Chapter 48 - THE CONQUEST

A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

Allah forgives Mohammed for his past, present, and future sins.

1 Surely we conquered for you a clear conquest, 2 that Allah may forgive you for your past sins and your future sins and to fulfill his grace on you, and guide you to a straight way. 3 And Allah will give you victory, a dear victory. 4 He is who sends down the tranquility in the hearts of the believers so that they will increase faith with their faith. And to Allah the troops of the heavens and the earth. And Allah was knowing, wise. 5 That he may admit the believing men and the believing women into gardens, below them the rivers flow, to abide in it forever, and atone for them their evils. And this was the great triumph with Allah. 6 And he will torment the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women. Those who are thinking the evil thoughts against Allah, the evil will turn on them, and Allah’s wrath is against them. And he cursed them, and he prepared hell for them and an evil final place. 7 And to Allah the troops of the heavens and the earth. And Allah was dear, wise. 8 Surely we sent you as a witness and a giver of good news and a warner 9 so that you may believe in Allah and his messenger, and that you may help him and reverence him and praise him, morning and evening. 10 Surely those who pledge allegiance to you, surely they only pledge allegiance to Allah. Allah’s hand is above their hand, so whoever breaks this [allegiance], so surely he only breaks [allegiance] against himself; and whoever fulfills what he covenants with Allah, so he will give him a great wage.

Those who did not go to war (perform jihad) with Mohammed went into the fires of hell.

11 The Bedouins who stayed behind will say to you, "Our money and family kept us busy, so ask forgiveness for us." They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, "So who will have anything for you against Allah, if he desires to do you harm or desires to benefit you? Yet Allah was aware of what you do. 12 Yet you thought that the messenger and the believer could never return [from the wars] to their families; and this was adorned to your hearts, and you thought the evil thought. And you were a fallow people." 13 And whoever does not believe in Allah and his messenger, so surely we prepared a blaze for the infidels. 14 And to Allah the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, he forgives to whom he wills, and he torments whom he wills. And Allah was forgiving, merciful. 15 They who stayed behind will say, "When you go forth to the spoil to take it, let us follow you." They desired to change the word of Allah. Say, "You will not follow us, likewise, Allah had said before." So they will say, "Yet, you are envious of us." Yet, they were not understanding except a little.

There are only two choices to the infidels: accept Islam or be killed with the sword. Also, in verse 17, there is a list of those who are exempt from war.

16 Say to those Bedouins who lagged behind [in battle], "You will be called to [face] a people of substantial mighty valor. You will engage in war against them, or they will become Muslims. So if you obey, Allah will give you a good wage; and if you turn away, as you turned away before, he will torment you with a painful torment. 17 There is no blame on the blind nor blame on the lame nor blame on the sick. And whoever obeys Allah and his messenger, he will admit him into gardens, below them the rivers flow; and whoever turns away, he will torment him with a painful torment." 18 Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance with you under the tree, so he knew what was in their hearts, so he sent down the tranquility on them and rewarded them with a near conquest.

The Muslims will get riches as a reward for performing jihad.

19 And there will be abundant spoils for them to seize. And Allah was dear, wise. 20 Allah promised the seizing of abundant spoils for you, so he hastened this to you, and he holds back the hands of the people from you and that it may be a sign to the believer. And he will guide you to a straight way. 21 And other [spoils] that you could not have taken, and Allah indeed encompassed it. And Allah was mighty over all things. 22 And if those who became infidels engage in war against you, they will turn away. Then they will not find a friend nor a helper. 23 The custom of Allah, which indeed has passed before, and you will not find any change to the custom of Allah. 24 And he is who holds back their hands from you and your hands from them in the belly [1] of Mecca after he had given you triumph over them, and Allah was seer of what you do. 25 They are those who became infidels and prevented you from the forbidden mosque and prevented the sacrifice from reaching its place. And were it not for the believing men and believing women whom you did not know, that you may have killed them, so harm would have fallen on you without knowledge, that Allah may admit into his mercy whom he wills. Had they been distinguishable, we surely would have tormented those who became infidels among them with a painful torment. 26 When those who became infidels had fostered the zealotry in their hearts, the ignorance’s zealotry, so Allah sent down tranquility on his messenger and on the believers and forced them to keep the word of piety. And they were worthy of it and its people. And Allah was knowledgeable in everything.

Shaving heads is a practice that was copied from pagan traditions.

27 Indeed, Allah approved the vision of his messenger in the truth: "You will surely enter the forbidden mosque by Allah’s will, in security, shaving your heads and making it short. Do not fear." So he knows what you do not know, so he made without that a near conquest.

Allah promises to exalt Islam above all religions. Islam is a religion of love and peace EXCEPT to anyone who is not Muslim.

28 He is who sent his messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth so that he may exalt it above all other religions. And Allah is a sufficient witness. 29 Mohammed is Allah’s messenger, and those who are with him are severe against the infidels but full of tenderness among themselves. You see them kneeling, worshiping, seeking bounty from Allah, and pleasure. Their marks are on their faces from the traces [2] of the worship. This is their example in the Torah, and this is their example in the Gospel; like a plant puts forth its stalk, then strengthens it, so it grows stout. So it rises on its stem, delighting the farmer that he may enrage the infidels with them. And Allah promised forgiveness and a great wage to those who believed and did good deeds among them.

1 valley

2 marks made on the forehead by burning, to appear as if from touching the ground when bowing repeatedly

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