you cast him behind your back. Surely my lord surrounds what you do. 93 And, O my people, do what you are able, surely I will do. You will know who will receive torment which will disgrace him and who is the liar. And watch, surely I am a watcher with you." 94 And when our command came, we delivered Shoaib and those who believed with him, with mercy from us. And a shout seized the unjust, so they became motionless in their homes. 95 As if they had never dwelt in it in riches, is it not away with the Midian, as away with Themoud.

The story of Moses and Pharaoh is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

96 And indeed, we sent Moses with our signs and with a manifest authority 97 to Pharaoh and his leaders, so they followed the command of Pharaoh. And the command of Pharaoh was not right. 98 He will head his people on the resurrection day, so he gave them to the fire. And evil is the entry which they are entering. 99 And they were followed a curse in this and the resurrection day; evil is the gift that will be given. 100 This is some of the news of the villages we relate to you. Some of them are standing and reaped. 101 And we did not treat them unjustly, but they treated themselves unjustly, so their gods on whom they called rather than Allah did not profit them at all. When your lord’s command came, they did not increase them except in ruin. 102 And likewise, your lord seized, if he seizes the villages while they are unjust. Surely his seizing is painful, severe. 103 Surely in this is a sign to him who fears the torment of the hereafter. That is a day all people will be gathered to it, and this is a witnessed day. 104 And we do not delay it, except for the calculated time. 105 A day will come when a soul will not talk, except with his permission, so some of them are wretched and happy. 106 So as for those who are rich, so in the fire they will have in it, inhaling and exhaling. 107 They will abide in it forever, as long as the heavens and the earth will endure, except what your lord wills. Surely your lord is the doer of what he wants. 108 And as for the happy, so in the garden, they will abide in it forever, as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your lord wills, a gift which will never stop. 109 So do not be in doubt concerning that which they serve; they do not serve except like what their fathers serve before, and surely we will pay back their portion without reduction. 110 And indeed, we gave Moses the book, so they disagree about it. And were it not that a word had gone forth from your lord, he would have judged between them, and surely they are in grave doubt about it. 111 And surely your lord will repay each their works, surely he is aware of what they do. 112 So stand straight as you have been commanded and who repented with you, and do not exceed the limit. Surely he sees what you do. 113 Do not lean toward the unjust, so the fire will touch you. And you do not have any friends other than Allah, then you will not be helped.

Good deeds wipe away evil deeds.

114 And perform the prayer at the two edges of the day and at the approach of night. Surely good deeds drive away the evil deeds. This is a reminder to those who remember. 115 And be patient, so surely Allah will not waste the wage of the doers of good. 116 So were it not that some of the generation before you, who possessed favor forbiding against the vandalizing on the earth, except a few from whom we delivered among them. And those unjust followed what they made to enjoy in it, and they were criminals. 117 And your lord was not to destroy the villages unjustly, and their people were reformers.

Allah chose to create some people who would not be Muslims just to fill hell with them.

118 And if your lord willed, he would have made the people one nation. And they are still different, 119 except whom your lord has given mercy, and that is why he created them. And the word of your lord has been fulfilled: "I will surely fill hell with the jinn and the people together." 120 And all that we have related to you of the news of the messengers is to strengthen your heart with it. And in these the truth has come to you, and a sermon and a reminder to the believers. 121 And say to those who do not believe, "Do whatever you can, surely we are doing. 122 And wait, surely we are waiting. 123 And to Allah, the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to him all the affair will return. So serve him and depend on him. And your lord is not unaware of what you do."

1 a word containing three Arabic letters without meaning

2 treasure, non-Arabic word of Middle Persian/Aramaic origin

3 a word without meaning, Muslim scholars claim it to be fear, humble, return, reassured, obedient, or humility

4 oven, non-Arabic word of Persian or Akkadian or Aramaic origin

5 like froth on milk

6 the ship

7 mountain in Mesopotamia near Mosul, non-Arabic word of possible Syriac origin

8 great

9 a word without meaning, but Muslim scholars claim it means roasted.

10 a word without meaning

11 frustrated because he could not protect them

12 turned upside down

13 baked clay, non-Arabic word of Persian origin

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