
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Aberhart, William

Abyssinia (Ethiopian Empire): guerilla resistance against Italian forces; and Hoare-Laval Pact; Italian king as emperor of; Mussolini’s invasion of; racist views toward; as a “sphere of influence”

Action canadienne française

Action française


Allward, Walter

America First movement

Amery, Leopold: on Austrian Anschluss; on Hitler; and King; on League sanctions; on Munich agreement

Anglo-German Fellowship

Anglo-Japanese alliance

Annan, Noel

Anticosti Island

anti-Semitism. See under Jews

appeasement: abandonment of; backed by rearmament; Chamberlain’s belief in; Chamberlain’s meetings with Hitler; differing views on; dominion attitudes to; economic appeasement; of Italy over Abyssinia; King’s adoption of; Munich Agreement; Taylor’s analysis of. See also Czechoslovakia

Arcand, Adrien

armament. See rearmament and defence

Ashley, William Alfred, 1st Baron Mount Temple

Asiatic Exclusion League (California)

Asquith, H.H.: on imperial foreign policy; reassurances to King from Beyond

Astor, Nancy

Athol, Duchess of (Katharine Stewart-Murray)

Attlee, Clement

Australia: at 1923 imperial conference; and Chanak incident; communications with Foreign Office; and dominion autonomy; at Evian Conference; immigration policies; on imperial foreign policy; and Japan; Menzies’s visit to Berlin; and Royal Navy

Austria: Anschluss; and Italy; Jewish refugees from

Avenol, Joseph

Badoglio, Pietro

Balbo, Italo

Baldwin, Stanley: on appeasement; Bickersteth’s memorandum for; on Chamberlain; on Chanak incident; and Hoare-Laval pact; at 1923 imperial conference; on joint flying training; and Jones; and King; and Lloyd George; on oil sanctions; and Public Order Act; and Ribbentrop; visits to Canada

Balfour, Arthur

Balfour Declaration

Barnes, A.J.L.

Beament, Henry

Beaudry, Laurent

Beaverbrook, 1st Earl of (Max Aitken)


Bell, Leslie

Beneš, Edvard

Bennett, R.B.: on Anticosti Island; and Arcand; on Asian immigration; on British Commonwealth; and Churchill; and economic depression; foreign affairs portfolio; on Japanese aggression; on King’s foreign policy; on League of Nations; on League sanctions; and Ligue d’action nationale; as prime minister; on rearmament; and Riddell; and Rowell; and Skelton; and Statute of Westminster; trade negotiations with US; visit to London

Berlin (Ontario)

Berlin Olympics

Berton, Pierre

Bethune, Norman

Bickersteth, Burgon

Birkenhead, 1st Earl of (F.E. Smith)

Blair, Frederick

Blondin, Pierre-Édouard

Blum, Leon


Bonar Law, Andrew

Borden, Frederick William

Borden, Robert: on Asian immigration; and Churchill; foreign affairs portfolio; on imperial foreign policy; King’s offer of services to; on League of Nations; and Military Service Act; and naval bill; and Rowell; wartime government

Bott, Bernard

Bouchard, Télesphore-Damien


Britain: alliance negotiations with USSR; Chamberlain’s appeasement meetings (see under appeasement); conscription legislation; fascist/Nazi supporters in; Government Code and Cypher School; guarantee to Poland; and Hoare-Laval Pact; imperial centralist politics in; Jewish refugees in; M15 and M16; “Peace Ballot” (1935 election); rearmament and defence; and Rhineland reoccupation; Royal Air Force (RAF); Royal Navy; and Spanish Civil War; and Sudetenland crisis; wartime coalition government

– Dominions Office: information and briefings from; Massey’s contacts with

– Foreign Office: Bennett’s attitude to; information and briefings from; and Japanese invasion of China; King’s attitude to; Massey’s contacts with

– treaties and agreements: Alaska boundary settlement; Anglo-German naval agreement; Anglo-Japanese alliance; London Treaty; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

British Columbia: Asian immigrants in; Social Credit government; US designs on

British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

British Somaliland

British Union of Fascists

Bryce, James, 1st Viscount Bryce

Buchan, John. See Tweedsmuir, 1st Baron of


Bund Canada. See Deutscher Bund Canada

Bunyan, John

Cadogan, Alexander

Cahan, Charles

Campbell, John

Campbell-Bannerman, Henry

Canada: Defence Purchasing Board; fascist/Nazi groups in; Monroe Doctrine extended to; naval controversy; neutrality for; rearmament and defence spending; refugee policies

– Department of External Affairs: creation of; intelligence and briefings for; King’s self-appointed role in; Pearson’s description of; Skelton’s administration of; staff and foreign service for; Wrong’s criticism of

– federal elections: in 1911 (“reciprocity”); in 1917 (“khaki”); in 1921; in 1925; in 1930; in 1935; in 1939 (1940)

– legislation: Customs Act; Foreign Enlistment Act; Military Service Act

– parliament: debates on foreign policy; King’s attitude to; “Parliament will decide”

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Canadian High Commission in London (Canada House): air raid shelters for; King’s attitude to; secretaries at (see Massey, Vincent; Pearson, Lester; Ritchie, Charles)

Canadian Institute for International Affairs

Canadian Nationalist Party

Canadian Union of Fascists

Cardin, Pierre Joseph Arthur

Carnarvon, 4th Earl of (Henry Herbert)

Casa d’Italia (Montreal)

Cassel, Ernest

Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church

CCF (Cooperative Commonwealth Federation): in debate on Anticosti Island; on defence spending; on neutrality; pacifism; on sanctions

Cecil, Lord Robert. See Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert

Céline (Louis-Ferdinand des Touches)

Chamberlain, Austen

Chamberlain, Joseph

Chamberlain, Neville: on alliance with USSR; appeasement and Munich agreement; on appeasement with diplomacy; on appeasement with rearmament; on approaching war; on Bennett; on Canada’s support; and Churchill; on Czechoslovakia; on dominions’ foreign policy; Eden’s disagreement with; and Edward VIII; on French commitment to sanctions; on Goebbels; guarantee to Poland; and Halifax; hatred and horror of war; and Henderson; on Hitler; on Hoare-Laval pact; and King’s confidential memorandum on Hitler; King’s praise for; and King’s visit to Berlin; on League reorganization; on League sanctions; on League’s failure; and Lothian; meeting with Mussolini; and M16 reports on Germany; on Nazi persecution of Jews; as a politician; on rearmament and defence; on Rhineland reoccupation; on Ribbentrop; and Roosevelt’s peace initiative; and royal tour of Canada; on Spanish Civil War; on Statute of Westminster

Chanak incident


China: immigrants from; Japanese invasions of

Christie, Group Captain M.G.

Churchill, Clementine

Churchill, Winston: on Abyssinia; on alliance with USSR; and Chamberlain; and Chanak incident; on Czechoslovakia; on empire free trade; on failure of appeasement; on failure of sanctions; on German munitions; and Greenwood; on guarantee to Poland; and Halifax; on Hitler and Nazi regime; King’s meetings with; King’s views on; on Lloyd George; on Munich agreement; on Mussolini; on rearmament and appeasement; on rearmament and sanctions; on rearmament delays; and Ribbentrop; on Roosevelt’s peace initiative; and Russian Civil War; on “the moment with all odds against you”; and Tree

Cliveden set

Coldwell, Major James William (M.J.)

common imperial foreign policy. See under foreign policy

communism: in Canada; fascism as a force against; Hitler’s violence against; Jewish refugees linked with; Skelton suspected of

concentration camps

Connaught, Duke of (Prince Arthur)

conscription: in Britain; crisis over (1917); King’s pledge on

Conservative Party (Canada): on Abyssinia; on conscription; on defence spending; and fascist/Nazi supporters; and imperialism; on League of Nations; and royal tour. See also Bennett, R.B.; Manion, Robert; Meighen, Arthur

Cooper, Diana

Cooper, Duff: on Chamberlain; on Halifax; on Henderson; resignation; on Sudetenland crisis

Coughlin, Father Charles

Cousandier, Giorgia Borra de

Crerar, H.D.G.

Crerar, Thomas C.

Croix de feu

Curzon, Lord: on Chanak incident; on imperial foreign policy

Czechoslovakia: Beneš as president of; Bren gun design; creation of; crisis over; dominions’ attitudes to; French alliance with; German partition and occupation of; guarantee for; King’s cabinet discussions on; King’s views, statements, and cabinet discussions; M16 intelligence and warnings about; Sudetenland and Munich agreement. See also appeasement

Dafoe, J.W.: on League of Nations; on Munich agreement; on royal tour

Daladier, Édouard

Dandurand, Raoul

Dawson, Geoffrey

Dawson, MacGregor

defence spending. See rearmament and defence

depression (Great Depression, 1930s): Bennett government during; defence budgets during; dictatorships during; New Deal legislation

Derby, 17th Earl of (Edward George Villiers Stanley)

Deutscher Bund Canada

Dexter, Grant

Diefenbaker, John

Dodd, William

Dominican Republic

Douglas, Tommy

Drew, George

Drummond, Eric

dual foreign policy: King’s basis for; legacy of; with “Riddell incident”; shift to single policy; with Spanish Civil War. See also foreign policy

Dunning, Charles

Duplessis, Maurice

Eayrs, James

Eden, Anthony: at 1937 imperial conference; on Abyssinia and League sanctions; as foreign secretary; and Henderson; and King’s confidential memorandum on Hitler; King’s contacts with; and Laval; on rearmament; resignation; on Roosevelt’s peace initiative; and Tree

Edward VIII, king (later Duke of Windsor): abdication; ascent to throne; King’s meeting with; pro-Nazi views; visit to Germany

Einstein, Albert

Eisenhower, Dwight

Elgin, Lord

Elizabeth, princess (later Elizabeth II)

Elizabeth, queen consort (later Queen Mother)


Ethiopia. See Abyssinia

Euler, William

Evans, Richard

Evian conference

Falconer, Robert

Farr, Joseph

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Ferguson, Howard: and Dafoe; as high commissioner in London; King’s criticism of; and sanctions policy

Fielding, William S.


First World War: Anglo-Japanese alliance; Borden government; Britain’s coalition government; conscription crisis; King’s in US during; London Treaty; Paris Peace Conference; Vimy Ridge memorial


Ford, Henry

foreign policy: avoidance of decisions; commitment to Britain; common imperial policies; imperial centralist politics; isolationist views; King’s control of; King’s goals with; Pearson’s criticism of; summary of; Woodsworth’s criticism of; Wrong’s criticism of. See also specific issues

Foster, George

France: alliance negotiations with USSR; alliance with Czechoslovakia; fascist/Nazi groups in; Hoare-Laval Pact; and Italian invasion of Abyssinia; “little entente”; London Treaty; and Rhineland reoccupation; and Spanish Civil War

Franco, Francisco

Friends of the New Germany

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gardiner, James

Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood

George V, king: death and funeral; on horror of war; and Mosley; on Mussolini; radio broadcasts; reassurances to King from Beyond; silver jubilee

George VI, king: royal tour of Canada; succession to throne; views on Nazi Germany

Gerhard, Karl

Germany: Anglo-German naval agreement; German immigrants in Canada; King’s visit to Berlin; and League of Nations; Lindbergh’s misinformation about; Luftwaffe; M16 warnings about; Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact; “Night of Long Knives”; Nuremburg rallies; Pact of Steel; persecution of Jews; plans for Anticosti Island; prewar colonies; rearmament and conscription; Reichstag fire; Rhineland reoccupation; rise of Hitler and Nazism; Rome–Berlin Axis; and Spanish Civil War; Wehrmacht; Weimar Republic. See also Hitler, Adolf; Nazism

Gilbert, Felix

Gladstone, William

Glazebrook, George

Gobeil, Samuel

Goebbels, Joseph: Chamberlain on; and Hitler; at Nuremburg rallies; Phipps on; as propaganda minister; and Shaw

Göring, Hermann: on Czechoslovakia; King’s meetings and contacts with; and Lindbergh; and “Night of Long Knives”; Phipps on; plans for Anticosti Island

Grant, Julia

Grant, Ulysses S.

Gray, Charlotte


Greenwood, Hamar, 1st Viscount Greenwood: anti-Nazi views; career in Britain; on Chanak incident; on Japanese immigration; and King’s messages to Chamberlain

Greville, Mrs Ronnie (Margaret)

Grey, Albert, 4th Earl Grey (governor general)

Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon (foreign secretary)

Groulx, Abbé

Guastalla, Giuseppe

Halifax, 1st Earl of (Edward Wood): and Dawson; as foreign secretary; and Henderson; on Munich agreement; and Ribbentrop; and royal tour of Canada

Halton, Matthew

Hankey, Maurice

Harington, Charles

Harper, Bert

Henderson, Nevile: as Britain’s ambassador to Berlin; and Chanak incident; and Halifax; and King’s message to Hitler; and King’s visit to Berlin; and Sudetenland crisis

Hepburn, Mitchell

Herridge, William Duncan

Hess, Rudolph

Himmler, Heinrich

Hindenburg, Paul von

Hitler, Adolf: and Euler; and Hollywood films; King’s confidential memorandum on; King’s correspondence with; King’s meeting with; King’s mystic portrayals of; Kirkpatrick’s description of; and Lloyd George; Mein Kampf; Mussolini as model for; popular support for; rise to power; at Vimy memorial; and Wagner. See also Germany; Nazism

Hoare, Samuel: and Ferguson; and Laval; resignation; on Sudetenland crisis; talks with Hitler

Hoare-Laval Pact

Houde, Camillien

Hull, Cordell


Hutchinson, Bruce

Ilsley, James Lorimer

immigration: Asian immigration controversies; German immigrants in Canada; Italian immigrants in Canada; Jewish refugees from Europe; Vancouver anti-immigration riot

imperial centralist politics

imperial conferences: in 1902; in 1911; in 1923; in 1926; in 1933; in 1936; in 1937; King’s attitude to

Imperial Economic Conference (Ottawa, 1932)

Imperial War Cabinet

Imperial War Conference of Dominions and India

India: immigrants from

Inskip, Thomas

intelligence: from FBI; from M15 and M16

International Labour Organization (ILO); Chile conference

International Olympic Committee

International Opium Commission

Ireland and Irish Free State

Italian-Ethiopian Treaty

Italian Somaliland

Italy: fascism and rise of Mussolini; and Hoare-Laval Pact; invasion of Abyssinia; invasion of Albania; Italian immigrants in Canada; King’s visits to; London Treaty; naval forces in Mediterranean; Pact of Steel; Paris Peace Conference; Rome–Berlin Axis; and Spanish Civil War. See also Mussolini, Benito

Jaffray, Robert


Japan: Anglo-Japanese alliance; bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; immigrants from; invasion of China; invasion of Manchuria; King’s visits to; and League of Nations; military dictatorship; peace mission to; Russo-Japanese War; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation; and trilateral discussions on Asian immigration

Jebb, Gladwyn

Jeune Canada

Jewish Congress of Canada

Jews: anti-Semitism in Canada; and Evian Conference; Nazi persecution of; proposed homeland for; refugees from Europe

Joan of Arc, Saint

joint flight training project. See British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

Jones, Roderick

Jones, Tom

Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact

Kemal, Mustafa

Kennedy, Joseph

Kent, Duke of (Prince George)

Kerr, Philip. See Lothian, Lord

Kershaw, Ian

Keyes, Roger, 1st Baron Keyes

Keynes, Maynard

King, Isabel Mackenzie (mother)

King, John (father)

King, Max (brother)

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

– personal life: childhood, family, and education; complex character and private life; diaries; finances; friends; international travel; later holidays: (in Europe); (in Caribbean); (in US); as a royalist

– early career: editor of Labour Gazette (1900); deputy minister of labour (1900–08); trilateral talks on immigration (1907); minister of labour (1909–11); at Rockefeller Foundation (1914–18); defeat in 1917 election; Industry and Humanity (1918); election as Liberal leader (1919); leader of opposition (1930–35)

– spiritualism: divinely ordained role; mystic portrayals of Hitler; reassurances from Beyond; from Asquith; from Laurier

Kirkpatrick, Ivone


Labour Gazette

Lansbury, George

Lapointe, Ernest: on Canada’s League membership; on Chanak incident; on conscription; control of Quebec caucus; and Dandurand; on defence and Canadian participation in war; on fascist/Nazi groups in Canada; and foreign affairs portfolio; on imperial centralism; at imperial conferences: (1926); (1937); on Jewish refugees; King influenced by; King’s reliance on; and Larkin; at League of Nations; on League sanctions; and Petrucci; and “Riddell incident”; and Skelton; at Vimy memorial

Larkin, Peter

Lateran Accords

Latin America

Laurendeau, André

Laurier, Wilfrid: and Asian immigration controversy; and Fielding; foreign affairs portfolio; and King’s labour portfolio; and Larkin; and naval controversy; opposition to conscription; reassurances to King from Beyond; resignation and death; secret of Canadian unity; support for Britain (“if England is at war …”); trade negotiations with US. See also Liberal Party (Canada)

Laval, Pierre: and Hoare-Laval pact; on Italy and League sanctions

Law, Bonar

League for Peace and Democracy

League of Nations: 1936 Assembly; Canada’s membership in; Covenant of; ended with Hoare-Laval Pact; founding of; and Japanese invasion of Manchuria; King’s abandonment of; King’s criticisms of; King’s speech to; King’s views and statements on; non-member countries; and rearmament policies; sanctions committee; secretary-general; weakness and failure of

– sanctions against Italy: Canadian termination of; King’s statement on (Oct. 1935); Mussolini’s fear of; US policy on

League of Nations Society

Lemieux, Rodolphe

Lenin, Vladimir

Le Pan, Douglas

Lewis, John

Liberal Party (Canada): and King’s foreign policy; King’s leadership of; Quebec support for; and royal tour. See also Laurier, Wilfrid


Ligue d’action nationale

Ligue des jeunesses patriotes

Lindberg, Charles


Lloyd George, David: and Baldwin; coalition government; and Hitler; and Lindbergh; and Ribbentrop; on Sudetenland crisis

Lloyd George, Megan

Lockhart, Robert Bruce

Londonderry, Lord (Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart)

London Treaty

Lothian, Lord (Philip Kerr)

Low, David

Ludecke, Karl

Ludwig, Emil

McBride, Richard

MacDonald, John A.

MacDonald, Malcolm: on dominions’ foreign policies; on King’s mistrust of high commissioners’ meetings; King’s statements to; and King’s visit to Berlin

MacDonald, Ramsay

Macdonald, Scott

Mackenzie, Alexander

Mackenzie, Ian

Mackenzie, William Lyon

Mackenzie-Papineau brigade

Maclean, J.B.

McNaught, Kenneth

McNaughton, Andrew

Macphail, Agnes

Macpherson, Robert


Manion, Robert

Mann, Thomas

Margaret, princess

Markham, Violet: friendship with King; on Hitler; on King’s belief about Hitler and Mussolini; and Tweedsmuir

Martin, Paul

Massey, Alice

Massey, Vincent: at 1926 imperial conference; and Bickersteth; and British Commonwealth Air Training Plan; and Canada’s sanctions policy; on Chamberlain and appeasement; as high commissioner in London; on Hitler; King’s relationship with; on Mackenzie-Papineau brigade; on Mussolini; and National Liberal Federation; on Skelton

Medici, Lorenzo de

Meighen, Arthur: and Chanak incident; on King; King compared to; and League of Nations

Menzies, Robert

Middlemas, Keith

Milner, Alfred

Mitford, Diana


Morley, John

Mosley, Oswald

Mount Temple, Lord (William Alfred Ashley)

Mulock, William

Munich agreement. See under Czechoslovakia

Munro, John

Mussolini, Benito: on Austria; Chamberlain’s meeting with; fear of oil sanctions; international views on; invasion of Abyssinia; invasion of Albania; Italian immigrants support for; King’s meeting with; and Laval; March on Rome; occupation of Fiume; portrayed in King’s diaries; Quebec views on; rise to power; and Rome-Berlin axis; Schmidt’s description of. See also Italy

National Progressive Party. See Progressive Party

National Socialist Christian Party of Canada (later National Social Christian Party)

National Unity Party

Nazism: compared to fascism; Lebensraum concept; spread of; supporters in Britain; supporters in Canada; supporters in US. See also Germany; Hitler, Adolf

Neatby, Blair

Neurath, Konstantin von


New Deal

Newfoundland, Dominion of

New Zealand: and Chanak incident; on common imperial foreign policy; at Evian Conference; immigration policy; Riddell in; and Royal Navy

Nicolson, Harold

Offer, Avner

O’Leary, Grattan

Olympic Games in Berlin

Owens, Jesse

Pact of Steel

Pan American Union

Paris Peace Conference

Patteson, Joan: on Eden’s resignation; King’s friendship with

Pattullo, Duff

Peace Pledge Union

Pearson, Lester: on Austrian Anschluss; and Ferguson; on foreign affairs under King; at Geneva disarmament conference; at League of Nations; on royal tour; on Skelton

personal diplomacy

Petrucci, Luigi

Phipps, Eric: as Britain’s ambassador in Berlin; on Hitler and Nazi Germany; on Ribbentrop

Pickersgill, Jack

Poland: Anglo-French guarantee for; and Czechoslovakia; as a dictatorship; German invasion of


Pound, Ezra

Pourtales, Guy de

Power, Charles (“Chubby”): isolationist views; on League sanctions; on rearmament and war

Preston, W.T.R

Progressive Party (Canada)

Quebec: anti-Semitism in; and conscription crisis; under Duplessis and Union Nationale; fascist/Nazi groups in; King’s knowledge of; Liberal support in; Roman Catholic Church in; views on defence spending; views on League of Nations; views on Mussolini and Italian fascism; views on Spanish Civil War

Raymond, Maxime

RCMP. See Royal Canadian Mounted Police

rearmament and defence: appeasement backed with; Bren gun manufacture; cabinet discussions on; in Canada; in Germany; joint flight training project; and League of Nations; munitions production

Reid, Escott

Ribbentrop, Joachim: Chamberlain on; and Czechoslovakia invasion; death; and Duke of Windsor; King’s correspondence with; King’s meeting with; and King’s meeting with Hitler; and Lloyd George; Low’s cartoons of; and Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact; and Shaw; and Wallis Simpson; years in Canada

Riddell, Walter: and Bennett; and Cahan; as Canadian advisor at League of Nations; and changes with King’s administration; on failure of sanctions; at ILO conference; initiative based on King’s sanctions statement (“Riddell incident”); King’s later dialogue with; and Simon; and Skelton

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Rinfret, Fernand

Ritchie, Charles

Robertson, Norman

Rockefeller Foundation

Rogers, Norman

Röhm, Ernst

Roman Catholic Church: and fascism; in Quebec; and Spanish Civil War; Vatican and Lateran Accords


Rome-Berlin axis

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin: concern for Jewish refugees; Evian Conference; “fireside chat” broadcasts; and Kennedy; King’s contacts with; and Nazi supporters; New Deal legislation; peace initiative (proposed conference); pledge of protection for Canada; and royal visit

Roosevelt, Theodore: King’s interactions with; role in Asian immigration controversies; and Russo-Japanese treaty

Root, Elihu

Rothermere, 1st Viscount, Harold Harmsworth

Rowell, Newton: career; and Crerar; on League of Nations; on League sanctions; and Riddell

Roy, Philippe

Royal Air Force (RAF)

Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): and German plans for Anticosti Island; and Italian consulates; monitoring of fascist, Nazi, and leftwing groups

Royal Canadian Navy

Royal Navy, royal tour of Canada: King’s pride in; planning for; political aspects of; US included in

Rumbold, Horace

Russia: war with Japan. See also USSR

Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Duke of (Charles Edward)

Savage, Lyon

Schleicher, Kurt von

Schmidt, Paul

Scott, Frank

Second World War: British Commonwealth Air Training Plan; declaration and outbreak; Holocaust; King on causes or reasons for; and Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact; slaughter of zoo animals; use of atomic bomb

Self, Robert

Shaw, George Bernard

Sheppard, Dick

Shirer, William

Simon, John

Simpson, Wallis

Skelton, O.D.: at 1923 imperial conference; administrative weaknesses; attempts to “stiffen” King; and Bennett; on Chanak incident; on defence spending; doctoral thesis; on Evian conference; isolationist views; on King’s administration; and King’s imperialism; King’s sidelining of; and Lapointe; on League of Nations; on Quebec; on Rhineland occupation; and Riddell; suspicions about briefings and intelligence; and US trade negotiations


Snowden, Philip, 1st Viscount Snowden

Social Credit Party


South Africa. See Union of South Africa

Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)

Soviet Union. See USSR


Spanish American War

Spanish Civil War: Canadian volunteers (Mackenzie-Papineau brigade); international responses to; King’s silence on; US oil exports for

Speer, Albert

spiritualism. See under King, William Lyon Mackenzie

Stacey, C.P.

Stalin, Joseph

Stamp, Josiah, 1st Baron Stamp

Statute of Westminster

Stevens, H.H.

Stevenson, Frances

Stevenson, John

Strathcona and Mount Royal, 1st Baron of (Donald Alexander Smith)

Streicher, Julius

Sudetenland crisis. See under Czechoslovakia

Sullivan, John

Swastika Association of Canada

Swinton, 1st Earl of (Philip Cunliffe-Lister)


Taft, William Howard

Taylor, A.J.P.

Touches, Louis-Ferdinand des (Céline)

trade negotiations and agreements

Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

Treaty of Locarno

Treaty of Sèvres

Treaty of Versailles: Canadian ratification of; contention about; Hitler’s repudiation of; principle of self-determination; states created by; terms for Germany; terms for Turkey; terms on Rhineland; Tweedsmuir on; Woodsworth on

Tree, Ronald


Tweedsmuir, 1st Baron of (John Buchan): and Chamberlain; King’s correspondence with; on King’s foreign policy; and Markham; and royal tour

Union Nationale (Quebec)

Union of South Africa

United Farmers Party

United Kingdom Fascist Party

United States of America: absence from League of Nations; Alaska boundary settlement; and Asian immigration; fascist/Nazi sympathizers in; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); German immigrants in; Great White Fleet; isolationist foreign policy; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; King’s employment in; King’s skepticism about; Monroe doctrine; New Deal legislation; protection for Canada; royal visit to; territorial expansion; trade negotiations

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics): alliance negotiations with; as a dictatorship; and League of Nations; Nazi Germany as bulwark against; Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact; and Spanish Civil War. See also Russia; Stalin, Joseph

Vanier, George and Pauline

Vansittart, Robert

Vatican. See under Roman Catholic Church

Veatch, Richard

Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy

Vien, Thomas

Villeneuve, Jean-Marie-Rodrigue, Cardinal of Quebec

Vimy Ridge memorial

Wagner, Richard

Waite, Peter

Waugh, Evelyn

Webb, Beatrice

Weber, Anton

Wegenast, Franklin

Whittaker, William

Wilgress, Dana

Wilson, Horace

Wilson, Woodrow

Windsor, Duke of. See Edward VIII, king

Woodsworth, J.S.: on Edward VIII; integrity and intelligence; on King’s foreign policy; on League of Nations; pacifist convictions; and Riddell

Wrong, Hume
