A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

1 [I swear] by the scattering they scatter, 2 so it bears the deafness, 3 so those running easily, 4 so those who distribute by command. 5 Surely what you promised is only true. 6 And surely the judgment must happen. 7 [I swear] by the heaven, full of ways. 8 Surely you are in a different saying. 9 Turned away from it, who is turned away. 10 Killed the liars, 11 those who in ignorance are heedless. 12 They ask, "When is the judgment day?" 13 A day they will be seduced over the fire. 14 "Taste your sedition, this is what you were hastening to." 15 Surely the fearer is in gardens and springs, 16 taking what their lord brought them. Surely they were the doers of good before. 17 They slept only a little at night, 18 and at dawn they asked for forgiveness. 19 And from their money there is a due for the beggar and the needy. 20 And on the earth are signs for those who are sure. 21 And in your souls, do you not see? 22 And in the heavens is your provision and what you are promised. 23 So [I swear] by the lord of the heaven and the earth, surely it is truth, like what you speak.

The story of Abraham and Lot is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again. Notice the contradiction in this account compared to the rest of the Qur’an. The punishment of Lot’s people takes place before the messengers meet with Abraham.

24 Has the saying of the honored guest of Abraham come to you? 25 When they entered unto him, so they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace, unknown people." 26 So he went to his family, so he brought a fatted calf. 27 So he placed it near them. He said, "Will you not eat?" 28 So he began to be afraid of them. They said, "Do not fear." And they gave him the good news of a young, knowledgeable boy. 29 So his woman [wife] came in shouting and she struck her face and she said, "Old, barren." 30 They said, "Likewise, your lord said. Surely he is the wise, the knowing." 31 He said, "What is your news, O you the messengers?" 32 They said, "Surely we have been sent to a criminal people 33 to send on them stones of mud 34 marked by your lord for the extravagant." 35 So we brought forth out of it who was among the believers. 36 So we did not find in it except one house of Muslims. 37 And we left in it a sign to those who fear the painful torment.

The story of Moses and Pharaoh is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

38 And in Moses, when we sent him to Pharaoh with the clear authority. 39 So he turned away in his corner and said, "A sorcerer or demon-possessed." 40 So we seized him and his troops, so we cast them into the sea. And he was blamed.

These are the stories of Ad, Themoud, and Noah which were invented or changed by Mohammed.

41 And in Ad, we sent the barren wind on them. 42 And it did not leave anything as it came over, except it made it like decay. 43 And in Themoud, when it was said to them, "Enjoy for a while." 44 So they revolted against the command of their lord, so a thunderbolt seized them as they looked on. 45 So they were not able to stand up, and they were not helped. 46 And the people of Noah before that, surely they were a transgressing people. 47 And the heaven we built with hands, and surely we will enlarge it. 48 And we spread the earth, so blessed are the flatteners. 49 And from everything we have created two pairs, perhaps you will remember. 50 So flee to Allah, surely I am a plain warner to you from him. 51 And do not make another god with Allah, surely I am a plain warner to you from him. 52 Likewise, no messenger has ever come to those before them except that they said, "A sorcerer or demon-possessed." 53 Have they handed it down to each other? Yet, they are a rebellious people. 54 So turn away from them so you will not be blamed. 55 And remind, so surely the reminder benefits the believers.

Allah creates jinn and people to serve him.

56 And I have not created the jinn and the humans, except to serve me. 57 I do not desire a provision from them, and I do not desire that they feed me. 58 Surely Allah, he is the provider, the possessor of power, the strong. 59 So surely to those unjust sins, like the sins of their companions, so they do not hasten me. 60 So woe to those who became infidels on their day of which they are promised.

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