

“Achille's Last Stand”

Adams, Justin

“Adriatic Seaview”

Aizer, Sam

Albert Hall

Albini, Steve

album covers

Houses of the Holy

Powell and


In Through the Out Door

untitled (fourth album)

“All Day and All of the Night”

“All My Love”

All Your Own (television show)

Almost Famous

Alterman, Loraine

Altham, Keith


Andaz West Hollywood. See Hyatt House (Continental Hyatt, Los Angeles)

Anderson Theatre (New York City)

Anger, Kenneth



Arden, Don

A&R Studios

Atlantic Records



Ertegun and, (See also Ertegun, Ahmet)

40th Anniversary

fourth album and



Led Zeppelin II and

Led Zeppelin signed with

Plant's solo career and

Shaken 'n' Stirred

In Through the Out Door

Weiss and

“Whole Lotta Love” and

Automatic for the People

Ayer, Jane

“Baby, Let's Play House” (Presley)

“Back to the Clubs” tour

Bad Company

legacy of

Presence (Led Zeppelin) recording and

Swan Song and

Baldwin, John

“Ballroom Blitz”

Band of Joy

Bangs, Lester

Bannister, Freddy

Barsalona, Frank

on Page-Plant reunion

Premier Talent

Barsalona, June

Basile, Phil

Bates, David

Bath festival

“Battle of Evermore, The”


Beat Instrumental


“Be Bop a-Lula”

Beck, Jeff

characterization of

Grant and

Jeff Beck Group



“Beck's Bolero” (Beck)

Bell, Maggie

Stone the Crows

Swan Song and

Berman, Morris

Berns, Bert

Bevan, Bev

Bicknell, Ed

“Big Log”

Billy Wright Stand

Bindon, John “Biffo”

characterization of

Oakland (1977) incident

Swan Song and

threats by

Bingenheimer, Rodney

Birmingham Express and Star

Black Country (Midlands), description of

“Black Country Woman”

“Black Dog”


Black Snake Moan

Blackwell, Chris

Bland, Bubba

“Blind Peg-Leg Loser”

Blow-Up (film)

Blues Incorporated

Blunt, Robbie

Bolan, Marc

Boleskine House

Boller, Jack

Bonham, Bill

Bonham, Debbie

Bonham, Jason

childhood of

drumming by

Led Zeppelin reunion and

Bonham, John

alcohol and drug use by

band publicity management and

biographical information

characterization of

children of

death of

drumming by

early bands

Fairport Convention and

Hinton and

Hughes and

income of

marriage of

New Yardbirds

Oakland (1977) incident

Plant and


The Song Remains the Same

songwriting by

Tour Over Europe

Bonham, Pat

Hughes and

husband's death and

marriage of

Bonham, Zoe


Brennan, Moya

Brilleaux, Lee

“Bring It on Home”

Broadhurst Gardens (West Hampstead)


Brown, Carol

Brown, Chris

Browne, Carol

Buell, Bebe

Burnett, T Bone

Burrell, Boz


Caine, Michael

Calder, Tony

Callan, Alan

Grant and

Page and

on Page's guitar playing

Swan Song and

views on Bell

Calmes, Jack

concert staging and

on crew's treatment

Hinton and

Knebworth concerts

Cameron, Ray

Captain Beefheart

Carlo, Julie

Carlo, Phil

The Firm

at Grant's funeral

Horselunges job of

Live Aid

Swan Song liquidation and

as tour manager (1980)

Carl Wayne and the Vikings

Carnes, Gary


Carousel Ballroom (San Francisco)

Carr, Roy

Carson, Phil

The Firm

Grant and

Page's solo career

Pictures at Eleven (Plant) and

promotion and

Shaken 'n' Stirred

Swan Song and

Tour Over Europe

on tour with Led Zeppelin

Carter-Lewis & the Southerners


Cattini, Clem


Celebration, A (Lewis)

“Celebration Day”

Charles, Ray

Charlesworth, Chris

Charlton, Bill

Chess Records

Childhood's End (Clarke)

Chistlehurst Caves

Christian, Dick

Christian, Neil


Churchill-Hale, Richard


Clapton, Eric

biographical information

characterization of

Cole and

Dave Kelly's Swing Shop and

Page and


Clark, Dick

Clark, Gene

Clarke, Arthur C.

Clifton, Peter

on Led Zeppelin management

The Song Remains the Same

Coach and Horses (Soho)

Cobo Hall (Detroit)

Cole, Marilyn

Cole, Michael

Cole, Richard

band's drug use and

characterization of

Clapton and

Drake Hotel (New York City) robbery and

early U.S. tours

financial problems of

Grant and

incarceration of

at Knebworth

marriage of

New Yardbirds and

Oakland (1977) incident

on Page-Plant reunion

Plant and

The Song Remains the Same

Stairway to Heaven

Swan Song and

on tour with Led Zeppelin

Collins, Phil

Colour Me Gone


Colyer, Ken

“Communication Breakdown”

Concerts East

Concerts West

Condliffe, Brian

Cope, Barbara “Butter Queen”

Corn Flakes (Kellogg)

Cornick, Glenn

Corrigan-Devlin, Gyl

Coulson, Clive

Coverdale, David



Crawling King Snakes


Creamer, Richard


Crockford, Paul

Crowe, Cameron

Crowley, Aleister, See also occult, Page and

“Crunge, The”

Curbishley, Bill

Daily Express

Dalton, David

Dalton, Karen


D'Arcy, Doug

Dautrich, Bill

Davies, Chalkie

Davies, Cyril

Davies, Dave

Davis, Clive

Davis, Stephen

“Dazed and Confused”

Deamer, Clive

Death Wish 90


Deep Blues (Palmer)

DeHavilland, Terry

Del-Fi (Los Angeles)

Delsener, Ron

Denny, Sandy

Denny Laine and the Diplomats

Dent, Malcolm

Des Barres, Michael


Dick Clark Caravan of Stars

Diddley, Bo

Disc and Music Echo

Dixon, Shirley

Dixon, Willie

Dolan, Mike

Dolly (cleaner)

Donegan, Lonnie


“Don't Turn Your Back on Me, Babe”

Drake Hotel (New York City), robbery at

Dreamland (Plant)

Dream Machine

Dreja, Chris

Dupree, Champion Jack

DVD (Page)

“D'yer Maker”

Earl's Court

Eaton, Nigel

Ecker, Patricia

Edmunds, Dave

Electric Mud (Waters)

Ellis, Terry

Emerson, Keith

EMI Studios

Emmer, Bob

Entwistle, John

Epic Records

Epsom (England), Page and


Ertegun, Ahmet

Atlantic Records role

Atlantic Records signing with New Yardbirds

band publicity and

Carson and

characterization of

Cole and

death of

at Earl's Court party

fourth album and

Grant and

Led Zeppelin reunion in memory of

Led Zeppelin royalty finances

London and

Plant's solo career and

promotion and

Rolling Stones and

Swan Song and

talent management and

Ertegun, Mica

Ertegun, Nesuhi

Es Peranza

Eve, Mick

Fairport Convention

Fallon, BP

at Headley Grange

at Knebworth

publicity by

travel with Zeppelin

Farley, Bill

Farx Club (Southall)

Fate of Nations (Plant)

Fillmore (San Francisco)

Firm, The

Folk Festival of the Blues


Foster, Perry

“Four Sticks” (Plant)

Fowley, Kim

Fox, Don

Fox, Mitchell

Frank Freeman's Ballroom

Franklin, Tony


Freeman, Frank



Fromme, Squeaky

Fry, Tom

Fudge, Vanilla

Full House

Gallivan, Brian

Gammond, Kevyn

Gardiner, Diane

Geffen, David

Gibb, Maurice

Gilbert, Vanessa

Gillett, Charlie


“Going to California”

Goldberg, Danny

Presence and

publicity role

Swan Song and

Goldsmith, Harvey

Gomelsky, Giorgio

Gomez-Paratcha, Jimena

Goode, Brian

“Good Times, Bad Times”

“Got My Mojo Working”

Gould, Lord John

Goulding, Colin

Graham, Bill

Barsalona and

on music business income

Oakland (1977) incident

Graham, Bobby

Granny Takes a Trip

Grant, Gloria

characterization of

lifestyle of

marriage of

on Peter Grant's early career

at Peter Grant's funeral

The Song Remains the Same

Grant, Helen

childhood of

on father's condition after Bonham's death

on father's friendship with Desiree Kirke

on Led Zeppelin tours

views on Most

Grant, Pam

Grant, Peter

on albums vs. singles

Atlantic Records signing

Beck managed by

Bindon and

biographical information

Bonham's death and

on bootleg records

characterization of

Cole and

crew's treatment by

death of


Drake Hotel (New York City) robbery and

drug use by

early U.S. tours

family of, (See also Grant, Gloria; Grant, Helen; Grant, Warren)

Gilbert and

homes of

Jones and

at Knebworth

Led Zeppelin name and

management by, and early U.S. tours

management hierarchy of band

marriage of

New Yardbirds and

90/10 concert promotion arrangement of

Oakland (1977) incident

organized crime and

Page and

Plant and

post-Led Zeppelin work of

RAK Management inception

The Song Remains the Same

Swan Song demise and

Swan Song inception and

Weiss and

Grant, Warren

childhood of

views on father

Green, Jonathan

Greenberg, Jerry

Griffin, Dale “Buffin”

Grimes, Geoff

Grohl, Dave


Creem story and

culture of

Led Zeppelin's treatment of

Yardbirds and

Guy, Buddy

Halfin, Ross

Halford, Bob

Halliday, Toni

Hammer of the Gods (Davis)

Hamzy, Connie

Hanson, Penny

Harper, Roy

at Bath festival

groupies and

Led Zeppelin and

Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC)

Shaken 'n' Stirred

Swan Song and

Harris, Emmylou

Harris, Jet

Harrison, George

Harry, Bill

Harvey, Les

Harwood, Ketih

Hauser, Tim

Hayward, Richie

Headley Grange (Hampshire)


Hefner, Hugh

Hell's Angels

Hendrix, Jimi

Herbie Goins and the Night-Timers

Herman's Hermits

“Hi Ho Silver Lining”

Hinton, Mick

Bonham and

characterization of

financial problems of

at Knebworth

post-Led Zeppelin finances

Hobbs, Rick

Hoch, Abe

Page and

Presence and

Swan Song and

Hodge, Vicki

Holder, Noddy

“Hold On, I'm Coming”

Holland, Dave

Hollingworth, Roy

Homme, Josh


Horselunges Manor

House, Son

Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin)

Howlin' Wolf (Chester Burnett)

“How Many More Times”

Hudson, Edward

Hudson, Joan

Hughes, Christ

Hughes, Glenn

Hunter, Ian

Hunter, Russell

Huston, Chris

Hyatt House (Continental Hyatt, Los Angeles)

Iannaci, Elizabeth “Betty”

on band's treatment of women

Bindon and

on blues

Plant and

Swan Song and

IBC Studios

“I Believe”

“I'm Gonna Crawl”

Immediate Records

“Immigrant Song”

Incredible String Band

Ingram Road School (London)

In My Own Time (Dalton)

“In the City” (Manchester, 1992)

“In the Evening”

In Through the Out Door

Knebworth concerts


Iommi, Tony


It Might Get Loud (documentary)

Ivil, Anna

Jackson, Al

Jackson, J.J.

Jagger, Mick

characterization of

Chess and

Immediate Records

on Led Zeppelin

mobile recording truck of

publicity and

Rolling Stones at Jazz & Blues Festival (1961)

Jeff Beck Group

Jeffrey, Mike

Jennings Farm

Jet Blacks

Jethro Tull

Johns, Andy

Island recording sessions

Led Zeppelin II

views on Page

Johns, Glyn

Morgan Studios and

New Yardbirds name and

New Yardbirds production and

session playing

Johnson, Robert

Johnstone, Phil

Jones, Andy

Jones, Brian

Jones, Charlie

Jones, Chris

Jones, John Paul

biographical information

Bonham's death and

characterization of

Devon home of

dissatisfaction with touring

Gilbert and

marriage of

Most and

New Yardbirds

Page-Plant reunion and

Plant and

post-Led Zeppelin arranging by

post-Led Zeppelin reunions

as session player

session playing by

in The Song Remains the Same

songwriting by

stage name of

on “Stairway to Heaven”

Jones, Maureen “Mo”

Jones, Reg

Jones, Tom

Joplin, Janis

Joy Strings

Juggy Sound


Katz, Charlie

Kaye, Shelley

on band's income

on band's place of residence

Bell and

Cole and

Grant and

promotion and

Swan Song and

Swan Song liquidation and

Tour Over Europe and

Weiss and

“Keep Moving”


Kelly, Dave

Kennedy, Nigel

Kent, Nick

Kessler, Danny

Kezar Stadium (San Francisco)

King, Rex


Kirke, Desiree

Kirke, Simon

Bad Company

Bonham and

divorce of

on drug abuse by Led Zeppelin

Grant and

Knebworth concerts

Knight, Iggy

Korner, Alexis

Kramer, Eddie

Krauss, Alison

Kretzschmar, Donnie

Krupa, Gene

L.A. Forum

Labour of Lust (Lowe)

Laine, Denny

Lake, Greg

Lane, Penny

Laverne, Roger

Law, Don

Lawson and Four More

Led Zeppelin

acoustic music of

Asia tour (1972)

Atlantic Records contract, (See also Atlantic Records)

Bonham's death and

concert staging

costumes/clothing of

crew's treatment by

disbanding of

early musical influences on

early radio promotion

early tours of England

early U.S. popularity


hotel behavior of

Houses of the Holy


income of

Knebworth concerts

Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin II

Led Zeppelin III

management of


naming of

as New Yardbirds

Oakland (1977) incident

Physical Graffiti


production and



publicity, about Bonham's death


security of

The Song Remains the Same

songwriting and

in Southern United States

tax exile of

In Through the Out Door

Tour Over Europe

travel by

untitled (fourth album)

See also Bonham, John; Grant, Peter; Jones, John Paul; music industry; Page, Jimmy; Plant, Robert; Swan Song; Weiss, Steve; individual names of songs

Lee, Michael

Lefevre, Benji

Bonham's death and

characterization of

Honeydrippers and

Led Zeppelin reunion and

Plant's recovery from accident and

Shaken 'n' Stirred

Lennon, John

Lentz, Curtis

Les Petits Bon Bons

Lewis, Dave

Lewis, Leona

Lewis, Red E.

Lisberg, Harvey


Little Feat

Little Games

Little Jim

Little Richard

Live Aid

Lockey, Paul

Logan, Nick

Lomax, Alan

London, Mark

Los Angeles Times

Lowe, Nick

Lucifer Rising


Lynne, Jeff

MacFarlane, Norman

Maclean, Bruce

Maclean, Unity

Bonham's death and

Grant and

Swan Song and

Madison Square Garden

Magid, Larry

Maglieri, Mikael

Malcolm Rose Agency

Malieri, Mario

Manic Nirvana (Plant)

Ma Regan's Ritz Dance and Social Club

Markus, Danny


Marriott, Steve

Martin, Charlotte

Martinez, Paul

Marx, Groucho

Mases, Leif

Massey, Marion

Massot, Joe

Mattix, Lori

Buell and

groupie culture and

Page and

Matzorkis, Jim

May, Phil

Mayall, John

McCartney, Paul

McCarty, Jim

McGrath, Earl

McGregor, Sandy

McLagan, Ian

McLaren, Malcolm

Medious, Mario


Meehan, Tony

Meissonnier, Martin

Melly, George

Melody Maker

“Memory Lane”

“Memory Song”

Mendelsohn, John

Mensch, Peter

Meredith, Sian

Mid-South Coliseum (Memphis)

Miles, John


Mitchell, Joni

“Moby Dick”


Moody, Doug

Moody Blues

Moon, Keith

Morgan Studios

Morley, Paul

Most, Mickie

Jones and

RAK Management inception and

session playing

single releases and

Yardbirds and


Mott the Hoople


MPL Communications


Murfet, Don

Murray, Charlie

music industry

advent of CDs

albums vs. singles

Artist Relations

bootleg records and

early rock and roll popularity in U.S. and talent management



popularity of early white rock and roll


punk rock popularity

radio promotion and rock and roll

rise of American pop music

“Third Album Syndrome”

“Whole Lotta Love” recording and

Myer, Michelle

Myers, Laurence

Myles, Alannah

Mystic Sound

Napier-Bell, Simon

Neil Christian & the Crusaders

Nevison, Ron

New Barbarians

New Musical Express

New Vaudeville Band

New Yardbirds

Atlantic Records signing






No Quarter (Page, Plant)

Northover, Dave

“Not Fade Away”

Notting Hillbillies

Now and Zen (Plant)


Oakland (1977) incident


occult, Page and

Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC)

Oldham, Andrew Loog

Oldhill Plaza

Olympic Studios

organized crime

Grant and

at Knebworth

Weiss and

O'Rourke, Steve

“Our Song”

Outrider (Page)

“Over the Hills and Far Away”

“Over Under Sideways Down”

Page, Jimmy

band management hierarchy and

biographical information

Bonham's death and

Buell and

characterization of

Cole and


daughter of

drug use


The Firm

Grant and

guitar playing by

homes of

Jones and

Led Zeppelin name and

marriages of

Mattix and

New Yardbirds

occult interest of

Plant and

post-Led Zeppelin reunions

post-Zeppelin work

relationships with women, (See also groupies)

as session player

in The Song Remains the Same

songwriting by

Swan Song and catalog ownership

Weiss and


ZoSo symbol

Page, Pat

Page, Scarlet

Palmer, Robert

Parker, Peter

Peel, John

Pegg, Dave

Pendleton, Harold


Perry, Mark

Physical Graffiti (Led Zeppelin)

Pickett, Kenny

Pictures at Eleven

“Piece of Your Mind, A”

Plant, Annie

Plant, Carmen

Plant, Karac

Plant, Logan

Plant, Maureen

car accident

marriage of

New Yardbirds and

son's death

Plant, Robert

band hierarchy and

in Band of Joy

band publicity and

biographical information

Bonham and

Bonham's death and

car accident

characterization of

children of

Cole and

Crawling King Snakes

Grant and

groupies and

homes of


income of

Jones and

Led Zeppelin reunion plans and

“Legalize Pot” publicity by

Live Aid

marriage of

Melody Maker interview

New Yardbirds

Oakland (1977) incident

Page and

Pictures at Eleven

post-Led Zeppelin reunions

Priory of Brion

Raising Sand

Shaken 'n' Stirred

singing by

solo career of

The Song Remains the Same

songwriting by

on sponsorship

Plaster-Caster, Cynthia

Plumpton Place


“Polly” (Clark)



Pop, Iggy

Povey, John

Powell, Aubrey


Pratt, Guy

Premier Talent

Presence (Led Zeppelin)

album cover



Presley, Elvis

Press, Perry

Pressure Drop (Palmer)

Preston, Neal

Pretty Things

Priory of Brion

Proby, P. J.

punk rock, popularity of

Pye Studios

Quatro, Suzi

Queen of the Night (Bell)

Queen's Head (Erdlington)

Rainbow Bar & Grill (Los Angeles)

“Rain Song, The”

Raising Sand (Plant, Krauss)

RAK Management

Grant and Swan Song inception

inception of

Oxford Street (London) office of

Yardbirds and

Ralphs, Mick

“Ramble On”

Record Mirror

Record Plant


Red E. Lewis and the Redcaps

Reeves, Paul

Regent Sound

Reid, Terry

Reiss, Barry Jay

Relf, Keith

Rich, Buddy

Richards, Keith

characterization of

New Barbarians

Page's heroin use and

Rolling Stones

Rimmer, William

Riot House

Riviera, Jake

roadies. See Lefevre, Benji

Roberts, Elliot

Robertson, Willie

Robinson, Lisa

“Rock and Roll”

“Rock Island Line” (Donegan)

Rodgers, Paul

The Firm

Rolling Stone

Rolling Stones

Andy Johns and

Bates and

Hell's Angels at Altamont and

IBC studios

image of

influence of

at Jazz & Blues Festival (1961)

Led Zeppelin rivalry with

publicity and

Their Satanic Majesties Request

See also Jagger, Mick; Richards, Keith

Romano, Ronny

Rose, Tim

Rosenberg, Steve

Rose Palace (Pasadena)

Roth, David Lee

Rowley, Terry

Rundgren, Todd

Rushock Parish Church

Sach, Cynthia

Safer, Janine

at live performances

publicity for Led Zeppelin and

views on Page

Samwell-Smith, Paul

Saturday Night Live

Scabies, Rat

Schulps, Dave

Scofield, Ken

Secunda, Tony


Sessler, Freddy

Sex Pistols


Shaken 'n' Stirred (Plant)

Shand Kydd, Adam

Sheehan, Dennis

Sheene, Barry

“She Just Satisfies”

Shepperton Studios


Silver Clef Dinner and Auction (New York


Simister, Peter

“Since I've Been Loving You”


Small Faces

Smith, Joe

Smith, Steve

Smith, Tony

Song Remains the Same, The (film)

Spencer Davis Group

Spicer, John “Jumbo”

Springfield, Dusty

“Stairway to Heaven”

performances of

recording of

Stairway to Heaven (Cole)

Stanislowski, Matthew

Stanley, Ralph


Starr, Sable


Stax Records

Steele, Alison

Stephens, Geoff

Stewart, Ian

Stewart, Rod

Stigwood, Robert

Stipe, Michael

Stone the Crows


Stourbridge Art College

Strange Sensation

Studio Instrument Rehearsals

Sullivan, Big Jim

Surbiton (England), characterization of

Sutton and Cheam Advertiser

Swan Song


demise of

Edmunds and

inception of

liquidation of



Safer's departure from

Television Personalities

See also Grant, Peter


Swing Shop

Sylvester, Andy

Talmy, Shel

Tampa Stadium (1973 concert)

Tampa Stadium (1977 concert)

Taylor, Derek

“Tea for One”

Tea Party (Boston)

“Telephone Blues”

Television Personalities


Texas Jam Festival (1974)

“That's the Way”

Their Satanic Majesties Request (Rolling Stones)

Thomas, Ray

Thomas, Rufus

Thompson, Geoff

Thompson, Porl

Thompson, Tony

Thorgesen, Storm

Tight But Loose

Tolinski, Brad

Top Spot (Ross-on-Wye)

Tour Over Europe


“Trampled Under Foot”


Treacy, Dan

Trentham Gardens (Stoke)


Troubadour (Los Angeles)

Trouser Press

Trower, Robin


“29 Palms” (Plant)

Tyler, Steven


Uhelszki, Jaan

UnLedded (Page, Plant)

untitled (fourth album) (Led Zeppelin)

Vandross, Luther

Vanilla Fudge

Vincent, Gene

Voodoo Lounge

Ward, Lionel

Warhol, Andy

Warner Brothers

Was, Don

Washburn, Ray

Waters, Muddy

Electric Mud

Folk Festival of the Blues

influence of

Korner and

“You Need Love”

Watts, Charlie

Wayne, Carl

Wayne the Gasman

WBCN (Boston)

“Wearing and Tearing”

Webb, Stan

Weingarten, Wedeen, & Weiss

Weintraub, Jerry

Weiss, Marie

Weiss, Steve

Atlantic Records signing

band security and

Bindon and

characterization of

crew's treatment and

death of

early U.S. tours and

Grant and

90/10 promotion arrangement of

Oakland (1977) incident

office of

Presence and

publicity management and

Swan Song and

Welch, Chris

Welch, Morgana

Wells, Frank

Wenner, Jann

Wexler, Jerry

“When the Levee Breaks”

Whisky a Go Go (Los Angeles)

White, Jack


band rapport and

Barsalona and

Keith Moon

management of

“Whole Lotta Love”

“Why Cry”

Wigg, David

Williams, Sally

Wilson, Shirley

“Winchester Cathedral” (Stephens)

Winner, Michael

Winwood, Steve


Witherspoon, Jimmy

WNEW (New York City)


Wonder, Stevie

Wood, Krissy

Wood, Ronnie

Wood, Roy

Woodroffe, Jezz

Wrecking Ball (Harris)

Wright, Chris

Wyman, Bill



Beck and

break up of

Clapton and

Dreja and

New Yardbirds name and

Page and

RAK Management and

Weiss as lawyer of

“You'd Better Run”

“You Need Love”

Young, Neil

Young Rascals

“Your Mama's Out of Town”

“You Shook Me”

Zappa, Frank