1 Ys. [1] 2 [I swear] by the wise Qur'an. 3 Surely you are of the messengers. 4 On a straight way. 5 A descending of the dear, the merciful. 6 To warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless. 7 Indeed, the word against most of them is established, so they will not believe. 8 Surely we placed chains around their necks so they were up to their chins so their heads were forced up. 9 And we made between their hands a barrier and from behind them a barrier, so we cover them so they do not see. 10 And if you warn them or do not warn them, it is the same. They will not believe. 11 Surely you only warn who followed the reminder and feared the merciful with the unseen, so give him the good news of forgiveness and a generous wage. 12 Surely we raise the dead. And we write down what they advanced and what is left behind, and we counted everything in a clear guide.
This is a strange parable made up by Mohammed. What village? Who are the messengers? Who was the man in the city? What was the message?
13 And give them a parable of the companion of the village when the messenger came to them. 14 When we sent to them two, so they denied them, so we strengthened them with a third. So they said, "Surely we are sent to you." 15 They said, "You are not except humans like us, and the merciful did not send down anything, but you are only liars." 16 They said, "Our lord knows that surely we are sent to you. 17 And our duty is nothing except the clear delivering." 18 They said, "Surely our bird [2] is in you if you do not cease, we will surely stone you. And surely you will be touched with a painful torment from us." 19 They said, "Your bird [3] is with you. What if you are reminded? Yet you are an extravagant people." 20 And a man came from the far part of the city striving. He said, "O my people, follow the messengers. 21 Follow those who do not ask a wage from you, and they are guided. 22 And why should I not serve him who created me and to whom you will be returned? 23 Will I take gods without him? Should the merciful desire to afflict me, their intercession will not avert anything from me, nor will they deliver me. 24 Surely then I am in an obvious error. 25 Surely I believed in your lord, so hear me." 26 It was said, "Enter the garden." He said, "I wish my people knew 27 about what my lord has forgiven me, and he made me of the honorable." 28 And we did not send down troops from the heavens on his people after him, nor were we the sender. 29 It was only a single shout, so they were extinguished. 30 Oh, regret upon the servants. No messenger came to them except they were scoffing at him. 31 Have they not seen how many of the generations before them that we destroyed and that they will not return to them? 32 And all of them gathered together; they will be brought before us. 33 And the dead earth is a sign to them. We give life to it and bring forth grain from it, so from it they eat. 34 And we make date and vine gardens in it, and in it we cause springs to gush forth 35 that they may eat of its fruit and what their hands made. Do they not give thanks? 36 Praise be to him who has created all the pairs of what the earth grows, and from themselves, and of what they do not know. 37 And the night is a sign to them. We peel the day from it, so then they are in darkness.
The sun sets in a resting place! The sun does not catch up to the moon! Notice that the earth does not move, but rather the sun moves around the earth. What about the north and south poles? Compare this with verse 18:86.
38 And the sun runs to its resting place. This is the measurement of the dear, the knowing. 39 And the moon, we have determined its houses until he returns as an old and crooked palm branch. 40 Neither should the sun catch up to the moon, nor the night outstrip the day, and each swims in a sphere. 41 And it is a sign to them that we carry their offspring in the loaded ship. 42 And we create the like of it of what they ride on. 43 And if we will, we will drown them. So there is no shout to them, and they are not rescued, 44 except for a mercy from us and enjoyment for a while. 45 And when it is said to them, "Fear what is between your hands and what is behind you, perhaps you will receive mercy." 46 And a sign from the signs of their lord did not come to them except that they were turning away from it. 47 And when it is said to them, "Spend of what Allah has provided for you." Those who became infidels said to those who believed, "Should we feed those whom, if Allah wills, he could feed? You are only in an obvious error." 48 And they say, "When is this promise, if you were truthful?" 49 They do not wait, but a single shout will overtake them and they are disputing. 50 So they cannot make a will, nor to their families will they return. 51 And the trumpet will be blown, so they will speed out of their graves to their lord. 52 They said, "O woe to us. Who has raised us from our sleep? This is what the merciful promised, and the messengers were truthful!" 53 If it was only one shout, so then all of them together will be brought to us. 54 So today, no soul will be treated unjustly anything, and you will not be rewarded except for what you were doing. 55 Surely today, the companions of the garden will be busy rejoicing; 56 they and their wives are reclining in shades on couches. 57 In it they will have fruit, and they will have whatever they call for. 58 "Peace": a saying from a merciful lord. 59 And: "Get aside today, O you criminals! 60 Did I not covenant you, O children of Adam, that you should not serve Satan? Surely he is to you an obvious enemy. 61 And that you should serve me, this is a straight way. 62 And indeed, he led a great mountain [4] of you astray. Were you not understanding? 63 This is hell which you were promised. 64 Roast in it today because you were infidels." 65 Today we will set a seal on their mouths and their hands will speak to us and their legs will witness of what they were earning. 66 And if we will, we would hide on their eyes so they race to the way. So how can they see? 67 And if we will, we would transform them in their places so that they would not be able to move forward or to return. 68 And whoever we make to live a long life, we will reverse him in the creation. Do they not understand?
The Qur'an is a clear book and easily understood.
69 We have not taught him the poetry, nor must it be for him. It is only a reminder and a clear Qur'an. 70 To warn who was alive, and that the word may be established against the infidels. 71 Do they not see that we have created livestock for them of what our hands have made so that they are its owners? 72 And we subdued them for them, so on some of them they ride and some of them they eat. 73 And they find in them profitable uses and drinks. Do they not give thanks? 74 And they take gods without Allah, perhaps they may be helped. 75 They cannot help them, and they will have troops who will bring them in. 76 So do not let their speech grieve you, surely we know what they hide and what they announce. 77 Does the human not see that we created him from nutfah, so he is an obvious adversary? 78 And he gives us a parable and forgets his creation. He says, "Who will give life to bones when they are decaying?" 79 Say, "He will give life to them, who made it the first time, and he is knower of all creation." 80 Who makes fire for you from the green tree, so then you kindle from it. 81 Is not he who created the heavens and the earth able to create like them? Yes, and he is the creator, the knower. 82 Surely it is only his command, if he desires anything, he will say to it, "Be," so it will be. 83 So praise be to him in whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to him you will return.
1 a word containing two Arabic letters without meaning
2 evil omen
3 evil omen
4 large number