1 Indeed, the believers have prospered, 2 those who are humble in their prayers, 3 and those who turn away from vain words, 4 and those who to the legal alms are doing.
Believers, male and female, must restrain themselves from sex with anyone except their spouses and their concubines or slaves, whether married or single.
5 And those who are keeping their private parts (maintain their chastity), 6 except from their wives or what their right hands possess, so surely they are not blamed. 7 So whoever desires to reach more than that, so those are the transgressors. 8 And those who to their trusts and their covenants are watchful, 9 and those who to their prayers are keeping, 10 those who are the heirs, 11 those who inherit the paradise, they will abide in it forever.
This is a scientific misconception concerning the formation of the fetus. Also, Allah is one of many creators.
12 And indeed, we created the human from an extract of mud. 13 Then we made him a nutfah in a secure place. 14 Then we created the nutfah into a clot. So we created the clot into a piece of flesh, so we created the piece of flesh into bones, so we clothed the bones with flesh. Then we made it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best of the creators. 15 Then after that, surely you will die.16 Then you will surely be raised on the resurrection day. 17 And indeed, we have created above you seven ways, and we were not heedless about the creation. 18 And we send down water by measure from the heaven. So we cause it to dwell on the earth, and surely we are able to take it away. 19 So we produce to you by it gardens of palm trees and grapes. You have in it much fruit, and from it you eat.
Mohammed tells about an olive tree on Mount Sinai, but no tree grew on Mount Sinai.
20 And a tree comes from Mount Sainā, [1] which yields oil and a juice for eaters. 21 And surely there is a lesson for you in the livestock: we give you to drink of what is in their bellies and you have many benefits and of them you eat. 22 And on them and on ships you are carried.
The story of Noah is copied from the Bible and corrupted again. Notice that the order of events described the water coming up and then the animals were put aboard. This opposes the Bible which clearly teaches that at God’s direction, the animals were loaded one week prior to the flood. Also, a mistake was made when no mention was given to the fact that there were also seven of each of the pure animals and birds. See Genesis 7.
23 And indeed, we sent Noah to his people. So he said, "O my people, serve Allah. You have no god other than him. Do you not fear?" 24 So the leaders of those who became infidels among his people said, "What is this except a human like you, who desires to be preferred over you. And, if Allah willed, he would send angels. We did not hear of this from our ancient fathers. 25 He is only a man in whom is jinn, so watch him for a time." 26 He said, "Lord, help me, for they denied me!" 27 So we revealed to him that, “Make the ship by our eyes and our revelation, so when our command comes and the oven boils up, [2] so walk into it from every pair two and your family, except for him on whom our saying has already passed among them. And do not speak to me for those unjust, surely they will be drowned. 28 So when you are seated with those who are with you on the ship, so say, "The praise be to Allah who has delivered us from the unjust people." 29 And say, "My lord, send me down with a blessed descending, and you are the best of the senders." 30 Surely in this are signs, and we were the testers.
This describes the unknown messenger with the unknown message to the unknown people.
31 Then we raised up after them another generation. 32 So we sent to them a messenger from among them: "That serve Allah, you have no god other than him. Do you not fear?" 33 And the leaders of his people, those who became infidels, and they denied the meeting [3] of the hereafter, and though we give them plenty of enjoyment in the world's life, said, "This is just a human like you. He eats from what you eat from and drinks from what you drink. 34 And if you obey a human like yourselves, then surely you will be losers. 35 Does he promise you that if you die and were dust and bones, you will be coming out? 36 Far away, far away is what you promised. 37 This is only our life of this world: we die and we live and we will not be raised. 38 He is just a man who forged lies against Allah, and we will not believe in him." 39 He said, "Lord, help me for they denied me!" 40 He said, "In a little while, they will surely become regretful." 41 So the shout seized them with the truth, so we made them as scum. So away with the unjust people! 42 Then, after them, we raised up other generations. 43 No nation will hasten their appointed time, and neither will they delay it. 44 Then we sent our messengers one after another. And every time a nation's messenger arrived, they denied him. So we made some of them to follow others, and we made them tales, so away with the people who do not believe.
The story of Moses is copied from the Bible and corrupted again.
45 Then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our signs and a manifest authority 46 to Pharaoh and his leaders, so they became proud, and they were a haughty people. 47 So they said, "Will we believe in two humans like ourselves, and their people to us are serving?" 48 So they denied them, so they were among the destroyed. 49 And indeed, we gave Moses the book, perhaps they may be guided. 50 And we made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, and we sheltered them in a high place with security and with a spring. 51 O you messengers, eat of things that are good and do good deed, surely I know what you do. 52 And surely this is your nation, one nation, and I am your lord, so fear me. 53 So they cut off their affairs among them into Zober, [4] every party rejoicing by what they had. 54 So leave them in their depths of error until a time. 55 Do they think that we only provided them with money and sons? 56 We hasten to them in the good, yet they do not feel. 57 Surely those who are from the awe of their lord, fearing. 58 And those who believe in the verses of their lord, 59 and those who do not have partners with their lord, 60 and those who give what they gave and their hearts filled with dread, surely to their lord they will return; 61 those hasten to do good deeds and are the first to do it. 62 And we will not burden a soul beyond its capacity, and with us is a book that speaks with the truth. And they will not be dealt with unjustly. 63 Yet their hearts are overwhelmed in that, and they have their works, without this, that they continue to do, 64 until when we seize those who have a luxurious life with torment, then they groan. 65 Do not groan today, surely you will not be helped. 66 Indeed, my verses were recited to you, so you were turning back on your heels, 67 acting proudly against it, and leaving it by night. 68 Did they contemplate the words or did it come to them, that which did not come to their ancient fathers? 69 Or did they not know their messenger, so they are denying him? 70 Or they say, "There is a jinn in him." Yet he came to them with the truth, and most of them to the truth are haters. 71 And if the truth had followed their desires, surely the heavens and the earth and all that is in them would be vandalized. Yet we have brought them their reminder, so they turn away from their reminder. 72 Or you ask them for a tribute, the tribute of your lord is the best. And he is the best of the providers. 73 And you will surely invite them to a straight way. 74 And surely those who do not believe in the hereafter are deviating from the way. 75 And if we had taken mercy on them and lifted the harm that is in them, they would have plunged on in their rebellion blindly. 76 And indeed, we seized them with a torment, so they did not submit to their lord, And they did not implore 77 until, when we have opened on them the door of a severe torment, behold, they are in it moblesun. [5] 78 And he is who made the hearing and the sight and the hearts for you, little you give thanks. 79 And he is who multiplied you on the earth, and you will be gathered to him. 80 And he is who gives life and causes death and to him the alternation of the night and the day. Do you not understand? 81 Yet they said like what the ancients said. 82 They said, "If we died and we were dust and bones, will we then be raised? 83 Indeed, we were promised this, we and our fathers before. This is nothing but the legends of the ancients." 84 Say, "To whom is the earth and who is in it, if you were knowing?" 85 They will say, "To Allah." Say, "Do you not remember?" 86 Say, "Who is the lord of the seven heavens and the lord of the great throne?" 87 They will say, "To Allah." Say, "Do you not fear?" 88 Say, "In whose hand is the kingdom of all things and who protects, but against him there is no protection, if you were knowing?" 89 They will say, "To Allah." Say, "So how are you bewitched?" 90 Yet, we brought them with the truth, but surely they are liars.
The Qur'an clearly teaches that Allah has no son.
91 Allah has not taken some son. And there was not any other god with him or else each god would go with what he created, and perhaps some of them will be against the others. Praise be to Allah, above what they describe. 92 The knower of the unseen and the seen, so he is higher above what they partner. 93 Say, "My lord, will you show me what they promised? 94 My lord, do not make me of the unjust people." 95 And surely, we are able to show you what we promised them. 96 Pay the evil by that which is better. We know best what they describe. 97 And say, "My lord, I seek refuge in you against the suggestion of the satans. 98 And I seek refuge with you, my lord, lest they come to me." 99 Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My lord, return me. 100 Perhaps I may do a good deed with what I have left." Certainly not, surely this is a word which he will speak. And behind them will be a berzaħ [6] until a day they will be raised. 101 So when they blow in the trumpet, so no ties of family between them on that day. Neither will they ask each other.
Salvation comes to those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds on the scales.
102 So whose scales are heavy, so those are the prosperous. 103 And whose scales are light, so those are they who lost their souls in hell forever. 104 The fire will scorch their faces, and they will shrivel in it. 105 "Were not my verses recited to you, so you were denying them?" 106 They said, "Our lord, our misery prevailed against us, and we were a strayed people. 107 Our lord, get us out of it. So if we then return, so surely we will be unjust." 108 He says, "Stay in it, and do not speak to me. 109 Surely there was a group among my servants who were saying, 'Our lord, we believed, so forgive us and have mercy on us, and you are the best of the merciful.' 110 So you took them for a scoff until they made you forget my remembrance, and you were laughing at them. 111 Surely I have rewarded them today for their patience. Surely they are the triumphant." 112 He said, "How many number of years did you stay on the earth?" 113 They said, "We stayed a day or part of a day, so ask those who count." 114 He said, "You only stayed a little while, if you were knowing. 115 Did you think that we created you for nothing and that you would not return to us?" 116 So Allah is exalted, the king, the truth. There is no god except him, the lord of the generous throne.
It will be bad for the unbelievers who worship ‘Isā (the Jesus of Mohammed) or any god along with Allah.
117 And whoever calls with Allah another god, he has no proof in him, so surely his reckoning is only with his lord. Surely the infidels will not prosper. 118 And say, "My lord, forgive and have mercy. And you are the best of the merciful."
1 Sinai, non-Arabic word of Syriac origin
2 like froth on milk
3 day of judgment
4 translated throughout the Qur'an as "scriptures," but in this verse only is translated as "sects"
5 a word without meaning
6 barrier, non-Arabic word of Pahlavi origin