Chapter 76 - THE HUMAN

A portion of a revelation

In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful

1 Has there come a period of time when the human was not anything to be remembered? 2 Surely we created the human from nutfah amshāj. [1] We test him, so we made him hearing, seeing. 3 Surely we guided him the way, either as thankful or infidel. 4 Surely we prepare chains and shackles and a blaze for the infidels. 5 Surely the righteous will drink from a cup; its mixture was with kafure. [2] 6 A spring that Allah's servants will drink from, making it gush, gushing. 7 They fulfilled their vows, and they feared a day whose evil was widespread. 8 And they fed the food, in spite of their love for it, [to] a poor and an orphaned and a captive. 9 "Surely we only feed you for the face of Allah. We do not desire a reward or thanks from you. 10 Surely we fear a difficult, distressful day from our lord."

In the gardens of Paradise, there will be bridal couches, perfect weather, and blooming youth.

11 So Allah guarded them from the evil of that day and met them with brightness and happiness. 12 And he rewarded them, because of their patience, with gardens and silk. 13 Reclining on the couches, they will not see in it sun nor intense cold. 14 And its shade is close to them, and its fruit drops near and nearer. 15 Pass around to them with vessels of silver and goblets were of glass, 16 glasses of silver; they measured it, measuring. 17 And they will be made to drink from a cup; its mixture was with zanjabīl, [3] 18 there is a spring there named Salsabilan. 19 And going around them will be immortal young boys. When you see them, you will think that they are scattered pearls. 20 And if you see, then you will see bliss and a big kingdom. 21 On them will be garments of fine green silk and brocade, with silver bracelets. And their lord gives them a drink of pure drink. 22 Surely this was a reward for you, and your effort was appreciated. 23 Surely we send down the Qur'an on you, descending. 24 So be patient to the judgment of your lord and do not obey any of them, an evil or infidel. 25 And remember the name of your lord morning and evening, 26 and some of the night so worship him and praise him all night long. 27 Surely those love the fleeting, and they leave behind them a heavy day. 28 We created them, and we made their frames strong. And if we will, we could change like them, changing. 29 Surely this is a reminder, so whoever wills, let him take to his lord a way. 30 And you do not desire it, but only if Allah wills. Surely Allah was knowing, wise. 31 He will admit whom he wills into his mercy, and the unjust, he prepares for them a painful torment.

1 mingled, non-Arabic word of Syriac origin

2 camphor, non-Arabic word of Berber/Syriac origin

3 ginger, non-Arabic word of Sanskrit origin

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