Chapter 71 – NOAH

A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

The story of Noah is copied from the Bible and corrupted once again.

1 Surely we sent Noah to his people: "That warn your people before a painful torment comes to them." 2 He said, "O my people, surely I am to you a plain warner. 3 That serve Allah and fear him and obey me. 4 He will forgive you some of your sin, and he will delay you to an appointed time. Surely when the appointed time of Allah comes, it will not be delayed, if you were knowing." 5 He said, "My lord, surely I have called my people night and day. 6 So my call did not increase them except flight. 7 And surely whenever I called them so that you may forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears and covered themselves with their clothes and persisted, and they were proudly proud. 8 Then surely I called to them publicly. 9 Then surely I announced to them, and secretly I gave them secrets. 10 So I said, 'Ask forgiveness of your lord, surely he was forgiving. 11 He will send the heavens above you with abundance. [1] 12 And he will aid you with money and sons, and he will make gardens for you and will make rivers for you. 13 What is [the matter] with you that you do not hope to Allah a reverence, 14 and indeed, he created you in stages? 15 Have you not seen how Allah created seven heavens one above another?

The moon produces light of its own; this is a scientific error.

16 And he made the moon in them [2] light, and he made the sun a lamp. 17 And Allah planted you from the earth plants. 18 Then he will return you into it [3] and bring you forth a bringing forth. 19 And Allah spread the earth out for you 20 so that you may walk in it along spacious ways.'" 21 Noah said, "My lord, surely they disobeyed me, and they followed those who did not increase him their money and son except in loss. 22 And they deceived a big deception. 23 And they said, 'Do not forsake your gods and do not forsake Wadd nor Sowah nor Yaghuth and Yahuk and Nasr.' [4] 24 And indeed, they led many astray. And [my lord], do not increase the unjust except in error." 25 Because of their sins they were drowned, so they were admitted into the fire, and they did not find for themselves a helper without Allah. 26 And Noah said, "My lord, do not leave any infidel dwellers on the earth. 27 Surely if you leave them, they will lead your servant astray, and they will not beget except wicked infidel. 28 My lord, forgive me and my parents and believers who enter my house and the believing men and believing women, and do not increase the unjust except in destruction."

1 rain

2 the seven heavens

3 the earth

4 some scholars state that these are pagan Arab gods.

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