A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

1 Hm. [1] 2 [I swear] by the clear book.

There is an original copy of the Qur'an that is kept with Allah.

3 Surely we have made it an Arabic Qur'an, perhaps you may understand. 4 And surely it is in the mother of the book with us, is high, wise. 5 Shall we withhold the reminder from you mercifully that you were an extravagant people? 6 And how many prophets did we send to the ancients? 7 And there never came a prophet to them except they were scoffing at him. 8 So we destroyed those who were stronger than them by annihilation, and the example of the ancients has gone. 9 And if you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" They will surely say, "Surely the dear, the knower created them." 10 Who has made the earth flat for you. And he has made ways for you in it, perhaps you may be guided. 11 And who sends down measured water from the heaven. So we raised a dead country to life by it; likewise, you will be brought forth. 12 And who has created all the pairs and has made for you the ships and the livestock, what you ride on 13 to sit on their backs. Then remember the grace of your lord as you sit on it, and say, "Praise be to him who has made these subservient to us, and we were not able to do it. 14 And surely to our lord we will return." 15 And they made to him part of his servants, surely the human is an obvious infidel. 16 Or has he taken daughters from what he has created and favored you with the sons? 17 And when one of them is given the good news by a parable that the merciful gave, his face becomes blackened, and he is grieved. 18 Or is the one who is brought up in adornments, and yet he is not clear in the dispute? 19 And they have made the angels, who are servants of the merciful, females. Have they witnessed their creation? Their testimony will be written, and they will be asked. 20 And they said, "If the merciful had willed, we would not have served them." They have no knowledge of that. Surely they only lie. 21 Or have we given them a book before it, so they are holding fast to it? 22 Yet, they said, "Surely we found our fathers of a nation, [2] and surely we are guiding ourselves in their footsteps." 23 And likewise, we did not send before you any warner in a village except that those in luxury in it said, "Surely we found our fathers of a nation, and surely we are following in their footsteps." 24 He said, "What if I bring to you with what is more guided than that which you found your fathers on?" They said, "Surely we are infidels in what you have been sent with." 25 So we took revenge on them, so look how was the end of the deniers.

The story of Abraham is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

26 And when Abraham said to his father and his people, "Surely I am innocent from what you serve, 27 except who created me, so surely he will guide me." 28 And he made it an enduring word in his descendants, perhaps they may return. 29 Yet I gave those and their fathers enjoyment until the truth and a plain messenger came to them.

Many Arabs believed the Qur’an was sorcery.

30 And when the truth came to them, they said, "This is sorcery, and surely we are infidels in it." 31 And they said, "Were it not that this Qur'an had been sent down on some great man of the two cities." 32 Are they then the distributors of your lord’s mercy? We who distribute their livelihood among them in the world’s life, and we raise some of them above others in degrees so that some of them may take the others subservient. And better is the mercy of your lord than what they gather. 33 And were it not that the people would become one nation, we would have made to those who are infidels in the merciful, to their houses ceilings from silver and stairs on which they ascend. 34 And to their houses doors, and beds that they recline on, 35 and highly embellished and all of that are merely the enjoyment of the world’s life. And the hereafter with your lord to the fearer. 36 And who turns away from the remembrance of the merciful, we will bind a satan to him so he will be a companion to him. 37 And surely they will prevent them from the way, and they will think that they are guided 38 until, when he comes to us, he said, "Oh, would that between me and you there is the distance of two easts." So evil is the companion. 39 And it will not profit you today if you have been unjust, that you will be partners in the torment. 40 Are you able to make the deaf to hear or guide the blind and him who was in obvious error? 41 So when we take you, so surely we will take revenge on them. 42 Or we will show you what we promised them. So surely we have might over them. 43 So cling to that which has been revealed to you, surely you are on a straight way. 44 And surely it is a reminder to you and to your people, and you will be asked. 45 And ask those whom we sent before you of our messengers: "Did we make, without the merciful, gods to be served?"

The story of Moses and Pharaoh is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

46 And indeed, we sent Moses with our signs to Pharaoh and his leaders, so he said, "Surely I am the messenger of the lord of the worlds." 47 So when he came to them with our signs, behold, they laughed at them. 48 And we did not show them any sign but one bigger than its sister. And we seized them with the torment, perhaps they may return. 49 And they said, "O you sorcerer, call on your lord on our behalf to do as he covenanted with you, surely we will be guided." 50 So when we removed the torment from them, behold, they broke [their oath]. 51 And Pharaoh called to his people, he said, "O my people, is not the kingdom of Egypt mine and these rivers flow below me? Do you not see? 52 Or am I not better than this despicable fellow who cannot show? 53 So were it not that a bracelet of gold had been cast on him or came with him the angels accompanied him?" 54 So he fooled his people, so they obeyed him. Surely they were a transgressing people. 55 So when they made us sorrowful, we took revenge on them, so we drowned them all together. 56 So we made them a thing of the past and an example to the others. 57 And when the son of Mary was given as an example, behold, your people prevent [others] from him. 58 And they said, "Are our gods better or he?" They only say this to you as a dispute, yet they are a contentious people.

Isā (the Jesus of Mohammed) is only a servant of Allah, but ‘Isā is the knowledge of the hour of the resurrection.

59 That he is only a servant. We have graced on him, and we made him an example to the children of Israel. 60 And if we willed, we could make angels out of you to be successors on the earth. 61 And surely he is the knowledge of the hour, so do not doubt it, and follow me. This is a straight way. 62 And do not let Satan prevent you. Surely he is to you an obvious enemy. 63 And when ‘Isā came with the proofs, he said, "Indeed, I came to you with wisdom and to show you some of what you differ in. So fear Allah, and obey me. 64 Surely Allah is my lord and your lord, so serve him. This is a straight way." 65 So the parties differed between them, so woe to those who were unjust from a torment of a painful day. 66 Will they wait except the hour that will come to them suddenly, and they do not feel? 67 On that day, the friends will become enemies to one another except the fearing. 68 O my servants, no fear on you today, and you will not grieve. 69 Those who believed in our verses, and they were Muslims.

The garden includes the fleshly desires. Entry to the garden is a result of good deeds.

70 "Enter the garden, you and your wives, happily. 71 Dishes of gold and akwāb [3] will go around them, and in them, whatever the souls lusts for and what the eyes delight in, and in it you will abide forever." 72 And this is the garden which you inherited because of what you were doing. 73 You will have in it much fruit, from it you will eat. 74 Surely the criminals will abide in the torment of hell forever. 75 It will not be lightened for them, and they will be in despair. 76 And we did not deal unjustly with them, but they were the unjust. 77 And they call, "O Mālik, [4] may your lord make an end of us." He said, "Surely you are staying." 78 Indeed, we came to you with the truth, but most of you to the truth are haters. 79 Or they have schemed an affair, so surely we are scheming. 80 Or do they think that we do not hear their secrets and their private talk? Yes, and our messengers with them are writing it.

Far be it from Allah to have Jesus for a Son.

81 Say, "If to the merciful was a son, so I would be the first to serve him." 82 Praise be to the lord of the heavens and the earth, the lord of the throne, from what they describe. 83 So leave them to engage and sport until they meet their day of which they are promised. 84 And he is who in the heaven is god and on the earth is god, and he is the wise, the knowing. 85 And blessed is he who has the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and with him is the knowledge of the hour, and to him you will return. 86 And those who call without him do not have the intercession, except who witness with the truth, and they know. 87 And if you ask them: "Who created them?" They will surely say, "Allah." So how then are they turned away? 88 And he says, "O lord, surely those people do not believe." 89 So forgive them, and say, "Peace." So they will know.

1 a word containing two Arabic letters without meaning

2 certain creed

3 goblets, non-Arabic word of Aramaic origin

4 keeper of hell, non-Arabic word of Hebrew/Syriac origin

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